Richard Armitage at FOUR on imdb!


I was waiting until New Year’s Eve to post this because I thought Richard Armitage wouldn’t beat 52 until the movie had been out at least a week or two. But I was so wrong, and I’m glad. He just reached number 4 on IMDb: screen capture 2012-12-17-17-38-10

Someone needs to make a new graphic! All of you Photoshoppers out there need to get busy so we can have another picture with a toast. 😀 Tanni?

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~ by Servetus on December 18, 2012.

11 Responses to “”

  1. I like his white skin, but I think I like him in any color!!!


  2. Well, at least if the world ends next week, we have something to send us out with a bang! 🙂


  3. Wooow, that’s wonderful news !!! 🙂


  4. This means a LOT. It means viewers notice him and are interested enough in him to look him, in spite of him not being labelled as the lead. It was to be expected to find MF at the top and that RA would make a jump, but I never expected him to jump so high. I have been worrying about review and box office numbers for weeks, but this makes me happy.


  5. I wonder how long he’ll stay in the top 10 🙂


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