…descending even further from the sublime into the ridiculous …

Here are some more casual shoe choices from Mr. Armitage. I didn’t especially like the original outfits with which he wore them, or the shoe / outfit combination, in each case, but I did like both shoe choices:

Richard Armitage’s shoes, Justin Canning photoshoot, 2008, edited from original photo at Русскоязычный Cайт Pичардa Армитиджa

Richard Armitage’s shoes, June 24, 2009, edited from original photo at Русскоязычный Cайт Pичардa Армитиджa

The man has simply got great taste in footwear. Even when he’s wearing athletic shoes, which I find highly unsexy.

Can you tell I am experiencing a 90-minute break from responsibility? Soon it will be back to the boring old responsible Servetus … who, by the way, just established that she gets a $13 federal tax refund. I better hurry to the mailbox to get that return filed.

~ by Servetus on April 15, 2011.

19 Responses to “…descending even further from the sublime into the ridiculous …”

  1. I am not generally enthralled with athletic shoes either, being rather clunky–although I do find Mr. A gives them a certain je ne sais quoi. 😉

    I do LOVE those Keds-type sneakers he is sporting in the above photos.

    Whoo-hoo re the massive refund, Servetus! Don’t spend it all in one place . . . 😉


  2. Boring old – not yet. 😀

    Foot wear occupies my personal universe. LOVE shoes, can’t wear ’em. Comfort and ease of movement first. Ruined feet with ’80s shoes…

    A great part of Armitage Appeal derives from the necessity to bear with guyliner and make-up and ability to always appear elegant and appropriate in “public”; whether penguin suit is required, or just as gracefully, in jeans, the old blue shirt and trainers/running shoes. I’m sure he showers more often than Much, and there’s a whole wardrobe of blue shirts, which he changes more often than Gisborne did his black undershirt.


  3. So is this like an appendix to the Resartus posts? LOL!

    $!3? I’ve never been able to get my return that close to zero — which is always the goal. I had $64 once, and I thought that was stellar.


  4. Oh, and I love athletic footwear. I fell in love with SO’s converse high tops before I fell for him.


  5. I actually think the sneakers/trainers combined with a more or less formal suit might be inspired by David Tennant’s Doctor Who.


  6. Can take no credit for the refund exactness — this is all accomplished by my employer. However, this year for the first in many I did not file a schedule A.

    Resartus — I think this might be the prologue to another one. I didn’t write about slacks last time.

    I was thinking while writing this that there’s a difference between this kind of sneaker and “real” shoes for athletics. These are cute. But no one wears them for sports anymore, do they? If I had that whole big body that he has I’d be very careful to cushion my feet appropriately for stress.

    On the sneakers w/ suit — that’s not what bothers me. The pant on the grey suit doesn’t fit well and the break is wrong, and on the camel suit the choice of shoes with a hue lighter than his trousers makes his feet look odd. Although that’s not the worst part of that suit, as we’ve established many times 🙂

    Of course, these things are simply my opinions. Ymmv.


  7. I liked the buckled boots he wore to the 2010 BAFTA’s. It almost looked strange to see him in those athletic shoes (we call them runners!!) when he was practicing the fighting scenes there, as he seems to wear boots a lot! He does have great legs though, as I’m sure we have mentioned before!

    Being a Scot myself, I’d love to see him in a kilt!! (Not like the photo-shopped version I have seen.) He’d be drop dead gorgeous in a full Prince Charlie Highland outfit. For a great example of what this looks like go to scotweb.co.uk and I believe you’ll agree he would look smashing dressed like that. Look at the video called “How to Wear a Full Formal Kilt Outfit” on their website and you’ll get the idea and also see how a kilt should be worn IF you are interested!!


    • Delurking to LOL for a second…I watched that video a few days ago with my daughter. She was doing a Social Studies report on the countries her family emigrated from (for the record: Scotland, England, Austria, Poland, Germany, Russia, Italy and Greece) and when, etc. About ten years ago my step-mother researched the family tree and we used it for her report. My great-grandfather was born in Wheatley Hill, England and emigrated with his family in the early 1900’s. He had a sister, though, named Hannah who stayed behind and married a man named John Thornton. Must have been a lot of them.


    • Teuchter… I like how you think. Mr. A would look awesome in a kilt. I love a man in a kilt….I remember when I was living in Edinburgh I was walking and I saw this drop dead gorgeous young man, in a kilt, riding his bike (probably on his way to this fundraising ceilidh that was happening that night). Yum does not even begin to describe it!

      OK, so after he does the dark drama with Kate or Cate, I think he needs to do a period piece where he is wearing a kilt…. 😀 or maybe a modern rom-com where he goes to a wedding in Scotland and he has to wear a kilt?


    • There is a photo of Richard in a kilt he did for a photoshoot a while ago (can’t see his face well, but it’s him):




  8. och, with the calves he has, (see servetus’s other post) he’d be rather nice in a kilt, or a Greek soldier skirt.

    But yes, the grey pant drooping over any footwear. Um. Would it have been more -sartorial, to have switched the shoe colours? Any input from GQ?


  9. Servetus, a tax refund of any amount, result happiness, to paraphrase Dicken’s Micawber!

    Let’s not be too severe as to sartorial choices in photo shoots. The stylist dresses the person up and sometimes the effect they’re hoping for is quirky rather than a reflection of the person’s personal style.


    • That particular photographer did a great job with his face. My objection is mostly that the trouser break is something that Mr. Armitage usually has in control — one suspects because his height requires him to have the length of his trousers altered professionally and so someone who knows his stuff is measuring.


  10. Channelling David Tennant as Doctor Who pairing those shoes with a suit, methinks…


  11. I love the direction these posts are going! It never occurred to me to study his footwear. I totally dig these shoes, especially the ones in the first photo. Speaking as a girl who wore converse to her own wedding, casual shoes w/suit works fine for me. Can’t say I’m quite as crazy about the skinny trousers in the second photo, although the weird foreshortening might have something to do with it. IMO a man has to be heroin-addict thin to pull off that look, and this man, thankfully, is not.


    • it’s unfair to say anything about the camel suit based on that picture, precisely because of what you point to, except perhaps that in general that suit was an unfortunate choice.


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