Pictures of Richard Armitage like this one actually hearten me


i.e., I know I’m going to be photographed mostly from the belt up. Putting on my boots that make me happy. Well, I’m guessing that is what it is. And thus not making my customary remarks about the trouser break for a change!

~ by Servetus on June 26, 2015.

41 Responses to “Pictures of Richard Armitage like this one actually hearten me”

  1. If your feet are not happy, neither are you. I am guessing his feet (and the rest of him) are happy. 😀


    • this is actually one reason I increasingly avoid certain kinds of social situation. I don’t feel like putting on the instruments of torture …


  2. Vielleicht kam er mit dem Rad zur Preisverleihung. Du kennst diese Hosenklammern für Radfahrer, damit sich nichts in der Fahrradkette verfängt? 😀


  3. His stylist must be really upset at him, but I think he looks adorable even with his messy trouser break…. ❤


  4. I said it before. I think he has recently had some sort of “epiphany” moment, and to me this is most unlike him. Always looking so polished and perfect. This is a step in the right direction. I think the “Real RA” is definitely trying to step out. Good for him! Chaffed!


    • This is more consistent with his appearances before the Hobbit and Ilaria Urbinati. Repeated clothing mishaps.


  5. Aaaa… there he is! Richard! 😀


  6. Forgot to pack shoes. Put on traveling boots instead. Only fans will notice – adorable 🙂


  7. Our man back to his casual self. I like that a lot. Still his hand in the pocket……
    What really is a bit extraordinaire (or bizarre/odd) is this unbelievably coloured/cheap-looking background wall for the official photographs….(did they expect …only dwarves??)
    (Though normally I like the colour torquoise, but….)

    Oh, and I’m brave now….could do without the beard!!!!!! (me ducking away) I know, I know…


  8. The old Richard? I like Richard 😀


  9. Wow, I like this pic so much after the less or more photoshopped (?) selfies, he´s on his self now?
    And I like the anachronism between suit and footwear – ja, und wenn er da wirklich hingeradelt ist, wo sind denn bitteschoen die Fahrradklemmen, oder gibts die nur in Deutschland? - since I can´t wear higheels anymore due to my ankle break a year ago, though still working on it (I´d never give my shoes away :)
    After a long and cold raining period in Germany, there´s so smooth weather this evening; sitting on my balcony watching the few stars shining I
    m in the mood to “forgive ” Mr. A everything I was disturbed of during the last two weeks or so, wondering why we always forgive men and find excuses for their behaviour while being so critical with ourselves and other females (not only in the fandom maybe in general).
    Not that I really have to forgive Mr. A anything, as Guylty said “I like Richard” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ute: da sind ganz bestimmt die Fahrradklammern. Schau mal genau hin 😉


      • Du bist dumm 🙂 Ich muss jetzt lachen und reingehen, damit die Nachbarn sich nicht beschweren 🙂


      • Ich wohne in einer ehrwürdigen Rentner-Gemeinde, bin auch in meinem “fortgeschrittenen” Alter die Jüngste in Haus und Umgebung, und thabe trotzdem gef…, als der Aufzug heute abend nicht funktionierte, ja, so weit ist es schon mit mir gekommen…


    • Wow, Ute, wie hast du das denn hingekriegt?? So viele verschiedene Schrifttypen. Auf deinem Balkon ist ja mächtig was los……


    • Why we always forgive me? That’s been showing in my private messages about him so much later. I agree, this was a more herzlicher Richard.

      re: Fahrklammern — LA isn’t really a city in which any sane person would bike.


  10. Il a vraiment besoin de quelqu’un pour s’occuper de son intendance , pour lui faire des listes , pour superviser sa valise en fonction de ses obligations et veiller à ce qu’il apparaisse toujours reposé pour les grands rendez- vous médiatiques . Qui se propose ?


    • I think there would be a lot of volunteers.

      I admit that you kind of wonder what he was thinking. If he was going to wear boots, fine, then just pull the trousers over them … it looks like he just got off a plane.


      • Trop chou !
        Il ressemble à un enfant perdu qui est complètement surpris de recevoir une telle récompense et improvise dans la précipitation oubliant les chaussures adéquates pour une tenue de pingouin.


  11. The way his pants are sort of rucked up over the top makes me wonder if he wore a different pair on the red carpet, then traded for a comfy pair when he got inside. Like, no way he’s going to get photographed again . . . hey, is that my name? ohshit. 😀


    • I thought, he had his shoes off in the limo, fell asleep, and then had to put them back on quick …


      • Stuff like this reminds me of when he once said, “If I ever had a sense of fashion, I lost it somewhere” or words to that effect. Although it is mostly an absolute win as an ensemble, those boots just make me smile. And feel empathy. Dress shoes/boots can be danged uncomfortable and you can understand a guy wanting to bail out of them if he thinks he has the chance.


    • Imaginez sur le tapis ROUGE : un costume deux pièces BLEU , une cravate VERT d’EAU et les fameuses chaussures BLEUES TURQUOISES de l’aéroport canadien .
      Un festival de couleurs , un sourire angélique aux lèvres, le soleil de l’été et les récompenses font se libérer le nouveau visage de Richard Armitage .
      Avez vous une idée pour la couleur des chaussettes ? Je vote pour turquoises avec des pois bleus .


  12. Lol…its just my theory, but perhaps he needed to parachute onto the red carpet, limo not available or something. Hence, the paratrooper/Porter look below, but more spiffy up top. That would also explain the scuffing and dirt on those fav boots of his! Check out the woman’s face next to him…she’s got a face of glass… I know just what she’s thinking! Her expression is just too funny!
    I’m just happy for him. He can be comfortable to wear what he wants, even though this makes me feel like those dreams when you go to school in your pajamas (though now the kids really DO that as a fashion statement )!


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