Important similarities and differences between Thorin Oakenshield and Alauddin Khilji #richardarmitage

[This is not an endorsement of the film, Padmaavat, which I saw today after reading a review in BMD.  I wanted to see it to see what all the anger was about. It’s immediately obvious why the film would be problematic for its target audiences and I get it now — so here’s a more informed review. I’m posting this because I got drawn into thinking about the many visual similarities between Thorin and Alauddin. Also, I wondered if TH: BOTFA would have been a better film had the dwarves used moments of high tension in the script to break out into song and dance. You probably won’t find this amusing unless you’ve seen the film.]

They’ve each got a funny hat

Actually, Alauddin Khilji has several funny hats.

They’ve each got a relentless glare

Although Mr. Thornton had that, too.

They’ve each got a furry coat

Alauddin Khilji looks like Thorin’s fan art

And Ranveer Singh, who plays Alauddin, spends a surprising amount of this film topless.

They each have a curved sword

They each have a friendly sidekick who will do anything for them

Each of them is obsessed with a stone and willing to kill for it

Each has a sketchy relationship with a bird

And each of them is almost undone by a door

This is one of those comparisons that went nowhere, I guess. Other comparisons are possible — they both spend a lot of time screaming and posturing in their weird palace; both of them have large noses and get nose wounds. But I need to get into bed.

Here’s the coolest dance number — although he’s dancing just when he’s about to suffer an assassination attempt:


And the film trailer. The version I saw did have English subtitles.

~ by Servetus on February 7, 2018.

18 Responses to “Important similarities and differences between Thorin Oakenshield and Alauddin Khilji #richardarmitage”

  1. What about judicious use of eyeliner and fake eyelashes?


    • Definitely, although Thorin wore less eyeliner and lashes — that was more Gisborne. But Alauddin is definitely into the kohl pot.

      I was wondering last night which of them I liked better — Ratan Singh or Alauddin Khilji — and I decided that even though Ratan Singh “gets the girl” (in that she jumps on a fire to preserve her “dignity” — sorry, South Asians, I understand that that happened historically but my ethnocentrism is showing badly today) I’d rather ride off into the sunset with Alauddin. Well, except for the minor problem that he’s INSANE.


  2. now I’m mourning the loss of the Hobbit trilogy being a full fledged musical. oh, what might have been! (and I do see the resemblance)


    • Maybe I’ll write that, too — I was thinking about a spoof where PJ, Phillippa and Fran were talking about a musical remake. The possibilities are endless. Also, I really liked how this film did battles — they were short and mostly the soldiers rode into a cloud of dust and then you didn’t see anything. Although there was one character, Gora Singh, who fought briefly after he’d been decapitated. #determination

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thorin´s sword is bigger 😉.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. A++++++ comparison Serv! wipes tear


    • LOL. Thanks. apropos seeing Bollywood films, I’ve always wanted to, but now that I have the time I live in the whitest part of the US there is, so there aren’t so many opportunities. The theater was packed, though, so I am hoping they will bring more stuff here.


  5. I am here for more Bollywood dance numbers anytime! ❤


  6. I’m definitely tempted to watch this movie! I miss Thorin.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Gewise Ähnlichkeiten sind durchaus vorhanden – lol 🙂
    Kann es sein, dass Du heute Geburtstag hast?
    Wenn ich richtig liege
    Herzliche Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag ! ❤


  8. Alauddin Khilji in Khalibali song video is what I like to think Thorin would have looked like if he had started dancing when he was caught up in the gold sickness.
    P.S. : I am going to watch Padmaavat tomorrow. Yay!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. […] remember my speculation about the many similarities between Thorin Oakenshield and Alauddin Khilji a few weeks ago. And then there’s this, which looks an awful lot like the Company of Thorin Oakenshield […]


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