Gaudeamus igitur

Ann Marie’s dissertation was accepted!!!!! Because I can never resist an explanation: the title of this post; the song.

Claude Monet (Richard Armitage) orders another bottle of champagne to celebrate the completion of Ann Marie’s dissertation in The Impressionists, episode 1. Source: Richard Armitage Central Gallery

~ by Servetus on December 21, 2010.

49 Responses to “Gaudeamus igitur”

  1. This was absolutely perfect! Thank you so much!!! I feel tears..truly thanks.



    • It’s a huge thing, Ann Marie. In Germany there’s a title for people who’ve completed the dissertation but not received the degree, quite: Dr. designatus. Congrats, Dr. designatus Ann Marie!


      • It is truly an endurance test as you already know..about 8 years for me with working full-time. And seriously, I am trying to figure out how to include Richard Armitage and Sir Guy of Gisborne and you all into my dedication…all of this got me over the hump with 2 am bursts of fic writing…

        you were very sweet to post this, I shall cherish it and The Impressionists is one of my favorite RA vehicles. I play the theme from it to write my fiction by..

        I have to send this link to my little ‘verse inhabitants…it is a truly wonderful thing for me…thank you.

        I may be the only one to ever comment here but it is something I will never forget.


        • Even Jacob only had to work 7 years to get Rachel, so this is a feat of super-biblical proportions. A bottle of Champagne from Monet is the least we could do 🙂


          • hmmm, super-biblical proportion or just really, really slow. At this point I’LL buy the champagne!


            • It took me seven years as a fulltime student, so I actually think you were doing fine. But I remember that last phase when you think you will never finish and it will be easier just to give in and let oblivion wash over you.


    • Congratulations Ann Marie! A fantastic achievement 🙂


  2. Congrats, Ann Marie! The boys are all so impressed with your accomplishment! Guy would give a salute with his sword–if I would only give it back to him, of course. What a great early Christmas pressie!!


    • Thanks Angie, I almost lost the faith.


    • Thanks Angie! Guy is going to get a big kiss (and maybe a little extra from me) for unblocking my creativity logjam. Once I listened to him and started writing his fic everything opened up!

      When will you be out of town, we’ll want to be alone! 😉


      • Well, we were just out of town, so I had better make special arrangements for you two, Ann Marie. Guy is preening over the thought he is responsible for prompting your creative juices to flow . . . that sounds strangely—naughty. Oh, well . . . *giggle*


    • hang onto the sword!!!


      • That would be my intention dear servetus 😉 heh heh


        • LOL! Servetus has a mouthful of coffee and spits all over her desk. 🙂


          • LOL!! And I’m spitting my clear liquids. 😉

            Oh, and technically, Ann Marie is WAY AHEAD of Jacob. By 6 years if I recall.


            • I guess she wasn’t awarded a doctorate in the wrong subject out of trickery and forced to write another dissertation in order to get the one she really wanted … even academia is not quite as cruel as Laban 🙂


          • I don’t think I’ve EVER seen you write that you lost your coffee before! I laughed out loud when I read it! Thanks for a great set up line!


            • Oh, you girls. I can hear my dear departed mother saying “Now, stop being silly!”
              But we never did. Still haven’t managed it at my advanced age. Not sure I want to–stop being silly, that is!

              Actually I saw something tonight that just might be a perfect Christmas present for Guy–although he might not think so. (Oh, Guy, get that smirk off your handsome face, you vain devil, you, yes, we all want to-erm-play with your–sword . . .)

              I do think he would enjoy the coffee concoction I am currently drinking with a generous splash of Kahlua and Irish Cream . . . as we watch the Alastair Sim version of A Christmas Carol. Our favorite!


            • The last time was several years ago and led to me having to replace my office keyboard at my own expense 🙂

              Probably I should stick with clear liquids.


  3. Congratulations, Ann Marie!


    • Thanks November Bride! Did your LOTN arrive yet?


      • Finally, Ann Marie! Yesterday to be exact. I am on Chap 2 as of 4 pm. but the lovely reader read me to sleep last night. Woke up at 1:30am wondering where I was as RA just kept on a readin’! Got sidetracked today with the aforementioned fanfic (blog post titled Bursting With Armitage-y Goodness) “Grant What I Wish”. Really really good.(It would be THE perfect movie sequel I wished for earlier!) So little time and so much to read/listen to. Sigh. What a wonderful predicament. Hubs travel tomorrow to pick my mom up for the holidays so I should have uninterrupted listening/reading time, although I need to clean house before Mother gets here. Hmmmm, what to do….Thanks again for your help in ordering LotN.

        BTW, I unwrapped the package, popped in all 10 CDs to download them into my hard drive, synched them into my Walkman, then did backup copies on all 10 discs…not taking any chances!

        Best wishes to you for the remainder of your doctorate experience (not sure that’s the right word, but you get the idea!) So exciting!!!


        • Glad you liked “Grant What I Wish”. Those posts are worth it if people discover stuff they missed, and I really, really like that fic a lot.

          Have fun with LOTN; I still haven’t been able to make myself get past disk 4.


          • Unbelievable! But the end is so satisfying!! I’m stuck in “The Convenient Marriage” (mind I only got it end November waiting for the Audible release) mainly because I’m too obsessed with fanvids. One particularly named “Obession” no less!! LOL


            • Especially right now when I know there’s going to be a long period where I don’t get any new Armitage stuff it’s actually comforting to know I have a little stuff “left.”

              Fanvids are really addictive. I watch “I Like It Rough” probably five times a week …


  4. I’m so glad for you, Ann Marie! and so glad Servetus posted it.


  5. Congratulations, Dr. designatus Ann Marie, and have happy and enjoyable Christmas time now off the immediate dissertation pressure!!! I keep my fingers crossed for your defense.


  6. @ann marie – A wonderful accomplishment and an earned present for the season! Well done!

    Don’t give that sword back, angie. And make certain Guy does not have that wicked small curved dagger; to ensure a peaceful holiday, feed him mead; keep the theme from the Vicar in the background – bring in the Vicar; or somthing…

    Wishes for a peaceful weekend with family and friends, movies and food to everyone.


  7. How are you going to celebrate this accomplishment??? I hope you really bask in the moment. 8 years you go girl!!!


    • Celebrate? Let’s see, wrote fanfic with no guilt, went to dinner, had a universal online toast at 9 pm last Saturday…THIS amazing blog post…curtsied a couple of times…the usual! 🙂


  8. Congratulations Ann Marie. This is truely an accomplishment. How long before you have to defend yout thesis? Remeber, you are most probbbly THE authority on it’s subject, so I am sure that you will come through that as well shiningly. Because you did the work already.


    • Thank you for your very kind words Elisabet. Actually I did find something in my study that is isn’t in the literature and according to my colleagues I can speak pretty well on the topic so I am hopeful. Hopefully defense is in the next several weeks. I have to reformat the dissertation and other “stuff”.


  9. BTW, I showed my parents this blog post and their response was, “What were you doing up at 3 and 5 am? Are you crazy?” Gotta love ’em!


  10. Congratulations! 😀


  11. Congrats!! Ann Marie!! Looking forward to your “sword” practise with Guy!! Here’s a toast!! Chin-chin!!


  12. I join in the congratulations, so happy for you! ((Big hug))

    OML 😀


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