Richard Armitage Legenda 98: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff about Richard Armitage that I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]

Drowned by the waves

Now I understand what someone meant (sorry, I’ve forgotten who said this to me) that Armitageworld sort of loses intellectual energy when new material appears. Not that it’s bad, but the power differential between Armitage and fans changes and we’re all kind of knocked on our asses for a while. And then we procrastinate!

653573514Richard Armitage, Los Angeles, September 2013.

Responses to the BAFTA Tea Party in LA

See what I mean?

More food

tumblr_mtmx70SR731rm1oato1_1280This looks like Tanni Tani again — not sure where I picked it up, though.

Richard Armitage archive

Richard Armitage tumblr

May be NSFW. Somebody make me stop!

A fanfic invitation

If you’ve never written a fanfic, writing a short Christmas-themed story with your favorite chaRActer(s) can be a great way to get your feet wet. Here’s an invitation to do it! This is a great idea, and even if I’m not a Christian anymore, I LOVE reading Christmas-themed fanfic.

Richard Armitage-related fanfic

Be sure to read any and all disclaimers.

  • Keep checking out “My Story Blog” for fanfic recs.
  • “The Saga of Vaenomar” goes to ch. 32. Prehistory of the Erebor exiles; occasionally edgy, sexy.
  • At wattpad: MorrighansMuse’s “A Willing Heart” goes to ch. 15 and 16 and 17. Dwarves between exile and retaking Erebor; romance.
  • At DF [let one of us know if you want to be reading DF and aren’t]: Obscura’s “Recovery” goes to ch. 17. John Porter + OFC. This chapter is very “mature.”
  • At wattpad: Arkenstone’s “Rubbing me the Wrong Way” continues. Humorous adventures of Lady 0akenshield and several of her compatriots.
  • At DF: CarlyQ’s “Oasis.” Guy of Gisborne + OFC, AU, very explicit, piercing.

OT, collateral attractions, and things I think about

~ by Servetus on September 28, 2013.

29 Responses to “Richard Armitage Legenda 98: Stuff worth reading”

  1. Thanks for doing Legenda this week, Serv. Lots of good stuff I missed. Again! So is that soul piercing or just plain old flesh piercing? Hah!


  2. Loss of intellectual energy…that’s for sure! I was sitting at the computer today struggling to pull myself out of the abyss caused by those pix and post on something…anything else!

    Thanks as always for the links to my stuff…(“very mature”…yikes!)


  3. I think my blood has coagulated there. I need to get up from this chair and get it pumping again.


  4. what did I tell you….Thanks for the listings…I am forever in your debt.


  5. Oodles of gReAt links here! Thanks so much for collecting and sharing all of them! And thanks for including my link in the RA mania of last week. Ha!


  6. Thank you for adding my stories to your list! Glad to see my posts and stories in wonderful company! Alas no piercings in mine 😉


    • I added that note because the way that board is organized you don’t always see disclaimers. I love stories w/o piercings, too 🙂


      • I was supposed to write a disclaimer? Guys! You have to tell me these things! (my internet etiquette is sorely underdeveloped) I was just assuming that anything posted there had a good chance of leaving me red-faced, sweating, scared, repulsed, disgusted, intrigued and/or horrified with equal regularity. Off to declaim…..


        • DF doesn’t require disclaimers, b/c it’s all behind a password anyway. There are a few stories there that have an additional password, but for the most part you’re assumed to be capable of reading the stuff there if you are a member. Since I’m directing the potentially unsuspecting there, however, I think it’s only fair.


  7. Oooh, I am just loving the longer hair. So luscious. I like the less-anal retentive look, always… and the fact that he’s just a little bit more feminine somehow rivets me.

    Also: what great links!


    • Armitageworld is a really creative place. So glad to be a part of it.

      It’s the only time that my sexism seriously worries me — when I see a picture of him and find myself wanting to say “smile a little more, honey.”


  8. As with each Legenda, there are so many goodies here. But I just discovered CarlyQ. Oasis is so beautiful and nuanced and honest. Such a lovely departure from what one might typically expect of Sir Guy fiction. But thank you for all of this!


  9. Thanks again for the link to my blog Serv and for all the great stuff you found 🙂


  10. Thanks for the link to my post. 🙂 Photos of Richard from the BAFTA Tea Party, will inspire us for a long time, I suppose. * sigh*


  11. Thanks for the link to my post. 🙂


  12. Sorry…forgot I hadn’t said thanks for the link! So thanks 🙂


  13. […] a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff about Richard Armitage that I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


  14. […] a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff about Richard Armitage that I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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