*ooof*: Armitage – the Trip Hazard

Today’s *ooof* comes not only with my customary dedication to the task but with a dedication. The image was suggested to me by our very own Katie70 – whose birthday it was yesterday. Lots of love to you, Katie – this is for you, in recognition of your continuous support and commenting on my posts.

British Actor Richard ArmitageWarning! This Man is a Trip Hazard! Richard Armitage in a shot by Joe McGorty, 2010. Source.

Mr Armitage is waiting. He is standing in some inhospitable place. Metal roof, bare bricks, bars and many locks. Wait a minute. Has he been imprisoned? No, his posture and his largely unconcerned look on his lovely countenance tell us he is not worried about his freedom. He is leaning against a metal door, his hip slightly cocked, his hands casually buried in his jeans. His shoulders are relaxed, he is not worried or overly defensive, just waiting to see what will happen. There is a look of concentration on his face – his brow slightly furrowed, two lines appearing at the root of his nose. The head slightly inclined to his right, gives away his thoughts – he is not disinterested. He is patiently waiting, half-interested in what is going on. Oh yes, of course, he is taking part in a photo shoot. And even though he is not particularly keen on strutting his stuff on (stills) camera (as opposed to baring his soul in front of the film camera, which he does masterfully and easily), he plays along. There is a certain intensity in Armitage’s expression. His eyes are focussed on the camera. He is right there, in the middle of the shoot, and despite looking passive, he is collaborating with the photographer, helping McGorty get the shots that he needs.

Photo shoots can be boring. Not for the photographer. It is a sweat-inducing business, moving back and forth and up and down, contorting oneself for the best possible vantage point to picture the sitter from, concentrating hard on the brief to produce printable images. For the model – especially when they are celebrities (and therefore not quite expected to work their pretty peaches face off– it is only half as hard. Of course, they too have to work, reacting to the directions and delivering the poses and expressions that the photographer is asking for. But there are often lulls in a shoot when the photographer is busy fiddling with his camera settings, exchanging batteries, adjusting lights or simply taking a pause to think up new angles and ideas, during which the sitter can just observe. Maybe that is what Mr A is doing here.

Despite the look of concentration, Armitage exudes an air of calm. The relaxed pose is responsible for that. But also the colour composition of the image. The image is characterised by a blue hue. Apart from the dark blue shirt of the sitter and his blue jeans, there is blue paint visible in the background, and the strong shadows appear blue, as do the metal bars. Blue, as I mentioned before, has a calming, peaceful effect, and McGorty uses the blue hues to emphasise his portrayal of the sitter as a calm man.

A by-product of the calm blue hue, however, is a general cold tone. This is mainly due to the harsh light that illuminates the scene. We can tell from the shadows on Armitage that this picture has been made some time in the morning or the late afternoon. The sun is not particularly high on the horizon. Since the light is fairly cold and bright, I suspect it is in the morning, as the afternoon sun tends to have a warmer, yellower glow than the morning sun. Shooting in conditions like that is not really ideal. Photographers prefer cloudy skies, not happy sunshine. And that is not because photographers might be morose, depressed individuals, but because bright sunlight produces unsightly shadows and difficult highlights. You can see both at play in this image – Armitage’s face is in shadow while the left side of his swan-like, beautiful, kiss-worthy… ooops, I am getting carried away… neck is nearly blown-out white. The photographer had no other choice but to metre the light from Armitage’s face – because the face is the most important part of this image. Sorry to disappoint all clavicle-lovers, chest-cherishers and nose-appreciaters, but that is the truth – the eyes and face are the centre of conventional portraiture. In order to set the exposure in such a way that the face will be clearly visible in the image, McGorty must set a slower shutter speed, enabling enough light to be reflected off the shadowy face onto the sensor. This, however, results in the more reflective surface of the neck, which is bathed in sunshine, throw more light back into the camera. Hence this area of Armitage’s body appears over-exposed in the image.

If you compare the other images from the McGorty shoot – all accessible on RAnet – you can see that McGorty has experimented with the amount of shadow he allows on his subject’s face. He has directed Armitage to move his face towards and away from the sun, catching light and shadow on different parts of his face. None of the other half-length portraits in the same set-up are quite pleasing in terms of light and shade. In fact, the composition of the shadow on Armitage’s face is never quite right – he catches too much sun, leaving the shadow edge like a scar across his right or left eye. The image Katie has chosen, is the best one in terms of light composition, as both eyes are in shadow and therefore the line between the light and the shade is least distracting to the viewer.

The comparison with the other images from the series will also reveal that McGorty has experimented with perspective and framing. If you tear your eyes off the subject for a minute, the image is very strongly characterised by the many lines that appear in it: there are the grooves in the metal roof, mortar lines in bricks, metal bars and frames, doubled by the shadows that the metal bars create on the subject. But observe how McGorty has tried to make the best of the difficult set-up: He has composed the image to make the lined background look pleasing to the eye and hold only a minimum of distraction by placing his subject with his back to the bricks and at a right angle to the metal door. Shooting dead-pan, the main lines in the frame appear horizontal and vertical. The existing (diagonal) perspective lines are the thinner grid from the metal door, and therefore less obtrusive.

The setting, however, is very busy – not only because of the lines but also because of the variety of textures in the shot. Brick, metal roof, grid, plus skin and shirt material. In this shot he has thankfully left out the yellow Trip Hazard warning sign (cf. the other shots from series), but he could have minimised the distraction by shooting with a larger aperture which would have suitably blurred out the lines in the fore- and background.

Instead he has opted to shoot with a small aperture, leaving the environment in sharp focus, including, for instance, a number of locks on the metal door. That is not coincidental but by doing this, he has given the subject a clear context to be seen in. Presumably, McGorty deliberately portrays Armitage in an industrial setting. The location is oddly reminiscent of a location for a spy drama – a conspicuously non-descript warehouse. The typical playground for a spy man: backyards and disused factory floors, where agents wheedle secrets out of assets and enemy spies are surreptitiously bumped off. And of course – if this shoot took place in April 2010, then Armitage was just in-between Spooks series 8 and series 9. He was well-known at that time as the actor who portrays MI-5 agent Lucas North. The shoot takes this into account, by picturing Armitage looking like LN – straight from the costume dept. (the same haircut, the same styling). This way the actor is made recognisable – through the look a connection is created between Armitage and the character he is known for, as through the location of the shoot, that recreates the context that Armitage’s TV-character is associated with. (And sure enough, an image from the McGorty shoot accompanied an article in the Sunday Times just at the start of Spooks 9.) In fact, it is likely that the shoot took place in a little half-hour tea break while filming Spooks on location. McGorty quickly popped in, popped the shots, and popped out again.

Whether there is much personality in the shot or not – as the viewers it is up to us to interpret what we see. I see an attractive man, waiting on an outside staircase. He has been standing there for a while, patiently anticipating his date for the evening to appear. She caught his attention earlier that day, when bumping into her in the building they both work in. After he had helped her gather the folder that had slipped from under her arm when they collided, he plucked up the courage to ask her whether she would like to meet him later for a cup of coffee – to make up for crashing into her. Here she is now, she has stepped out into the staircase where they agreed to meet, and after initial introductions he is now listening to Katie telling him she wasn’t sure if he really meant his suggestion for a cup of coffee. “After all I bumped into you, too.” He is leaning in slightly to Katie, his brow furrowed, worried if this is the pretext to being dumped nicely, and yet still hopeful that she will not. His hands are burrowing defensively in his trouser pockets. ‘I don’t want to be sent packing by this lovely woman. I’d like to get to know her’, he thinks. He inclines his head in an effort to regain her trust. There’s the first flutter of a smile on her face. ‘Maybe, after all, she doesn’t think I have been coming on too strong’, he thinks. Katie’s heart is beating in her chest. Jesus, this man is quite the trip hazard. “The coffee is on me”, he suggests softly.

Happy birthday, Katie!

All text © Guylty at me + richard armitage, 2013. Please credit when using excerpts and links. Images and video copyrights accrue to their owners.

~ by Guylty on August 13, 2013.

92 Responses to “*ooof*: Armitage – the Trip Hazard”

  1. What a fantastic photo, thank you, and for your observations on how a photographer views his subject. I just look at it and go “oof” then go back and back and back to see the points that you have raised. THANK YOU


    • Thanks MoonRAker – I keep going back and back, too. There is always so much to discover in photos, and even old ones like this one still make me go over them again and again.


  2. Great post as always, Guylty. 🙂


  3. great *ooof* as usual (I´m saying the same things again and again). Have learned a bit more of “professional shooting” as always…

    Like the part you´re going to fanfiction, dedicated to Katie. What do you think about writing other ones of all the RAddicted women here? Sorry, that would cost you too much time and we´ll miss your extraordinary *ooofs* , but I wonder, what you´d write about me in a fanfic ( ashamed now)…

    Drück dich…


    • Oh, Ute, you are always welcome to lavish your praise on me *ggg*. As regards my foray into fanfic – that was great fun to write. And you know, as I am slowly running out of photographic topics to discuss in my *ooof*s, I might have to slip in more fantasy ;-). I am always up for some fanfic’ing – if you suggest a pic to me, I’ll fictionalise it for you! xx


      • Love you… no, no fanfic about me, suppose I´d have to bury myself under a molehill.

        I´ve just wanted you to know that you´re not only a brilliant photographer but a brilliant writer, too 🙂


        • *smooch* Thank you 🙂 That makes my day! Although I know far better fanfic writers than myself! Plus, my patience is rather limited – I’d never be able to write a whole 65-chapter-fic. But a little bit of fluff here and there should be no trouble.


        • The fanfic was a surprise to read, but still fun. I have had a smile on my face while reading this and it mostly will stay there for the rest of the day.


  4. I always felt like the photographer was using the shadows/light purposely in this shoot, as a kind of artful statement, and that’s why I like it 🙂 this shot is beautiful, with him passively looking at us straight-on (I like his hair in this shot particularly, the way it’s styled but also how the sun is streaking it with color a bit) the others in the shoot, with shadows on his face, I find strangely alluring. Richard always remarks how his face looks better in shadow (I disagree 😉 ) but this shoot does give that statement some merit. but I’m always left wondering: how does he not squint when that sun is right on his face? *laughs* btw, blue is my favorite color, so this shoot wins for that fact alone 🙂


    • Not sure exactly how *deliberately* artfully he used the shadows, Kelly. simply He *had to* use the shadow purposefully because the light was strong, and if he wanted RA against this particular background, he had to somehow incorporate the play of dark and light into his composition. As I said – this image was the best in terms of shadow/light on RA’s face. The other images are not quite so pleasing. – I love strong shadows in photography. They add a sense of drama into a shot, and they visualise the duality that is inherent in all of us – of good and evil, tender and violent, predatory and loving. It has to be done well, though, and studio lights are better for that because they can be used with more deliberation. The circumstances of this particular shoot were not that easy to work with, I think, and hence my favourites from the McGorty shoot are actually the ones where RA is pictured beside the NO ESCAPE sign. There is no shade distracting the gaze, RA does not have to squint, and the exposure of the image is more balanced.
      BTW, I agree, RA’s face looks equally good in light and in shadow.


      • using the shadows *artfully* just as you described, “the duality that is inherent in all of us”. why couldn’t the photographer have set out to use the shadows that way before the shoot even started? this photographer may not normally put that kind of spin on his photos, I don’t know, but I like the idea of that kind of detail being planned 🙂 I really like that it’s done with natural light too, it makes me feel like I am there watching the shoot because it looks so real. I can feel the sun on my face and imagine the kind of area they are in because of all the little details included in the shot. *shrugs* beauty is in the eye of the beholder 😉


        • “why couldn’t the photographer have set out to use the shadows that way before the shoot even started?” Well, maybe he did. Usually, in the run-up to a shoot, you do a location re-con that includes checking possible settings for the shoot and also working out where the sun will be at the time you are shooting. With that info in mind you can then work out how you are going to use the natural light that you expect. From the way the shadows are not quite right on RA’s face, I assume that McGorty may have been improvising a bit. Maybe he didn’t expect sunshine? Or maybe RA didn’t cooperate well enough, always moving his face a fraction too far?
          Natural light is always preferable to artificial light. I totally prefer working outside, or if inside then with a tripod and long shutter speeds. Unfortunately that doesn’t work at all with people photography… (although that would be an interesting experiment. A four minute exposure of Armitage, anyone *ggg*)


    • I like how the blue makes his eyes pop, so any photo that makes that happen is a winner in my book. What a great pair of blue eyes!


  5. Thanks for the very informative and funny *ooof* 😀
    Very Lucas indeed, this pic. But then RA chose to wear many Lucas’ dresses in RL, so we are left here wondering who is leaning against the metal door, Lucas or Richard? Who’s watching us? The spy or the man who brought him to life? I find very intriguing trying to guess this thing, since I think that sometimes even RA could be a little messy about it 😉


    • I had exactly the same discussion with myself, Micra – I was wondering whether this is RA or LN. Well, maybe as a compromise we can say that this is professional RA – the actor posing as an actor but not the character. – And yes, I think RA gets very confused about this, especially because he immerses himself so much in his characters.


      • indeed. If we have to believe his tale about the Police stopping him while filming Spooks and him giving Lucas ID… 😛
        He really lives his characters life, he becomes them.


  6. Love the blues and greys here, especially the blue eyes, of course. I really, really like this shot- the relaxed yet focused look.
    I think you should write little scenarios for all your ‘ooofs’ Guylty- you have a talented eye and imagination!


    • Ooooh, thank you Katharine – I like hearing that :-). You know, it was quite fun coming up with this little scenario as a birthday pressie for Katie, and I am quite willing to pepper my *ooof*s with more, if wanted. As I said further up – after a year of *ooof*ing I occasionally find it hard to find photographic topics to discuss, so a little fantasy might fill the lines.
      You are welcome to suggest a picture, btw 😉


    • The blue eyes have it for me too. I think he looks great in blue. The added peppering with the short story was fun too.


  7. It was so much fun to read your fic. What a great birthday present. Your posts are always educational and interesting, and now you give us a great little kick in the oooof zone. Thank you again, it was really cute.


  8. Thanks for this Guylty- but if I may ask, do you think it’s the angle of the shot that makes RA’s head appear a little large? And do you see a comparison between this composition and the one you did for us about four offs ago ( sorry I can’t find it now)- where RA is standing near the metal clad window in one of the NY shots?


  9. Oh, Tooofday again – lovely!
    Thanks for picking one of my favourite pictures. I do have a soft spot for Lucas North. Can’t get enough of him. Black and blue really suits him (albeit he cannot manage to get his belt-buckle where it belongs, and not somewhere aside of it). 🙂 And do I get a hint of grey at the temples? Mmmhh.
    The strange thing with LN pictures is that for me there is not really the question if this is a pic of the character or The Man himself. I tend to believe him to dive so deeply into a character that during the period of filming Spooks he more or less was Lucas North. Erm, the real Lucas North of course. The tortured hero (not the whimp John Bateman) – and the harsh contrast between light and shadow fits this image most brilliantly. Also the industrial surrounding strikes me as very appealing for this kind of image. And while I normally do not like people to stuff their hands in their pockets for a photo – with him I can very well live with that. On second thought – when it comes to pictures from Mr. A. I do not set the same standards as for all other mere mortals. Can’t help it…..


    • You know, i.f., I have been wondering/worrying about the greyish streaks at the temple, too. But no, I can’t believe he’d leave them in – I’d say it is just the reflection of the sunlight on his hair. (Not that I’d have a problem with a bit of grey hair – suits him. But then like you, I find excuses for him all the time. There are hardly any photos in which I really dislike him. He always, always looks great.)
      Good point about being unable to distinguish RA from LN – the method actor is blurring the lines between self and character.
      As for shadow suiting the character of LN – yes, agreed, although I have to say I find the McGorty shots not shadowy enough for that. The promo shots for Spooks are much better when it comes to that – they are more defined, sharper, edgier in a way. There is also more darkness in them, which suits the character, regardless of whether we believe in John Bateman’s existence or not. LN is a dark horse, too, and darkness suits him: shadow, dark clothes, unilluminated backgrounds. It’s quite interesting how much you can communicate with the surroundings, the lighting and the styling…
      Thanks for commenting!


    • A great picture, and I can let him off on the belt. I never seen the belt off by a bit (I have seen much worse). I think there is at least part Lucas here if not more. I think he looks causal with the hands in his pockets, a bit open, but not so much so. Only thing missing is the boots, and maybe the rolled up sleeves.


  10. Thanks for another eloquent ooof, Guylty! I’m sitting here giggling at what has become a steady theme in RA’s photo shoots — his penchant for hard-edge, steel-blue, gritty industrial, slightly sinister settings in which his distinctive facial structure looks all the more menacing, protests tho he does about being typecast as the evil guy. Do you think it’s part of the hypermasculine thing he seems so keen to cultivate? Or perhaps he is trying to expunge all memory of his “jazz-hands” shoot of a decade ago. (Perhaps I should suggest one of those for a future ooof, maybe for my birthday next month.)
    RA or LN here? I think it’s Lucas. The clothes, the hair, even the expression (frowning concentration and a vague unhappiness) are all Lucas’s, and the blue hue belongs to the Spooks aesthetic.
    The one time in that whole McGorty series when I think we do get a glimpse of RA is in the fourth pic (as filed in RAnet). The come-hither challenge in the eyes and smile is definitely not Lucas, who always seemed completely clueless about how hot he was!


    • Oh Groovie, you are making me giggle in turn – the jazzhands shoot *nearlyfallsoverlaughing*. Bad, baaaaaaaaaaad. But so bad, it is actually really mirth-inducingly good. I would not be averse to giving it the *ooof* treatment. Let me know which one – it would be a great challenge for myself to find something to say about that. (I have no doubts that I can, though.) I loooove your suggestion that RA is labouring hard to eradicate the memory of that debacle of a shoot *haha*. Yes, his shoots since then have mostly been concentrating on cultivating a very masculine image. The fact that he smiles so rarely in them, speaks volumes. I am not so sure, however, whether it is RA himself who has decided to cultivate the “hard man” look – I suspect that comes from his agent/publicist and from the photographers who work with him. Or has he internalised that b*shit about “evil face” and therefore does not smile in promo pics? *sighs* Really, if I got him in front of my lens, there’d be none of that crap. I’d make the man giggle his heart out, and then prove him wrong about his “menacing features”.
      Is this the “RA beckoning come-hither” image you mean: http://www.richardarmitagenet.com/images/gallery/Richard/Promos/2010Promo/album/Apr2010-McGorty-05.jpg That’s the image that started my *ooof* career… And the one that I asked for RA to sign. One of my favourites, and very very sexy in a sublime kind of way.
      Thanks for your comment – and don’t forget to tell me which pic you want *ooof*ed for your b-day! I’d love to repay your kind commenting with a dedicated *ooof*. Drop me a line: guylty (at) photographer (dot) net.


      • Yes, that is indeed the come-hither pic that drives me crazy, and now I do remember your ooof about it; it was quite poignant. “You want me, but you can’t touch me — and you can’t escape.” The pic is a rare instance of RA revealing that he is aware of how maddeningly sexy he is and what it does to us.
        So, in revenge (or just some fruitless attempt at an antidote) I will gladly dredge up the worst of the jazz-hands pics for you to ooof. Thank you for the offer. I’d like to imagine RA squirming when he reads the ooof, but it’s more likely that you’ll get your wish of reducing him to convulsive giggles … Oh, that he would then track you down and humbly beg to surrender his beauty to your camera!


        • Oh my GAWD, Groovie. I have just had a quick look at the jazzhands shoot in anticipation, and I was reduced to hearty, loud, and helpless laughter. Seriously… So unbelievably – and unintentionally, I suspect – funny, which makes it even funnier. Oh, what a delicious, delicious revenge. For all those searing smoulders, the heated come-hithers, the provocative poses. He so deserves to tickled and teased back. Yes, boy, surrender to my camera. I’ll teach ya! *evillaugh*


          • Yes, do it, a “jazzhands”-ooof, please.

            Still wonder what we can do to get RA in front of your camera. If you need any help for tickling and teasing him, I´ll be on your side (not that I think you really need it) 🙂


            • I think I need a few assistants, such as chest hair-fluffers, bicep-exposers, button-openers, belt-adjusters, trouser-smoother-downers, stubble consultants, nape curl-curlers, skin blemish-soothers. All indispensible to a professional shoot. Can’t pay, girls, but you’ll be credited.


        • Love the bit of a bad guy and he pulls it off so well. The # 5 photo he is more guarded than #’s 1 and 2 in the same photo shoot. I will have to wait to see the “jazz hands” photo as I don’t know that one.

          He may be clueless to how hot and sexy he is, but we are not.


      • Ooh, yes, that come-hither stare one is a particular favorite. *drool* And what is this “jazz hands” photo shoot that you all are talking about?


      • Can´t stop thinking about this special ooof. According to the “jazzhand”- photos I´ve had a special vid in my mind and now I finally found the link to it (hope it works):


        scroll down and enjoy…


        • Oh yes, musical dancing. Not quite my cup of tea (although I very much enjoyed Cats when it came out – saw it in Vienna, actually). But I concede that the man can move. Smoothly. I say miaow!


  11. Ooh la la !
    Guylty!..You talented girl!..it was fantastic *ooof*!! Thanks !
    Happy Birthday Katie! ..and go for it! 😀


  12. What an awesome birthday present you have made for the lucky Katie!!


  13. Entre tantas, esta é uma das minhas fotos preferidas de RA.
    É uma foto lindíssima! Apesar de todos os elementos do cenário, Richard ‘rouba’ a cena e todas as minhas atenções se voltam para ele quando observo esta foto.
    Observei que muitos ensaios fotograficos de Richard se passam em cenários rústicos e creio que o motivo dessa escolha é porque RA é tão imensamente bonito que sua beleza se destaca ainda mais em cenários grosseiros ou neutros.
    Richard, sua beleza é minha perdição…


    • Thanks for your comment, Celia. I put it through Google Translate to get the gist of it :-). Yep, you are right, the mundane, industrial, unsightly background is in stark contrast to the handsomeness of the subject. Imho he does not need to be placed in an extra-ugly setting in order to have his attractiveness stand out – he dazzles in any environment. You could put him on a bed of diamonds, and I would only look at him 😉


  14. Thank you for the great *ooof* today. I waited till Mr. 70 was at work to read this, I don’t want him getting jealous or anything like that. I do like this one the best of the two, but I was not sure if this one would be easy to write on. The other one was McGorty number 2. I also love the white t-shirt one too.

    It was very hard to pick a couple photos for you to chose, as I have liked this photo shoot for along time. The other photos like this one had something missing from them, not as clear. I flipped between a few to find just the right one. One could say that this was hard work, which it is hard to narrow down the field. All those lovely pictures to stare, no look at, but I let the jumping heart pick the couple that I let Guylty chose from.

    I like how the blue from the background, the jeans, and his shirt make his eyes pop blue. Cool colors look great on him, it also makes his hair stand out too. I would think that there a mostly a bit off Lucas in this photo shoot, as he don’t shed that character he is working on after the days work. There is a bit of the industrial site from your *ooof* a few weeks ago to it, you can put him there and he still looks sexy, even if the site is not.

    Thank you for the lovely fanfic, and I mostly in real life would second guess any offer to go for a coffee. After all I am very shy at first them I warm up and things get better. Maybe after time we would go dancing, and he could teach me ( really I don’t dance in public ) that would be fun. Since he likes Depeche Mode that would work for me. I also like DM also and they have great dance music.

    Thank you for the great birthday gift today, it made my day! But then I look forward to *ooof*day Tuesday.


    • There she is, our birthday girl. Happy b-day, Katie, and hope you enjoyed this little *ooof* with bonus 😉 You picked a lovely selection for my to choose from – I really like the McGorty shoot, although that may have not really come across with some of my niggling.
      RA dancing is a favourite fantasy of mine. I am not even talking snake hips – just the sheer joy of life, conveyed in the simultaneous movement to music. I am sure that scenario is going to sneak into one of the ficlet-induced future *ooof*s, now that you have given me the idea and inspiration.
      Again, thank you for your support. It is a pleasure to give something, a teeny tiny little bit, back to you. xx


      • This has been such fun today. I think it would take a lot to wipe the smile off my face today. You do have to say what makes the photo the way it is, but I figured out that we both liked this shoot.

        What a treat it would be to see RA dancing. I can’t think of anyone I would rather have to teach me, but I might not need as much teaching as I think, well maybe the polka. I just listened to DM’s “Master and Servant” that RA mentioned this spring. Maybe slow dancing to “Somebody”. I would be great to see you work some magic on the dancing theme, it really is a great theme. I am glad to be of help to writing another ficlet.

        I have learned so much from your *ooof’s* not just looking at photos of RA. They also make my day and something I look forward to each week. Since I will back to work in a couple weeks, they become my off my feet break time after work ( my time for myself).

        Thank You!


        • Birthday hug for (((Katie))) . Oooh, I have to put on Master and Servant now. In fact, I’d love to put together a whole RA playlist, but I cannot remember all the songs he has mentioned in the past – M&S, Love in an Elevator, Hamburg Song… Anyone know any others off the top of your head?


  15. Excellent as always – I learn something every time I read your oofs! There is something about those locks and the look on his face that is quite…um…titillating? Happy birthday to Katie – another fabulous Leo 🙂


    • Yeah, I had some rather naughty associations there, too. I could launch into a whole semiotic analysis of “locks in the context of a semi-sexy photo shoot”, but I refrain… Let’s just call it industrial bondage. Master and Servant, Mr A? You said it first *smirks*


      • hehehe…I take comfort in the fact that we are thinking exactly what the photographer wants us to think…he could chose to shoot there and could easily have edited said locks out…thus, my mind jumped as bidden 🙂


      • I not sure what made me listen to DM’s “The Singles 81>85, but I have listened to “Master and Servant” and just to “Photographic”, it seem to tie in today some how and I am a great mood. I am glad Mr. 70’s working or he would be wondering was is up with me today.


        • “Photographic” – I am intrigued. Off to YT for a bit of research.


          • It is from DM’s first album “Speak and Spell” with Vince Clarke. I is early DM.


            • Just watched video. Fabulous. And OMG, are they young. Baby-faced Dave. Aw. (I love all songs that have a reference to photography in them… ever since “Girls on Film” *smirks*)


              • It is kind of fun to watch those early music videos of DM, yes how young they look. To bad at the time there was not much of them on the radio in the States. But I do remember them from what was on there, as I listened to the Top 40 every weekend. I think it has something with Dave’s baritone, I must have something for British baritones. I do remember his voice from all those years ago. I would be not wrong to say that I also like Martins voice too.

                “Girls on Film” and Duran Duran, I was very big into them also. My boys think that I am weird, they don’t like the music I like. They just don’t like 80’s music or something. I think they do all like Jazz, or maybe not now.

                Better go look at that photo again, I feel the music starting to take over.


                • I watch those early videos with some bittersweet emotion. Still like a lot of the music but am appalled when the vids remind me of how long ago that was… 80s music is by and large crap – but I love it because it holds the sweet memories of youth. My kids are firmly rooted in the music of the 21st century, but they occasionally indulge me in liking some old school stuff.


                  • I think that it is also memories of a youth with not a lot going for it. Music was the escape, but also the rebellion. I was not suppose to be listening to anything that was not church music, I couldn’t buy albums or hang posters on my bedroom walls. My cousins wife got me a Rick Springfield poster that never was able to be on my wall. I did have a small radio and a tape recorder that I would tape stuff off the radio ( those tapes are now gone…lost with time). Mr. 70 also had a small radio that only got in the country music station, so it’s been country for him. Once in a while when at a friends house I would even get to MTV, but that was very rare.

                    My music taste these days is pretty broad, but I do have some stuff I just don’t like. I think son1 would hate what ever I did just to do so. Son2 likes music that rest of his classmates would find as weird, but there is the musician in him. I do know that he also listens to Gotya, I see it’s on his list. Son3 likes everything, he just likes music.


                    • Music is such a big part of growing up. I shudder when I hear how you were not allowed to take part and enjoy the initiation rites of pop music indulgence. – My early music taste has been deemed “the worst in the world” by a DJ friend of mine. However, I have managed somehow to create a son who showed early promising signs of good taste in music. His first two CDs at age 8 were “Never mind the bollocks” by the Sex Pistols and “The best of Rory Gallagher”. Old school, indeed 🙂 There is yet hope in this world, if Duran Duran-fans like me can make babies like that *haha*


                    • The one thing that they could not control was the 1 hour bus ride to and from school my last two years. I was not the same stuff every day, but I sure got a lot of AC/DC listening in those two years. I still was sneaky to have gotten away with what I did. Mr. 70 in the early years though my music was not good, but there was his country on all the time. I still listen to my music on my time, for the most part. I do think somewhat the peers of are children influence them or maybe the other way around. Son2 has a mind of his own, he would like to learn the bagpipes along with everything else (trumpet and violin). There is music to TLOR and TH, that he found on YT, that he likes.


    • Thank you for the birthday wishes. Just another of those shy Leo’s. Locks and looks that are so sexy.


      • Happy birthday, Katie, and now can you please get your imagination out to the dance floor and write chapter two of the fanfic Guylty so brilliantly started? I’m longing to know what happens next … and only you can tell us!


  16. Belated Happy Birthday Katie!

    Back to the picture..

    Once again, thank you for an interesting post, Guylty. The reason i am always so late is because i wait for a quiet moment when i can really concentrate on your posts because they are so informative.

    My feeling is that it was taken fairly early in the morning – partly because of the light but also because RA looks like he has tired eyes. To me it looks as if he hasn’t quite woken up yet (i say this because my eyes look like that if someone makes me get up too early and, unfortunately for RA, early starts are part of the job.)

    I went and ‘studied’ 😉 the other shots and thought this was the only one he looked tired in so my theory is that either this was a fluke or that the photographer did a series of photo’s throughout the day, whenever RA wasn’t required on set, and he had woken up by the time the ‘no escape’ shot was taken.

    It’s definitely Lucas btw.



    • Thank you for the birthday wishes. I also like to read the *ooof’s* when it is quiet. To fully understand what we are learning. I also try to study for school when it is quiet, not always easy with three boys (ages soon to be 22, 14 and 12 1/2) and a husband. Guytly makes a great teacher and I do learn something new every time. Never to old to learn.


    • Hello Bolly – comment whenever you like. I fully understand the need for a quiet moment when Richarding.
      I should really check how high in the sky the sun is in April, then we could tell what time of the day it must have been. Early morning could be right, you never know. Although I think that the other shots from the series must have been taken at the same time – the sun hasn’t moved significantly. Except for No Escape – he definitely has a different look about him by then and the sun is not visible anymore.
      Thanks for your comment x


  17. […] available light a lot, which adds realism to his shots. Those are the strongest of his images imo. ooof  […]


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