Suited and shod Armitage and thumb

I have *got* to work today. BUT. Just saw this nice full length picture. So you know what’s coming up later today. Sartorial analysis. Armitage is really resartus.

Richard Armitage, world premiere of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Wellington, New Zealand, November 28, 2012.


And, yeah, es versteht sich:

~ by Servetus on November 28, 2012.

28 Responses to “Suited and shod Armitage and thumb”

  1. You and me both – cut it out and get back to work! 😀


  2. The suit is FABULOUS. I like the full length but don’t care for the face angle – makes him look chinless unfortunately.


  3. OMG! Thank you Servetus!


  4. Looking forward to your analysis, Serv. This is a gorgeous shot of him!


  5. Ahhhh–I love a man in wingtips!


  6. Richard Armitage is impeccably dressed! Sighhh! His gentlemanly poise, confidence, and that endearing smile definitely stopped my heart!


  7. A change from the ratty, tatty grey t-shirt. Or the untucked blue shirts. He does clean up quite nicely. 😀


  8. Oh I love him in this image!


  9. Suit aside – from certain angles it almost looked as if Richard had put on guyliner… Or maybe something is wrong with my eyes. But hey, not complaining, I like the Guy-look.


  10. This is a GREAT look for him! Yeah to his stylist! Hive five! Great JOB! Never looked better at a premiere. LOVE IT!


  11. No disrespect to him at all, but I preferred the outfits we saw over the last few days as this is too conservative. I also think he looks older and wonder why. I think the proportions of his face are different, as a result of the combed back hairstyle combined with the lack of beard. The hairstyle is in fashion (MF and DO’G wore their hair in a similar way) but it really enhances his forehead. At Comic Com that was outbalanced by the beard, but now it is not. I think the LN/JP hairstyle in more flattering.


  12. IMO our reluctant STAR looks fabulous! 🙂


  13. Well, it was a slightly significant premiere. So, the stylist-dictated? retro look (which he can wear) had its place. As costume is very important to him, no doubt he will find a comfortable median between his natural off-duty scruffy t-shirt etc. look, and the super-elegant. It is a new era in his life.


    • Exactly what I was thinking…this is a very retro look that’s in style now partly due to the Mad Men TV show. I like it on him. RA reminds me of movie stars from earlier years anyway — particularly Gregory Peck — so I think it suits him well (no pun intended).


  14. Here the suit on a blog about menswear:


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