*ooof*: The One Ring

Hooray! I am still here. Who would’ve thought that? Why am I excited? Well, indulge me and watch the little video I made for you, dear readers, and then we’ll talk more…

Have you recovered from the squeaky voice and the Djerman aksent? Now you know a little bit more of me 😉 Let me just put it down in writing again: Thank you so much for the amazing, unexpected journey you have taken me on. If you want to stay with the analogy then Servetus is the Gandalf to my Bilbo,  bringing me on an adventure that is unpredictable but life-changing. And you are my fellow travellers, the dwarves. That leaves the question – who or what is Smaug? And which role does Armitage have in this little scenario? Maybe he is “the one ring” – golden and shiny, with magic powers, and yet dangerous to possess, to be possessed by?, soul-corrupting – destructive? No, in the right hands the one ring is a treasure, and if we all look after it, only good can come from it.

Now that I have thrown that ring analogy at you, I have to illustrate this post with a Thorin still – for the organic feel. Not really what I had in mind when I started this post hours, days, weeks ago… But hey, life is ever a surprise, so I am embracing the flow and giving you this:


Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield
In the official French THTDOS poster
Sourced via RAnet

An unusual sight: Thorin is still. He stands, Orcrist’s hilt clutched to his chest, his head turned to his right. A breeze is playing with his hair. He may be standing on a mountain, just about to turn around, listening intently to a faint noise, or maybe he has already spotted whatever has captured his attention. The slightly cocked head indicates that he is concentrating on a noise, zoning in sensorily on whatever that may be. In any case, there is an atmosphere of stillness emanating from this image, despite the hair blowing in the wind. In fact, the flowing tresses emphasise the absence of motion in this shot. With the sword held protectively against him, Thorin stands erect, proud and strong. He is pausing. Is this the stillness before a storm? A brief reprieve before the drama will reach its pinnacle? While he is wearing is magnificent fur-lined coat, he has got a different type of armoured top on. The chain-mail top indicates that he may be dressed for battle. The lack of blood, grime and scratches tells us that the battle has not started yet – but will begin soon. As such, this image is a fitting illustration for the second instalment of TH, as part 2 will lead us closer, but not entirely to the climactic ending of the story.

But the drama is already indicated hinted at. What? After Guylty has just talked about stillness and pause? Well, the drama is in the light. What we have here is called “rimlight”. In photography, rimlight (also called “backlighting”) shines from behind the subject towards the camera. In order to avoid blinding the camera, the light itself has to hide behind the subject himself – or be obscured by parts of the set-up, the backdrop, or by rigging it from the ceiling. In practice, rimlight can be arranged in a 90 degree range behind the subject, thus covering a quarter of a circle right behind the subject. How high or low you place the rimlight determines where on your subject you will receive the gleaming effect of the backlight.

Rimlight serves two different functions. In a practical way, it allows the subject to stand out from the background. That is important in this instance as both the colours of the landscape behind Thorin, as well as his outfit consist of similar shades of grey and blue. While the fawnish pelt stands out against the background, the effect is more visible on Thorin’s coat: the dark grey of the leather reflects the rimlight and almost gives the impression of a gleaming silhouette, a white rim that defines the outline of the subject. Rather than blend in with the background, the similarly coloured subject is given a clear contour.

But the application of such lighting also has a dramatic aesthetic use in the image. It dramatises the subject. The rimlight strongly hits Thorin’s majestic profile. This is almost a gloriole effect (I have written about that before in connection with a Tracey Nearmy shot from Sydney), i.e. the bright light of the rimlight creates a halo-like sheen around the head of the sitter.  In that sense, it adds a theatrical effect to the image. Thorin’s forehead and profile are strongly illuminated by the backlight, the reflection causes a pronounced white glare. This does not only distinguish Thorin’s face from the hair that is behind him and picks out the three-dimensionality of the image, but also creates an other-worldly atmosphere that is fitting to the character. As befits him as a king, he is given status with the gloriole effect – his noble profile is picked out, and the impression is created that he is being singled out by a light that shines upon him from above – an artistic device that we are familiar with from religious iconography. We may associate a feeling of holiness or mystery with this depiction of Thorin, fitting for a king and a leader on a righteous quest.

There is, of course, other light in the image as well – otherwise we would not be able to see much of Thorin’s front. The so-called key light illuminates Thorin from front above and allows for the details of the costume and the face to be visible. Without it, the grey strands in Thorin’s hair would be too subtle to make out. (It is also possible that a third light – a so-called fill light – has been used in this shot. This is employed to balance the contrasts in the image.) But the defining lighting here is the strong backlight that has been used to aid the characterisation of the subject as a magnificent, God-like creature.

And boy has it made an impact! The photographer and/or art director are capitalising on Armitage’s own impressive profile. The prosthetic forehead and eyebrows help to make the profile even more pronounced. It is amazing how these details come together in the shot – the strong forehead which we associate with a fierce and feisty leader/fighter. The obscured eye(s) which are leaving an element of mystery to the protagonist – we do not know what he is looking at, we cannot gauge from a look at his eyes what he may be thinking. The clearly depicted hands clutching the sword to his chest speak of determination, possibly apprehension. The slightly tilted head indicates concentration and evaluation. The erect posture can be read as pride and readiness to fight or to acceptance of responsibility for whatever may be next levelled at the subject.

A lot of care is taken with such shots, and no doubt it would have taken an hour or two to produce a number of scenarios and poses that the art directors would then choose from for the marketing material of the film. The tools and techniques of photography are being masterfully employed for the characterisation of the subject. Together with the acting abilities of the subject they create a look and feel for the character that is in keeping with the film in general and the context of the character in particular. The viewer is given both a ready-made characterisation of Thorin as well as a cliff-hanger: This is the majestic king under the mountain. But what will his next steps be? You will find out in cinemas from December 11th 😉

PS: I have left a little pressie for you on my “other” blog.

All text © Guylty at me + richard armitage, 2013. Please credit when using excerpts and links. Images and video copyrights accrue to their owners.

~ by Guylty on November 12, 2013.

88 Responses to “*ooof*: The One Ring”

  1. I love your *ooof*s, Guylty, and I can’t tell you how very glad I am that you do them. I’ve learned so much about photography just from these, from you, and of course you instruct us using only the very *best* of images. 😀 I happily celebrate the anniversary of the day you starting sharing the wealth of your knowledge and excellent eye (and delightful sense of humor) with us, and I hope to be reading these for many years to come.

    My goodness, this poster. I have been so curious about it ever since it first popped up. What is he wearing? It could be my imagination, but I think the fiber of that fur is finer than what he wore all through AUJ. What is the story of the way he’s holding Orcrist? Is it protective, or possessive? Is he clinging to what is his in the face of the world trying to take it away? Is he succumbing to greed. to the sickness? I am just so intrigued by it. And you point out the light — love it. So theatrical. The brightness on the left fading to black in the bottom right corner. Is he turning toward the light, or away from it? Or is he still deciding which? Are we meant to see this as a depiction of inner conflict — the potential to become either the hero or the villain of the story?

    Grah, I just love everything that is happening here, all the possible interpretations. Thank you for helping us look for and see these things. 🙂


    • Thank you Alyssa – it is so easy to *ooof*, isn’t it, with the material that we are given :-D… Although I occasionally feel jealous of other fandoms that seem to get new pictures much more frequently, we actually have a wealth of images to draw from. And the material seems to get better with every shoot. Well, or it stays at a consistent, top level. A reflection on the growing reach of Mr A, I suppose.
      Yes to all of your questions – if anything, this is what good stills and promo photography does: it is evocative and appeals to our emotions as much as our curiosity. We want to know more than just the static slice of life that we have been given, our imagination has been piqued and we start making assumptions and interpretations. I always find it amazing when I notice how the photography was deliberately planned to support certain interpretations of a character or a scene. Even without Photoshop it is possible to influence the viewer, possibly even manipulate her. Heck, I am manipulated every time I see an Armitage image… totally under the spell *ggg*…
      Thank you for your support, Alyssa! I enjoy reading your posts and your comments – let’s go for another year 😉


  2. Happy *ooof* anniversary Guylty! 😀 What a surprise to hear your voice 🙂 I love it, and it helps to feel a bit closer to you than the distance in RL suggests.
    Your weekly *ooof* is a very important appointment and today, thinking about the day it was, I exclaimed to myself: what? we are waiting for an *ooof* just today! 😀

    This poster is so stunning that I was left breathless. All Thorin posters for DoS are really fantastic and hints to the dual personality and changing we are about to witness in Thorin. Alyssa wrote down my thought perfectly, so I won’t add anything.
    Thanks for the analysis and the usual lights lesson that guided me in watching the pic more closely and consciously (what a sacrifice!). Hidden eyes are very important and significant for more than one reason. I’d really wish to have this and the others posters to adorn my walls…

    Thank you again and hugs and kisses to you too! Soon we’ll have lot of new material too *ooof*… are you ready? 😛


    • Hehe, I know – it’s amazing how much more personal someone else appears once you know hear their voice or see their face. While the opinion expressed in my *ooof*s or comments are probably the closest anyone could get to an interpretation of “me”, knowing my voice probably makes me more real. Well, I just wanted to prove the point that I *am* indeed real, I am a separate entity from Servetus ;-), and I do want to give back something to the fandom that has embraced me so warmly, personally and kindly. So thank you to you, too, Micra, for being one of my most active readers. You are my early-morning benchmark ;-). My day only starts once you have commented – thanks to our time-zones being close together.
      As for the poster – yes, definitely something *pants breathlessly, too*. So many questions left open. That is great because it assumes that the viewer is clever and able to interpret and imagine. And I like the little bit of mystery that challenges my curiosity and my fantasy.
      I can’t wait for THTDOS. Am I ready? I think I need to make space in my schedule for the onslaught of pictures that is bound to come our way. Eeeeek. Christmas is not really the best time of year for that… But I have a willing heart *ggg*


      • Yes, our time zones help! I’m an early bird, we are 1 hour ahead so here it is little Micra ready to comment and fangirling with her Guylty friend 😉
        I am just thinking (hoping) how to stay awake if they will do a live streaming of LA DoS Premiere… just think how many new pics we’ll have! And hopefully some new good photo shoot like the ones of the past year. Could Ascroft manage a RARA 2013-14 photo session edition? 😛
        Let’s hope Richard won’t be stingy and gives us some new material to *ooof* during this second year 😉


        • The time zones are really annoying (or practical, in our case). I can always tell when America wakes up *ggg*. In fact, at the time of writing (12.34 GMT) I am waiting for the American contingent to wake up and power up their computers *ggg*. Come 3 pm they will dominate the internet 😉
          Oooh, a live streaming of the LA premiere… interesting. They did one for London last year, didn’t they? Hm, I suspect I will miss out on it because I am planning to be away. Another photoshoot like the RARA one would be brilliant. But I do not expect that until after the premiere. They will want to capitalise on the publicity of that. And yes – RICHARD! Come on, do a few more shoots. Your Army demands. 😀


          • I know I’m hard to pin down according to my posting times, so maybe I don’t count, but I’m one of your American contingent! It’s just that I’m a vampire.


            • Hehe, I know Alyssa, sorry – but you must be posting in the middle of the night?! Night owls of the world unite 🙂


              • Yeah, I’ve got multiple sleep disorders in addition to just naturally being a night owl, so there is basically no hour of the day or night at which I am not sometimes up and posting. I’d be the ultimate time zone internet chameleon if I could manage not to sound so definitively American.


  3. You have a beautiful voice, my dear. Wow. Congratulations! Those are great stats, even with your own contributions. The ficlets are always a nice bonus, yes.


  4. Happy one year blogiversary Guylty. I love your voice.It’s not squeaky at all. It’s sweet and lilting. *Gloriel*, may become one of my favorite new words. This image is haunting, in a good way. From your analysis, it sounds like a real master took these shots. Do we know who?


    • Hehe, yep, the Djerman aksent has a bit of an Irish lilt in it ;-). My voice work is a bit rusty – I used to record regularly for audio programmes – and my elocution was hampered by my nervousness…
      You know what Perry, I really should’ve made an effort an found out who has been taking the images for the THTDOS posters. I kind of assume it is the regular stills photographer. Besides the photographic tricks there has obviously also been some Photoshop in the image. So it really is a composite work of art, I guess…
      Thanks for commenting and your support!


  5. Happy blogiversary and thank you for bringing us your delightful ooofs! I really enjoy them and look forward to Tuesdays. I hope you continue finding joy in producing them and admiring their subject. 🙂 Btw, you have a lovely voice and I like the Djerman accent. 😉

    Re the poster: thud!


    • 😀 I look forward to Tuesdays, too, because I know that I will be chatting/commenting/fangirling together with all of you. I am so glad it has settled itself on a Tuesday – usually a non-descript, early-week day that I do not see much point in. This way, I look forward to it every week…
      Re. voice… it’s funny how we don’t recognise our own voices, isn’t it? I almost liken it to RA seeing himself in costume. Familiar, but not quite…


      • oh yes, Tuesday was a poor amorphous day before *ooof*ing began!


        • LOL – yes, a day to completely delete from the calendar 😀


          • Somebody’s forgetting about Topless Tuesday *cough*
            But ooofs bring more fun to Tuesdays because we get to comment together. 🙂


            • Hahaha – yes, I am too cerebral for topless Tuesdays. Somehow they never caught on with me, possibly because they were only brought in much after I started on Tumblr. As far as I remember, the RArmy contingent pre-Hobbit had invented their own schedule, and Tuesday was some character or other…


              • Fact is we have lack of material (cough cough) and pics are always the same. Very nice view but… we need new topless photos! 😛
                Joking, I wish RA not to need go shirtless anymore to get work. His masterpiece is Thorin, and he only used his eyes and mouth. Oh, and Thornton never go beyond getting off the cravat 😉
                But if naughty Richard will like to offer us his beautiful naked body again… well, I won’t complain at all! We have several tumblr ready for any single delicious part *ggg*


                • Your first and second paragraph ring so true. I have often felt that eroticism is much more effective *with* the clothes on. Don’t get me wrong – I certainly enjoyed bare-chested Guy in *that* scene in RH. But it was definitely gratuitous. As was Lucas stripping for Darshavin. Porter in the nip seemed to serve a purpose (creating context at his arrival in prison). But the stiffly-cravatted Mr Thornton was hugely attractive, as is the well-padded Thorin. The facial expressions do the trick…
                  No, I quite like to leave a couple of things to imagination (as much as I joke about chestitage etc.)


                  • Agree. I’m glad you judge as gratuitous that Spooks scene. And I surely find Thornton smoulder sexier than other explicit sex scenes 😉


                    • I never understood that Spooks scene – or why Lucas had to undress. Maybe they cut parts out of the final edit afterwards, but there was no rhyme or reason to Darshavin asking Lucas to put on other clothes – it was never picked up after he had undressed and put on the boiler suit… Perhaps it was just a way for Darshavin to prove how much power he had over Lucas? In any case, it seemed unnecessary.
                      Smoulders are hot. Possibly hotter than peaches.


                    • Hotter then peaches, yes, definitely hotter 😛


                    • I always understood that scene in Spooks 8.4 as a means for Darshavin to begin their interaction by subjecting Lucas to ritual humiliation and asserting his control. I’ve never seen the nudity there as even remotely sexual, or attractive — I actually felt it like a physical blow the first time, seeing the discomfort on Lucas’s face as he strips. If the nudity was meant to be gratuitous fanservice, it missed far wide of the mark for this fangirl at least.


                    • Same here – although it didn’t register with me upon first viewing. I didn’t think it was a nod to the drooling fangirls, either. It only occurred to me later that there was no (obvious) point to Lucas stripping. Only then I started wondering why this was in the film, and interpreted as you said – a power game by Darshavin.


                    • I could be totally off base but I assumed it was so Darshavin could be sure Lucas had no hidden wire or other device to give away his location. Nothing hidden on his person or in his clothes.


                    • That is another logical explanation. Sounds good to me, too.


                    • Yep, but then they remain in the room, so the eventual bugs were still there and operative…


                    • The explanation may be logical, but surely they could have found other ways to show Darshavin’s power over Lucas. But they wanted us to see the peaches. Porter spent half the time losing various items of clothing. They want us to drool, no doubt about that. We seem to prefer Thornton’s smoulder though, and don’t even get me started on Thorin.. So, the amount of exposed skin is not directly proportional to sexiness.


                    • I am sure the producers are aware of “the power of the peaches”. the question is what is the main motivation of showing them. I found the naked skin in RH gratuitous. Similarly in the Darshavin scene. Porter – I can kind of see how the nudity was part of the wider scene, and a secondary “present” for the female part of the audience. The nudity in BTS is a better example. It is only normal to depict a couple who is having bedroom problems engaging in sex. And that demands nudity. Fair enough. Not so sure in some other scenes.
                      However, in general RA has been lucky enough to keep it fairly “clean”. As I said before – some things are better left to imagination. Even if the plot benefits from it…


                    • @richardiana: I agree. 😉


                    • Someone posted the gif from the Darshavin scene on Tumblr today. On seeing it again I realized he had his watch on the whole time so clearly I was wrong about the “reason” for the scene. I’m fully convinced it was gratuitous and not for any valid plot development. I much prefer the smoulder of Thorin as well!


                    • @richardtreehouse: 😀 yep saw the scene on tumblr yesterday! Nice coincidence with our talking here 😉


  6. Ahhhhhh that was sooo adorable! I remember recording something for FanstRA4 and I was banned from ever posting it as apparently I sounded like I had a lisp 😉
    I bet there are those reading your posts who didn’t know that you have the cutest German accent and it put a huge smile on my face when I heard it recorded here as part of your blogiversary.
    I remember when we met last year in London, at first I didn’t recognise your name (BTW, I always pronounce Guylty differently in my head, like Guy +lty), until it clicked and I said: You’re the *ooof* girl! That’s who you are!
    Anyway, I love how you’ve enriched and compliment this blog, especially that fitting in can’t be easy. Your posts are challenging but fascinating and we always learn something new (even if we can’t turn theory into practise).
    I hope we will be celebrating many many more years!
    Regarding today’s post: If Richard is the One Ring, that’s one Precious I’d love to keep close to my chest!


    • Oh, that is so sweet of you to say Agzy , bless! 🙂 And yes, I remember your reaction last year in London LOL. (My pen name is really weird, I must concede… If I pronounced it Guy+lty, it would have the German word for “horny” in it, and that would be even weirder (but possibly more honest *coughsanddies*))
      Many more years? No no no – you’ll be bored with me. I am surprised you are all indulging me with my photo whims… the nerdy details and the technology porn. As for fitting in on this blog – Servetus is a wonderful host (I really should’ve made that clearer in my post). She has been a great support, inspiration and model for me. Let’s hope she keeps her blog going for a long time (before she chucks me out ;-))
      Re. Ring: Precious indeed. I think he *is*. Very special. Unique. Unlike any other actor I see at the moment.
      Thanks for your lovely comment – and xxx


  7. Beautiful oof. One other thing to notice. He has to be at Erebor. He has more rings on his fingers and a band on his thumb. His arm battle armor is different. It doesn’t have the strings that wrap around his hands. I would venture to say he’s looking down on the Elves and Men camps, except that Thranduil had taken Orcrist from him (in the book).


    • That’s really observant, Arkie – and shows you are much more of a Tolkienite than I am. It makes sense what you say – different armour and up on a height.


  8. I forgot to say, I love your voice. Will you come read nighty night stories to me?


    • LOL Arkie – you flatter me, but you don’t want that, I promise you… The accent would eventually drive you mad 😉 I wish I could lose it, but hell, I suppose it is part of who I am…


  9. For a person who was completely ambivalent about this whole Thorin thing, I certainly do find myself staring at these images a lot! I love the analysis of how light works for and against photography. I blame you for the fact that I take twice as long to “set up” my shots these days! 😉


    • …and happy oofiversary!


    • Yeah, I am pretty flabberghasted, too. Apparently I have a thing for rather hairy guys. Beard and long hair. Why, I never… I found myself telling Mr Guylty yesterday that I liked his overgrown stubble. I think the word “sexy” was mentioned. Arrrrrrrrgh.
      Oh, and the set-up time of photos: I would hope that double the effort in the set-up also results in double the quality of image? 😀 Keep at it – slowing down is good for us 🙂 The more often you do it, the better you get at it…


      • Sometimes yes, sometimes no :). I was actually thinking about digging out my old Pentax K1000, buying some film (gasp) and re-learning some of the basics. Once upon a time, I had some game ;).


  10. I heard the Irish lilt in your German accent too, Guylty! Loved the movie and the post, and of course HAPPY OOOF-IVERSARY to you! Love the advice on taking fan pics too, although frequently I am in way too much of an SDLAKFJ;DSLKFJS;DLFKJ state to even hold a camera….


    • Top o’ the mornin’ to ya, love :-D. 30 years exposure to Ireland cannot be denied…
      As I said to you before – in a fan situation I would be shaking so much, there’d be nothing on my pics but blur. And no, I don’t mean the Britpop band. (Now, pay me for my attendance at such an event, and I’ll get you crystal clear shots of all essential bits, ha!)
      Thanks for commenting xxxxx


  11. Beatha agus Slainte. (Someday I’ll figure out why my Russian keyboard messes up fadas). Congratulations and happy anniversary, Guylty! I agree with AwkCelebEncounters; the combo of German and Irish accents is loverly! I’d love to hear you read some Joyce aloud…Thank you for your tireless oooffing and your impeccable taste in photos to ooof.


    • Go raibh maith agat, Chai!!! Now there is a nice idea – a Joycean mingling of German accent and Irish lilt. I love it (my thesis for my English lit degree was on Joyce). Oh, and I like that you aprove of my choice of *ooof* images 🙂 So hard to choose, and I am often guided by the scope for photo nerding inherent in them. Funny, when I initially started out, they were all of slightly suggestive poses. Now, that priority has all fallen by the way side. For the better, I think 🙂
      Thanks for your comment and your support! x


  12. Love your voice, the mix of accents is so interesting and exotic (at least to me who speaks Southern Californian. Happy ooofing anniversary and keep up the good work. I am so glad you chose this poster to analyze. Aside from the obvious beauty of Thorin’s face in profile, I like his hands. I think he isn’t wearing those horrible fake pudgy dwarf hands from TH. They look and strong beautiful. Just like the rest of Thorin.


    • Hehe – “exotic”. I never thought a plain, pale, German blonde as I would hear herself described like that. Mind you, you were referring to my voice, not my looks 😉 Cheers!
      Glad you like the choice for the *ooof*. You know what, I was wondering about the hands. Initially I drew the same conclusion and thought they were his. But looking closely I think they are the prosthetics – I think they are too big to be Armitage’s real hands. They are really well-made, though, with the veins standing out. So much detail, down to the last tee…


  13. I think you have a lovely voice! I enjoy each and every ooof and congratulate you on your anniversary. You have given me a completely new perspective on photography and I too look forward to Tuesdays!


    • Thank you, treehouse 🙂 As an ex-teacher, it literally excites me to think that I may have passed on some of my knowledge and given others an new perspective on photography. It is hugely gratifying for me to write here because my audience is so exceptionally appreciative. Thank you for commenting!


  14. Happy Anniversary and keep up the great work, Guylty! 😀


  15. Congratulation and happy anniversary, Guylty! 🙂
    Thank you very much for this year of smart *ooof*ing. You, Serv and all the girls helped me more than once, I’m grateful :*
    PS: Squeaky voice?!Are you kidding me? You have very plesant timbre of the voice, it was nice to hear ..to meet you,Guylty 🙂


    • *blushes* Thanks Joanna 🙂
      I think we all help each other – by writing, by reading, by offering opinion and advice, by being there and by being in this TOGETHER. It’s been a great year for me, and I would love to continue!


  16. Happy 1st blogiversary, Guylty! And I loved hearing your lilting voice! Thanks for sharing your insights! Cheers! ;->


  17. Another great oof..I guess you don’t get the day off for just a one year anniversary?
    How fun it was to hear your voice! This poster MAY very well, knock the first ever Thorin poster from it’s pedestal…maybe. I’m not sure yet. It is riveting but sad? Does that make sense?
    I think it will have to settle for second place simply because it feels to close to the end to me.
    Thanks Guylty for adding a word to my vocab today…rimlighting. Sweet!


  18. Hullo, you cool blonde from the North (the South is calling! ;-). Gosh, is the party already over? I’m always late…. Still…It’s wonderful to have made your acquaintance here on this blog (a wink to Serv!) and guess what, meeting you in RL was even better!!! Thanks Guylty, for your sedulous efforts over the past year to mollify our hearts and to keep us greedy bunch of RA-fangirlies occupied and on the go (you know what can happen when we have too much range and not enough Richard to oggle and to sink our teeth into…Oh, dear! :D) All the material you provide for us to scrutinise, all this needs time to really look at, to process, and it requires time to absorb it into my (most often willing) mind. Trying to put and see everything in perspective, and in all the possible angles is an additional pleasure and challenge (uffff, this very special luciously handsome man is such a rich source of delight!). I had a whale of a time to keep pace with all your „oooofings“, with light and shadow constantly dawning on me (I better not forget the flashs!), yet please be assured I read all of them, even if sometimes I feel too run down by all this gorgeousness that I’m incapable to utter a single word….. Cheers Guylty, stick a coronet in your wanton curls, take a sip and celebrate your anniversary. BTW your German accent isn’t as strong in my ears….. LOL!!!


  19. Also a bit late to jump on the bandwagon 🙂 but nevertheless I will not miss the chance to congratulate to your blogsiversary. Your *ooofs are my Tuesdays highlights (sometimes my Wednesdays highlights when real life thrusts some work in my way) and I cannot tell you how much I enjoy them. Great choices of pics, very very interesting photonerdic explanations, lovely ficlets and amusing fangirling in the comments (that always make me laugh out loud). A brilliant mix I never get tired of. I bow my head in admiration, raise a glass to you and thank you so very much for your time to set up these wonderfuls posts. And I look forward to many many more of them!


    • Dear i.f. You can jump on my bandwagon any time! Tuesday or wednesday doesn’t make a difference! Thank you so much for your continuous support! It is great fun to *ooof* with readers like you. You make my Tuesdays (or Wednesdays) special, too! Xx


  20. Congretulations to your first blogoversary. I love your Djerman aksent, it´s obvious, isn´t it? Keep on, the pictures you choose are stunning, the photographing aspects are so intersting (I´ve learned a lot during the last months) and the ficlets are “das Sahnehäubchen” (the icing on the cake, is that correct?).

    BTW, your voice sounds so young, I love it. Today, my personal *ooof* goes to you…


    • Hehe, the “aksent” might sound familiar to you 😉 Thanks for your kind words. The ficlets slowly but surely are becoming more than just the icing but the luscious chocolate ganache filling…
      Oh, and my voice still young? I like to hear that!!!


  21. Beautiful picture of Thorin. Money is well spent for the promo photos.


  22. Little late to the party but nevertheless: Happy ooofiversary Guylty!!!
    Keep them comin’!


  23. […] collars and cheeky twinkles in their eyes but because the portrait again blurs the line between fashion photography and (non-advertising) portraiture. Armitage is seen in a head and shoulders shot. He has angled his […]


  24. […] you missed it, it was Guylty’s blogiversary this week. In addition to her anniversary *ooof* here, Guylty put a great post on her own blog about how to get a great fan candid or do some memorable […]


  25. […] far wrong, it was 2,355) and that would take three years. The post rate picked up a lot. Guylty joined me in November 2013 and made a major contribution. But even as I saw the numbers pick up toward the end of 2012, and then again, massively, in the […]


  26. […] arm, however – while I like a good hair-grab any day (reminiscent of Armitage’s delicious hair acting in TH, drawing attention to the dark curlywurly tresses per se, and possibly evocative of some […]


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