Bilingual Richard Armitage Thursday

~ by Servetus on February 1, 2018.

26 Responses to “Bilingual Richard Armitage Thursday”

  1. Du bist die Beste 😂
    Bei uns an der Arbeit hieß das damals nach Einführung: Scheilado:Scheiss-langer-Donnerstag. Damals war mir der fragliche Herr noch komplett fremd…..


    • In Göttingen it was SchLaDo. Although that disappeared about two years after I moved there, it was long in recollection.


      • Die eine Silbe mehr verdeutlicht die abgrundtiefe Verachtung darüber, dass WIR damals in der Sparkasse von unseren geheiligten Schalteröffnungszeiten ablassen mussten. Sakrileg! Das waren noch Zeiten….

        Liked by 1 person

        • It was something that I liked and was frustrated about at the same time — the iron law of shop closing. On the one hand, I appreciated the peaceful evenings. On the other, I can’t tell you how often I tried to enter a grocery store ten minutes before close and wurde beschimpft.


          • Was glaubst du, wie FANTASTISCH ich als Konsument diese Neuerung speziell im Einzelhandel fand. Aber doch BITTE NICHT in meinem Beruf!!!! Ich konnte meine Bankgeschäfte ja schon immer während der Arbeitszeit abwickeln 😉 Tja…..

            Liked by 1 person

            • I was a doctoral student that whole time, so theoretically it didn’t matter when I went shopping as long as I put in a certain number of hours per day and appeared at seminar / research group meetings, which were mostly in the early evening anyway. But I still always put it off until the last second. I really hate running errands. I always thought if I ever wrote a bestseller, the first thing I’d do would be hiring a personal concierge / factotum / housekeeping kind of person and have her take over all that stuff.

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh dear. That German caption is a bit of a “false friend”…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. PS: Ich fange gleich das Weinen an, wenn ich diese Beine sehe!!!!!!


  4. “Thrusting Thursday” lol- I guess we’ll hear more about it soon (“in character”, at least…. I suspect that’s how he thinks of it, while we umm… not so much)!


    • i could NOT stop thinking about it, after imagine him say “slide into her again.” I have this total thing for how he pronounces the consonant “thr” so I kind of hope he gets to say “thrust” also.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s a good observation! I like that too, now that you mention it 😊 It seems pretty distinctive to him, though I’m guessing it’s actually his vocal quality that’s more distinctive. ❤


        • Part of it is how people speak English where he comes from. They just have a really neat way of pronouncing that consonant.


          • 😛 Actually, you can listen to RA saying “thrust” at about 1min and 16 seconds into the audiobook of “The Lords of the North” – even though the whole sentence is “…and I had taken a spear thrust in my right thigh.” – but if it’s just the word “thrust” you’re after, you can possibly spare yourself the time for listening to Wanderlust.


            • I think I wrote a post about this consonant in his speech at some point, but I can’t find it now; anyway, you’re definitely correct that there are other options 🙂

              I just looked and for non-audible subscribers it’s $29.99. I know there are ways around it — I’d just like to pay something more along the lines of what I think it’s possible worth ($15-ish) and not be bought in to an audible subscription.


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