Armitage anatomy: labial commissures

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) listens to Ros as she explains how he’ll locate the terrorist group in Spooks 8.7. Source:

Need to use this word in a sentence?

Servetus says, “I love how the his lips turn in towards his mouth, slightly but noticeably, at the labial commissures. It’s sweet and gives his mouth such expressive possibilities.”


“Wanting to be gentle with him, Servetus kissed him first, lightly, at his labial commissures.”

~ by Servetus on October 23, 2011.

20 Responses to “Armitage anatomy: labial commissures”

  1. He has really boss labial commissures. Such an expressive, mobile, tempting mouth. *sigh* I love the softness it takes on when he is “sleeping.” A certain vulnerability.

    This has to be the “funnest” science lesson series I have ever experienced, BTW. 😀


    • Absolutely agree with you on all points, angie. That vulnerability when he’s “sleeping” just makes me melt. I’ve never had any interest in anatomy but Servetus and a particularly fascinating subject certainly make it fun.


  2. My mother just had dermal filler in her labial commissures last Wednesday. Now I cant help looking at the pic and wondering where he needs botox and fillers!

    I’m so shallow, LOL!


  3. Wow Serv!

    You’ve got the start to an RA inspired fan fiction story there:

    “Wanting to be gentle with him, Servetus kissed him first, lightly, at his labial commissures.”

    I’m fanning myself. Ha! You go girl!

    Cheers! Grati ;->


  4. Oh you ladies…..I’m having “the time of my life” reading all these posts and comments. I haven’t laughed so much in ages!

    Please, God, don’t let Richard ever use Botox or dermal fillers. It would make it too difficult for him to provide us with his enchanting facial expressions. Just let him grow old naturally.

    Oh, goodness……does that sound blasphemous? I certainly didn’t mean to.


    • I don’t know, is this taking the name of the Lord in vain? 🙂


      • Certainly not the way I said it in my mind. But I’m an ex-Catholic and I wouldn’t want to offend anyone, that’s all. I do actuallly say a little prayer for Richard (amongst others) every now and again. Other people wouldn’t know that about me and might think I was just making a joke in really bad taste.


  5. Oh wow there’s a phrase that begs to be used. Labial Commisures.

    I really love his mouth. It doesn’t need to be any fuller to be sensual because it’s so expressive along with his eyes.

    When it softens and his lips just part a little I melt and that little pucker up has me on the floor.


  6. I just love his mouth. He doesn’t need full lips for it to be sensual because it’s so expressive along with his eyes.


  7. […] the labial commissures; […]


  8. […] abbreviated upper lip, or the simultaneous hardness and vulnerability he signals at the labial commissures (the latter point is probably more evident if you look at the caps right around this one, with […]


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