When will it end? How did it begin? [truncated]

You will have guessed that the Richard Armitage Confession I probably empathize with most so far is this one. I wonder, too, how long can this possibly go on? Despite my switch to accepting the feeling as opposed to constantly questioning it, I wonder occasionally: will I die with the name of Richard Armitage on my lips?

John Porter (Richard Armitage), reacting to Diane’s death, but before he realizes that’s what’s hit him, in Strike Back 1.4. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

Yesterday I spent a lot of time with my TA, doing a workshop on how to write effective history essays for the students in my introductory course, and so  I thought I was doing pretty well staying away from the Armitage, but then I saw a picture (above) that triggered a rewatch of a good chunk of Strike Back 1.4, and then I went to chat at Judi’s, and someone posted a link to a screencap she had made that had me distracted for several hours and that was the image in my brain when I woke up this morning.

I still am not ready to write about this event, but I was thinking today about what happened afterwards — the stuff that cemented Armitagemania after it grabbed me.

OK, the café is kicking me out. A colleague of mine popped up here and just would not go away. I kept getting interrupted and having to collapse this window. For now, you get the picture to tide you over. Hopefully I can finish this post soon.

~ by Servetus on September 20, 2011.

31 Responses to “When will it end? How did it begin? [truncated]”

  1. Dear Servetus,
    I believe that was my confession, although I am sure it is a question we all share. I too, would like to know how long it might last.That was the second part of my question which I did not include. I have already started a post about the end, although it hasn’t happened yet — and I too, wonder if it ever will?
    As much as I want you to finish your posts to share with us, isn’t it a blessing that you have people close to you who can distract you with (hopefully) pleasant things. I need to remember that as well. I have barely scratched the surface of examining my grande passion (I’m going to call it that now — it sounds nicer than obsession). 😉


  2. Isn’t John Porter the most beautiful man? I found the way he is still attached to his wife despite their estrangement very moving. She still cared for him as well, otherwise she would have told him about her operation, but she preferred not to distract him when he was about to leave for an operation. Lexie was too young to understand this, of course.

    You know, this is such a worst case scenario for me – Lucas dead, Porter dead. 😦

    As for the sreencap – I feel extremely guilty because I slow-moed that whole sequence. *embarrassed*


  3. I’ve been “suffering” from Armitagemania for well over a year now and there’s no end in sight yet 🙂 . I hope you’re staying addicted a bit longer too as I would really miss your blog posts 😉


  4. I’m Alex from Moscow. And your comment (as well as all these “confessions’) frightens me a bit since I’m addicted less than 2 months. But the reason I intevene your blog was the only one: to thank you for your open and sincere expressions.


    • Thanks for the comment, alex, and welcome to the blog.

      Two months is early days — you have months, and months, and potentially years, and years, to go. 20% of people who read RANet.com regularly have been fans for over five years.


  5. It does not end (hopefully). There is no cure. Resistance is futile 🙂


  6. You’re right, Serv. That screen cap is extremely distracting. Just about made me late for work yesterday. Thankfully traffic wasn’t bad and I made all the green lights. Really didn’t want to have to explain the reason for my lateness to the boss (although she’s cool and may have become a convert)


  7. From my part, I don’t feel the need to question that part. I want it to be eternal while it lasts. 🙂
    What intrigues me is: why RA? Why now (in my middle forties) I have this feelings for someone I’ll never met in real life?


  8. I’ve asked myself the same question, fabi! I have always been a one crush girl, from my early teenage years and through adulthood. I am a huge fan of Pierce Brosnan for what must be close to thirty years from his early days in Manions of America. No one else has come close, but then I discovered RA, and I’m sure I was never as obsessed as I am now with Richard. I am into my fifties and a retired teacher. The internet has made satisfying my “grande passion” (thanks phylly 3 :)) so easy with a couple of blogs, RANet news and pics,YT etc, and thus Richard has become a necessary part of my everyday life which, I might add, is happy and blessed with husband, family and friends. Not to mention RA’s various works which I continually watch. I happily look forward to having this beautiful and talented man in my life for a long time to come. 🙂


    • It’s like fire, burning while has oxygen (blogs, pics, forums, videos, DVDs, audiobooks, interviews, movies) to feed it. More fuel, more flaming.


      • Fabi, I have a feeling though that the fire would keep burning even without the fuel, such is RA’s talent and all round gorgeousness!! 🙂


  9. Servetus, I love your sentence: Will I die with the name of Richard Armitage on my lips!!! Great movie! (“Grosses Kino”!) LOL. Yeah, maybe this is not so far-fetched.
    I´m recently also going a bit more with the “flow” instead of questioning this grande passion ( very nice phylly3 !!) all the time. But, this special kind of burning, this longing and this incomprehensible restlessness still overwhelms me every now and then.
    Albeit I´m not so involved in writing (and chatting) as much as you are, it´s my daily pleasure to stop by. You seem to be quite eine alte Bekannte whom I really enjoy to be acquainted with. Doesn´t that sound a bit like JT?

    BTW it´s good to know that you feel so much better at your new place.


    • well, I hope neither of us dies any time soon. But I wonder every now and then. Thanks for the kind words. I feel a surprising kinship with regular commentators as well — all but one of whom I have never met!


  10. The best we can hope for is the tiniest bit of objectivity – objectivity, not objectifying… Ha! Good luck to objectivity…. :/ as in “please make me good, just not yet”! 😀


  11. I don’t want it to end 🙂


    • I have mixed feelings 🙂 I still occasionally feel guilty that I spend so much time writing on this project. It’s not what I “should” be doing. But it makes me unbelievably happy.


  12. […] the whole story, which I’ve been trying in vain to write about for a long time, now, or even what happened next, which I have in a better draft form now, but it’s more of a status report on the last few […]


  13. […] about what they’re doing for the holidays. Most (with one exception, Pesky Colleague, this guy who always pops at Starbucks when I’m writing — he’s actually probably my best friend among my colleagues, now, so this is a loving […]


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