Screenrant likes Richard Armitage for next Batman

Aha, so the operative question I raised about franchises and their problems appears on the horizon. (Luke Evans is #4.) Click to enlarge.

Screen shot 2013-07-20 at 8.14.29 PM

H/t CarlyQ. Full article here.

~ by Servetus on July 21, 2013.

47 Responses to “Screenrant likes Richard Armitage for next Batman”

  1. No.


  2. I think he should be Bond 007


    • It’s NO to Batman (been done too many times before), but would give a ‘yes’ to him playing a Bond Villain – one who would embody the dark side, probably be an ex-agent and friend of Bond, and be happy to wear black leather and/or Belstaff. :>)


      • I want to see Richard playing heroic parts for change. He’s been a villain to often. I do not think he was considered for the Bond part. Bond villains die a dastardly death.


  3. Who wants his gorgeous face to be hidden for more than 1/2 the film? But it would be nice to see him in black leather again – or is poly something or other? Either way he would really rock the Batman suit.


  4. Though I think that Mr. Armitage in head to toe skintight black leather would be roundly applauded by all and his voice would be PERFECT and he probably wouldn’t mind wearing a mask throughout an entire film (I know, not the entire film)…I just don’t see him as Batman. He should feel free to try and get me to change my mind. I also don’t see him signing up for another three movie gig for awhile.


  5. I’m, as always, agnostic — but I remember Michael Keaton playing the role amazingly.

    Liked by 1 person

    • …and I couldn’t imagine that one either. I never thought I would see the day I admitted he was the best of that early batch. (Kilmer, Clooney) There are many internet geeks who think the “definitive” Batman has not yet been found.


      • but many people also loved, loved the performance after they saw it. So who knows.

        I never published the third part of my reflections on Richard Armitage and possible franchises, but my issues with this would probably lie more with the franchise question than with the specific role. Although it’s interesting that the author of this piece apparently picked Armitage because he’s good at “darkly obsessive.”


        • I loved Michael Keaton in that role, too. In fact, I loved everything about that particular Batman — the script, the look, everything.


  6. Nope. I wouldn’t choose that role for him. Not that RA wouldn’t be terrific, but I would rather he played a more human role.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Not really sure what I want to see him in, but I’m a bit over Batman. My kids obsession with Lego Batman hasn’t helped. It might be nice to see him in something less intense and disgustingly easy for him. He’s worked so hard the past couple of years with such a difficult character and he’s done a brilliant job. However, I think I’d like to see him play a completely different character, maybe one where he smiles. LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ve noticed several new movies coming out with interesting roles portrayed by british actors and was wondering why we haven’t seen RA in a new project yet. However I hope he doesn’t become the next batman. I’m ready for something a lot more interesting than a comic book character.


  9. According to news from Comic Con, Warners are planning another Superman movie that also features Batman….
    Could we have two Brits playing iconic American comic book heroes?


    • The neighbor boy who told read me this article today was directly referencing comic con and the superman/batman movie. I think there are a few fans that would have a serious “thud” moment at the thought of Cavill and Armitage on screen together as Superman/Batman. We know Cavill can pull of a pretty reputable sounding American, so Mr. Armitage, how about you? Wouldn’t that mean the Brits would have the triple crown, so to speak, spiderman, superman, batman….


    • Outsourcing the American hero …


    • YES!


  10. I’m not a huge batman fan, but I am for anything that gives RA more exposure and popularity, thereby providing him with more roles we can drool over. Oh,sorry, I meant more exposure leads to more opportunity to take his career into different artistic directions. Who drools?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Yuck. The last few Batman movies have been totally uninteresting to me, despite a stellar cast in the most recent one. I hope RA isn’t cast….


  12. Yeah! Before you post this I had a image that Richard is te PERFECT batman! Thanks for this great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. ANOTHER Batman reboot? No. No no no no no. No.


  14. Oh, holy sh*t, I know I’m one of these dreadful Europeans (German to be precise!!) that are so into art-films… 😉 But yes, I really, really don’t get it, why there is a new Batman/Spiderman/Superman or whatsoever film EVERY freaky f***g year!!!! Ok, I know it’s all about BIG-money, dullness (lack of orginality), boredom and it’s all about masses and to keep them (stupid and) entertained. But aren’t there other stories out there that are far more interesting, especially for our precious Man??? I dearly hope so!!!!


    • I think he’s in a bind that his career is advancing just now; because of the current financial atmosphere, art films that might have been made five years ago to respectable profits aren’t being made. The studios in response to their shareholders only want projects that are guaranteed to generate huge, huge profits. It may be a simple necessity that if I wants to take the next step in Hollywood, he needs to do something like this. And it couldn’t hurt him to have more male fans.


      • I see that Christian Bale is getting some interesting roles and if I remember correctly he was getting those roles before Batman. One of the reasons I was so excited for RA to do TH was so he’d get the exposure to do more interesting roles. But there’s also the issue of so many british actors to choose from now.


  15. I’ve never been a real fan if Batman so I’m not interested in RA in this role. However… If he was cast as Batman I would definitely hop on that bandwagon!


  16. Hey! I liked angst-y John Porter eyes….aren’t these just mildly amused or chagrined interview eyes? (Just kidding, I like these too, just letting you know I noticed)


    • I suspect that given what will inevitably happen in the next several months, angsty eyes will be back soon. But yes, these are interview eyes.


      • Boo.
        How about we skip the next several months and go straight to Standring’s loving my life eyes or Kennedy’s puzzled, doesn’t she love me too eyes or Thorin’s majestic eyes of unutterable sweetness or Lucas’ eyes of gleaming male appreciation or Thornton’s, that tramp, angry eyes or Porters, on the cross is he actually reaching for my belt buckle, eyes or Armitage’s, will she ever let me complete a sentence, Lorraine eyes or his, letting a fan fondle my beard eyes or even (desperation rears it’s head) Guy’s smirk-y rolling eyes?
        I’d give a lot to keep you from having ‘Finally, I understand’ eyes.
        Love and Hugs
        (from an idiot)


        • I missed a couple of my favorites, popcorn taxi, face flushed calendar eyes, popcorn taxi winning the cage fight eyes and hands on her hips eyes…no wait those were my eyes.


        • Thanks. I would like that, too.


  17. being a big Christian Bale fan my answer would be “no” 🙂 but aside from the most recent Batman actor bias (who is also British, by the way 😉 ) I think it’s too soon for a reboot and I wouldn’t want Richard to attach himself to something so controversial.


    • You are right, I forgot he’s welsh! The brits already hold the triple crown of superheroes. Didn’t Mr. Armitage mention he had his eye on a little novel, or something like that?


    • hasn’t Bale said he’s done?


      • Yep, stick a fork in him. He’s done.


      • yes, Bale has said he’s done with Batman (he only ever stayed on-board because of Christopher Nolan’s original vision) but I imagine there will be a lot of comparison’s with the next Batman, and I’d hate to see Richard having to prove himself to the public because of someone else’s shadow.


  18. I don’t see him as Batman but anything is possible…probability is another thing all together. As for American comic heros being outsourced (as I have read in one of the comments), as a POC (person of color) everyone outside of the indigenous and minority populations are descendant from euro world powers. Its really no big deal in our sections. Many of us tend to shrug when it comes to whether or not actors are Brits or whatever–its the performance that counts and sometimes its a pleasant surprise that American accents are part of the actors’ repetoire. Anyway, I would just like to see RA do something different. I want to see more of his range…Dr. Who, maybe? 🙂


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