Legenda 61: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]

This week was kind of a disaster. I spent a bunch of time yesterday sifting through stuff and marking it, but when I opened the draft this morning, I discovered that a lot of my changes hadn’t saved. So I ended up having to reread ten pages of trashed email and I probably missed some stuff. Then, just when I thought I had reconstructed what I had, I accidentally opened something up in this window and the reconstruction was lost as well. But I am determined! I combed through the links again. BUT. Please compensate for whatever gremlin is afflicting Legenda this week by leaving links of what YOU loved in the comments.

Also, if you liked something I indexed this week, please be sure to leave comments on the posts and keep Armitageworld writing away happily!

Reader-submitted photo of a theater lobby in London


mulubinba saw it the second time in IMAX in Sydney and loved it just as much. I’m hoping to see it in IMAX this week for the first time.

A moment for reflection

Richard Armitage archive


I’m easing back in but I’ve got a month of links to look at, so be easy on me, too.


A reminder that the Richard Armitage tag is here. I spent a lot of time yesterday on the Thorin tag here, and there were a bunch of people just discovering Armitage. It’s such a pleasure to read. Something I love — the fanfic writers have gotten hold of Thorin, Fili, and Kili. They are going to loosen us up a lot, and I’m really happy about that. But yes, even my eyes open when I see descriptions like “Durincest” for fanfics appearing there.

OT, collateral attractions, and stuff I think about

~ by Servetus on January 12, 2013.

7 Responses to “Legenda 61: Stuff worth reading”

  1. Wow! Lots to read here. I’m going to be busy! Thanks for doing this, it is always appreciated!


  2. As always, thanks for the linkage!


  3. You’re welcome!


  4. Thanks for all the links. :*


  5. “The best photoshoot of Richard Armitage that you’ve never seen.”, lol. Woooow, I’m very flatterey Servetus, thanks. 🙂


  6. You’re all very welcome.


  7. […] offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn't usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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