My brian may be melting [<–ETA: evidence that it was!]

Caught between this:

and this:

John Porter (Richard Armitage) argues with Layla over his theory about Katie Dartmouth’s kidnappers in Strike Back 1.1. Source:

It’s no wonder that my nieces and I couldn’t stop singing “Ma na Ma na” after the movie.

Oh, wait, they only saw The Muppets. I’m the one who’s singing “ma na ma na” in response to Armitage. Hmmm. Servetus considers trotting off to vid.

I know this was nonsensical. It was that kind of day. Back tomorrow.

~ by Servetus on December 31, 2011.

16 Responses to “My brian may be melting [<–ETA: evidence that it was!]”

  1. “Brian”??????

    I’m enjoying “Robin Hood” all over again. Later tonight, I’m thinking “Vicar of Dibley – Handsome stranger”, etc.

    Happy New Year


    • *sigh* snuggling up with Harry and Guy sounds like the perfect way to see in the New Year for me, but hubby and I are going out.

      Happy New Year everyone! 😀


    • Yup, this inevitably happens whenever I write a post about typos (happened last year, too). I may have had a glass of vodka and grapefruit juice in my hand. Maybe.


  2. *Is still fetal*


  3. Sounds like a fun day! Happy New Year!


  4. “Brian”? This may prove that watching too much Richard Armitage footage might lead you to making a typo (or perhaps it has just been that kind of day?) 😉
    If RA was somewhere out there lurking – which I’m sure he isn’t – he would now be chuckling smugly.
    Sorry, Servetus, I just couldn’t resist although I’m making typos both in English and in German all the time. Anyway, I send you my best wishes for the new year! Viel Glück und Gesundheit im neuen Jahr! 🙂


    • Hey, after writing 2,000 words about this subject last week if I can’t take a joke I’m a poor specimen for a human being.

      Although maybe my brain is melting.

      I hope Mr. Armitage is celebrating with his friends and having a wonderful evening.


  5. Mee mee maa moo!
    Ma na ma na …I wish you … ma na ma na…. a very Happy na ma na…
    .New Year! tutututututututututututu:D


    • thanks, Joanna. that’s kind of what we were doing after the film. One niece would say something and the other would sing “tu tu tu tu”.


  6. RE: “brian melting” – I actually read it as brain. When I saw Kathryn Gaul’s reference to brian – I was thinking “What is she talking about?” LOL
    Anyway, for anyone interested, here is brian melting:


  7. Oh, and I changed the title to point to my state of mind 🙂


  8. Whether it’s “brian” or “brain”, I understand all too well. The semester I carried 21 units, mostly hard science and math, while being a wife+mom, whatever little gray cells that weren’t melted were seriously deranged. Sesame Street would make me laugh ’til I wept.

    May the new year bring you joy, health, prosperity, and some respite for your brain!


    • 21 is really brutal. I hope you don’t have a research requirement.

      I wish you respite for your brain too!


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