Highly informative #richardarmitage interview

Japanese interviewer. Here. Discusses his interesting in the sleepwalker role —

and he says Standring is lot like him!

[ETA: It’s Macbeth. Hmm.]

~ by Servetus on October 26, 2017.

36 Responses to “Highly informative #richardarmitage interview”

  1. Wow!!!!!


    • Wow, he hasn’t been so talkative and bountiful in a while…..


      • It’s true. I wonder if the interviews he gives to the bigger venues are that heavily edited, or he’s less guarded with the smaller ones. All the good print interviews this year have been with small guys.


  2. Have we heard he will be doing Macbeth or is that new?


    • that’s new. I think the big speculation was on Lear. This makes me wonder if he’s planning to do this with Farber, who has never mentioned Macbeth as far as I remember.


    • although I just looked back to that interview, and he says explicitly “with Yael Farber.” Hmmm.


  3. Das ist alles sehr interessant und muss morgen mit einem sehr viel wacheren Gehirn nochmals durchdacht werden. Danke, ohne dich würde ich solche Perlen niemals entdecken.
    I ❤ Standring!


    • You’re welcome! That answer really surprised me.


      • I love John Standring – he’s such a great character. I always did feel that my version of RA was closer to the John Standring character than the Harry character who he said he was most like before. JS has a quiet resolve and determination, loyalty and compassion, protectiveness and love – just seemed like traits I project onto RA. So his answer in this interview made me feel pretty good.


  4. Planning a trip to London in 2018. Could I be so lucky as to be over there during the run of the play? Fingers crossed


    • is your daughter still living there?


      • No, she is back in the US but we loved it so much that the hubs and I are planning a trip back to see all the things we missed the first time. Thanks for asking about her, though! It was sweet that you remembered


        • you’re sort of part of my extended family now after so long, no? (smiles). London is like that — I know people for whom it’s really an addiction and there’s never an end to what you could see when you love it.


  5. I really enjoyed this interview and appreciated just how much he opened up and revealed so much – not just about himself but how he feels about characters he has played. And the interviewer asked really great questions. All very fascinating.


    • Good questions seem to be at the basis for him. He doesn’t twist away from them — but so often he doesn’t get them.


  6. I was always under the impression from previous interviews over the years that he tried to distance himself from some of his more romantic roles, in particular, the John Thornton character. So I find it interesting that he says he is most similar to Johns Standring and Thornton…which is lovely to hear as a female fan! However, given the gossip surrounding his real life, I can’t help wondering whether he is trying to (slightly) reposition himself in public perception?


    • I agree, I was surprised to hear him say he was like Thornton. He spent a lot of time in 2005 saying he wasn’t, it was just a character. Standring surprised me somewhat less. I’ve never gotten the vibe that Armitage was romantic in the conventional sense, although his redefinition of the term as “things that open the heart” I find plausible (even if I would call that emotional rather than romantic).

      That said — this is such a marginal publication that I can’t imagine his approach was targeted toward addressing gossip. My guess would be more that he is angling for some kind of period / English drama role that requires some of Thornton’s or Standring’s qualities and that’s the context for understanding what he’s saying here; he’s talking to himself more than us.


    • 🙂 Cette confession est très étonnante et si inattendue que, comme vous, je m’interroge sur la part de véracité de son contenu et le but ultime de ce déballage de romantisme affiché et d’informations sur ses éventuels prochains projets. Tant de projets sont encore en suspens!


  7. My fangirl heart is loving the Thornton/Standring likeness! Really interesting questions and answers in this one. He says too that he’s looking for a play even before Macbeth.


    • I saw that — I wonder, if he’s not doing Berlin Station 3 (this is about the time they’d announce the renewal, or did last year anyway), why not Oedipus to Antigone? Then again, there’s been no announcement of that play so far separately from him either, so I wonder if it didn’t fly without him (and) because he wasn’t able to commit?


      • I think last year the renewal announcement was around mid-November. I haven’t seen anything for a Graves renewal either, so they may not have decided yet. It would be nice to know when/where any plays are planned. We’re thinking of an Ireland trip next year, so could maybe swing London depending on timing.


  8. If he was going to be in a play before the end of the year, wouldn’t we know about it by now? Rehearsals or something? As for the Scottish Play, when is that opening? Is there a firm date? Have to start planning.


  9. I really enjoyed reading that interview! Especially the bit about John Standring. 😛


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