More description of the plot of My Zoe #richardarmitage

This just gets better and better.

~ by Servetus on February 7, 2017.

16 Responses to “More description of the plot of My Zoe #richardarmitage”

  1. I found the same in French ^^


  2. Aaah mixed feelings! On one hand, the movie sounds like it could be great. On another, not sure I wanna see Richard in an abusive role. 😦


    • Sorry your comment got caught up in spam. I agree, abusive ex husband is not a real winner role, but if it gets him more work …


  3. But if this does get filmed in spring that means he’s not in Berlin Station anymore. I really had hopes for an interesting development of his character (and maybe his relationship with Esther) in season 2. It would explain why he was so quiet about that, though.


    • Chouette projet! L’ex mari n’est pas le rôle principal. Il n’aura peut-être pas besoin d’y passer de nombreuses semaines de travail au printemps. Berlin n’est pas loin de Londres.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Not necessarily; films like this one without foreign locations it seems and no special effects etc can shoot in 2-3 months max; besides his character is just the ex-husband in the toxic relationship (the mother drives the story) so very likely a much shorter shooting time.


  4. So glad he’s not continuing in BS. His talent was underutilized, and the writing was weak. Much better for him to get film roles with prominent actors that will draw him a larger audience.


  5. I thought “next spring” meant Spring of 2018 and that Berlin Station would be filmed this year. I could be totally wrong about this of course. I just don’t want to think of him not being in BS! 😦


    • According to “Citizen Poulpe” – Critiques de films -Bertrand Mathieux, le 5 décembre 2016: “La comédienne, réalisatrice et scénariste Julie Delpy va commencer le tournage de son nouveau film au printemps 2017 à Londres.”.


  6. I think they will rev up for BS in Apr/May or so and RA will probably do his part prior to the start of production. The article was from 2 months ago, which sounded like 2017 to me, and maybe his involvement in this movie is not a featured role, but a secondary character. Maybe his character is the tragedy 😦


  7. I think Mr. Richard Armitage will probably do both My Zoe and Berlin Station season 2, but if Mr. Richard Armitage decides to pick just one, I hope that he picks My Zoe, because even though I watched the 2 episodes of Berlin Station when it first came out, I found it very confusing, etc. I didn’t watch the rest of the episodes( I didn’t have that channel )but certain websites had some bits and pieces of the other episodes and again confusing. Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy watching Mr. Richard Armitage but the story line was just all over the place. If he does decide to do Berlin Station season 2, I hope they will get better writers for it and not go over the top on promotions like they did for Berlin Station season 1. because all the hype they did on it, made it sound and look very exciting and interesting, but when it aired it was so so.. I mean look at Sleepwalker, Mr. Richard Armitage made the movie 3 years ago, something happened and the movie got put on the shelf and now it came off the shelf and got shown at that film festival and it was a hit. very, very little promotion on it and the movie is a hit and different people enjoyed it and found it exciting. if they do berlin station season 2, don’t make a big hoopla about it and it will (maybe) be good, not great, but good.


    • To me the series began to really work when it was finished and I re-watched it all in one go. It’s actually is complex enough that I’d say you only really ‘get it’ that way.


  8. Sounds really good ! Something to look forward to!


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