Beatus natalis huic blog

Give or take a day, I started this blog fourteen years ago. Seems like it deserves a post. I still continue to think about writing and don’t write. I continue to have thoughts about Richard Armitage and his career and continue not to write them down. This state of affairs continues not to affect Armitage himself in the least, lol. I continue to read a ridiculous amount of Bagginshield (that others continue to write). I continue to be busy with work and the synagogue. My house continues to need cleaning and organization. Politics continues to be depressing … you get the picture. There is a horrible child disappearance case (given what the press is saying about the adults involved, I think we all hope that the child is in heaven now) that is occupying everyone’s last second of attention here.

This is a nice picture (the last one I downloaded, anyway). I did listen to the trailer and Armitage can’t do a consistent Polish accent. Too bad. (Also, frankly, he doesn’t have the thick hands of a farmer. But anyway.)

At the last synagogue event, we featured mocktails, and I would like to recommend this one to you: pomegranate mule. Mix one part pomegranate juice to one part ginger beer of your choice (we used Reed’s strongest), muddle four lime leaves in a glass with some ice, then pour the juice/beer mixture over the ice. Squeeze an eighth of a lime over the whole thing. Delicious and not too sweet.

Actually I had a topic for today planned, but I’ve had health problems the last two weeks that finally landed me in the emergency room yesterday (=acute pulmonary embolism). I might not even have gone, but Obscura gave me the final push. I’ve got three free days of prescribed rest now (along with blood thinners).

In any case, happy anniversary to this blog and happy day to anyone who is still reading it. I appreciate you. It’s hard for me to say more than that.

~ by Servetus on February 27, 2024.

18 Responses to “Beatus natalis huic blog”

  1. Well, happy anniversary. And I’m so sorry you had to deal with those health issues. I enjoy RA’s work immensely but I am disheartened by how many times I look for something that is not yet available in Canada. It may get here one day but I am not holding my breath. I still read when you write. I still like it.


  2. Happy anniversary! I remember when this blog was in its heyday. Things never stay the same. Wishing you all good on all fronts.


  3. Happy anniversary, Serv. Hang in there and, please, rest, rest and rest. *hugs from countray far away 😀 *


  4. Oh my goodness, hope you recovery quickly, Servetus. And happy blogversary too.


  5. Happy Anniversary! A milestone such as this certainly does need a post- I’m remembering all the fun we’ve had and the people who have gathered here, some sadly no longer with us. I think the RA community was so much richer for the bloggers. I’m sorry to hear you are having some health issues and wish you a full and quick recovery. Take care friend and a wave to all.


  6. Merci, cette photographie est très belle.
    Merci à Obscura. Servetus, prenez soin de vous ! Les anticoagulants ne sont qu’une première des étapes de la reprise en main de votre santé.
    Quant à l’évolution du monde des “well wishers”: blogs, fanfictions … , elle sera ce qu’elle devra être. Avec d’autres vous en êtes et resterez un pilier.


  7. Happy Anniversary. Hard to believe time fly’s so fast. I was not here at the start but found you a couple years after you started to blog. I glad that Obscura got you to go seek medical help. Rest up and follow the doctors orders.


  8. PE is no joke so thank Obscura that you are on the mend!

    Holy carp, has it been this long? I’m glad you’re still around, Dr. S.


  9. Happy anniversary and get well soon!


  10. speedy recovery and happy anniversary!


  11. Wow. That is really scary!! I’m glad you got to the hospital and that you are on the mend. (And happy blogoversary!)


  12. Happy anniversary ! Please take care of yourself and rest !
    I was thinking of you the other day because there was an event at the synagogue of Nantes : photos, visits, and a small concert. We went, with my mum and my partner because they didn’t know the pace (I’ve been once yet). A beautiful day.


  13. happy anniversary and please take care of yourself!!!


  14. Happy anniversary, Serv!! Here’s to mocktails to celebrate.
    And yikes, hope you are better now. Please do take care of yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Oh I’m so sorry that you’ve had health problems and hope that you are OK, continue to be, and having plenty of rest. Happy belated blogiversary! It’s lovely to hear from you. The mocktail sounds delicious but I might change the ‘m’ to a ‘c’!


  16. Happy blogiversary! Hope you are on the mend now, take care.


  17. wow came here today to see what you were up to. Happy Anniversary!  Sorry to hear you are not feeling well and that you are not writing. I remember well reading your posts and how mesmerizing they were, as was Mr. Armitage. Hope you’re feeling better soon and hope you are writing again soon!


  18. Happy anniversary!

    Take care of you, and send my gratitude to Obscura


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