Maybe your mind is more like mine than I thought.

I hate to say it, but read this interview in GQ. I can’t imagine I’ll ever do yoga, but The Master and Margarita? Bring it, Mr. Armitage. I’d watch you in that ANY TIME.

~ by Servetus on December 14, 2012.

27 Responses to “Maybe your mind is more like mine than I thought.”

  1. I like the idea of yoga, it is the practice that stymies me..RA certainly has an eclectic library…I haven’t read this book, but it looks very to kindle store. PS …what are you doing up already?


    • This is in my list of top 10 novels of the 20th century.

      I know. I woke up about an hour ago and won’t fall asleep now. It’s going to be an unpleasant afternoon …


  2. Complicite/Simon McBurney
    The Master and Margarita
    by Mikhail Bulgakov
    14 December 2012 – 19 January 2013 / 19:15, 13:30, 16:00
    Barbican Theatre

    Is on in London at the moment!


  3. The Master and the Margarita sounds very interesting but I have also been looking at the Bikram Yoga as I have done the englishified Yoga for many years, this is also called ‘Hot Yoga’ as its done at high temperatures presumably this suited the warmth of NZ. He could of course follow the ‘Naked Yoga’ of NYC where the student must come freshly showered, the mind siimply boggles…………………….


  4. He’s somewhat based in NYC??!! God I hope he does some stage work there so that I can actually have a chance to go see him in person.


    • That surprised me, too. I wonder if it’s partially for tax reasons. However, if he does a play in NYC I’m likely to be in the audience if I’m still employed …


      • Carpool?


        • Park in Manhattan? You have to be crazy 🙂 We’d fly.


          • Leave it in the burbs and train it in? Flying is better…more time on the ground in NYC – I haven’t been there since I moved back from PA ( I don’t count flying through JFK)


            • For me, it would be Amtrak since I live in the mid-Atlantic region. Did it last year when I went up to see Hugh Jackman perform and it was a truly civilized experience since private interests and the TSA still haven’t managed to get their claws into rail travel.


  5. With you on this one. PLEASE let Richard be able to convince someone good to make this movie.


  6. I just read the Wikipedia article about “Der Meister und Margerita”, as I never read this book. I have heard it mentioned, but it never caught my interest before, but the connection and reference to Goethe’s “Faust” immediately held my interest, as this book (or both books of “Faust”) accompanied me through various stages of my life so far.
    This connection alone already makes the endeavour an interesting filming project and I am very much looking forward to whatever he wants to do here.


    • I ran across it in college. The guy I was with at the time (comparative linguist) had studied in Moscow for a year and read this and said, this is the best novel I have ever read, but you won’t be able to enjoy it b/c you can’t read Russian. I had taken a semester of Russian (with him) and given up. He was trying to get me to resume it. Anyway, so I read it in English and kind of agreed with him …


      • Hmm..Interesting. I read it in Hungarian. Yet I was able to enjoy it…Maybe the Hungarian translation was better than the English?


        • Sorry, I should have been clearer — I read it and thought it was a fantastic novel and then wondered if it would be even better in Russian. but on the whole Russian translations into English are generally agreed to be lacking by “people who know” (of whom I am not one, like I said, I had one semester).


  7. I love Master and Margarita. Read it a couple of times. The Russians did make it into a TV mini series. Not sure it would work as a feature film to be honest. To me a mini-series would be a more fitting format for it. But he loves a book that I love, that thought in itself warms my heart!


  8. […] feel like this how I felt about his reference to The Master and Margarita. Game on, Mr. Armitage, this is one I’d LOVE to […]


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