Damn. Another Spontaneous Ovarian Combustion…

I’ve been saying to people for months that this reveal was going to kill people. I don’t know where these came from, but here they are.


Remember the absolute excitement when the very first tweets came rolling in when The Crucible premiered? I’ll never forget this Tweet: https://mobile.twitter.com/claireanatomy/status/480451141701210114

Clearly, that was of great interest! I remember sending a PM of that tweet to my cousin, with words along the lines of “Fanning myself! OMG!”

armitage8 Richard Armitage as John Proctor. Infamous wash-basin scene, Act 2, The Crucible, 2014 Old Vic Theatre. Photos found at rachelduncandoughnuts.tumblr.com

And the scene did not disappoint, especially from the first row, when it happened 2 feet in front of me. I remember my heart rate was elevated, and I felt flushed and light-headed.

Happened again this morning when I came across these photos. Damn him. I can hardly type when I look at these.

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~ by Servetus on January 26, 2015.