Legenda 39: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]


Armitage Day is coming up — August 22nd!

If you want to send Richard Armitage a birthday present — an easy way to do it and something we know he wants: a donation to one of the four charities he has set up fundraising links to at JustGiving. Takes just a few minutes. Easy! It’s the thought that counts!






Beginning August 22nd, don’t forget to look for posts relating to King Richard Armitage Week. Participants include fitzg, Fly High!, CDoart: Richard Armitage & History & Spooks, Something About Love, White Rose: Sincere and Simple Thoughts, and me.

This is the project home page!  It will be worth your while to check in daily during the event, because we’re doing a charity quiz. New questions will be posted each day, to contribute to a solution that can be submitted by email by the end of the week. The winner of the quiz will receive a small commemorative item as a memento of their amazing knowledge of Richard III / Richard Armitage lore, and in honor of the victory, a modest donation will be made to the Richard Armitage JustGiving charity of the winner’s choice, too. More details about this activity will be available shortly.


Other Armitage Day and birthday-related activities for us to enjoy:

  • Crispin’s Eclipse is doing a daily countdown to August 22nd, called Armitage Day by some of us. These are really beautiful musings on her favorite pictures. Check it out.
  • spReAd the love is hoping to collect 100 contributions of a pint of blood or pound of food by fans of Richard Armitage before August 22nd. Thanks to all who have donated — after much procrastination, I finally managed my own donation last Sunday. But we still have more than a week left!
  • You can sign the RichardArmitageNet.com guestbook that passes birthday greetings on to Mr. Armitage here.
  • Add to C19′s annual collection of birthday greetings here (you must be a C19 member to post).
  • You can add to a similar list at Richard Armitage Central here (you must be a member to post).
  • Please add any other Armitage Day related activities in the comments so everyone knows about them!



  • khandy’s “Absolution” (John Porter) goes to chapter 12. I’ve missed this story so much!
  • Sharing a bedroom with Lucas after his return from Russia (G rated). Tender!
  • Trudy, I need you to get back from that vacation and write. There’s a consummation that I’m devoutly wishing and you’re responsible for providing it. Trudy, this means you!

OT, collateral attractions, and stuff I think about:

~ by Servetus on August 12, 2012.

15 Responses to “Legenda 39: Stuff worth reading”

  1. Thanks for mentioning my Lucas Fic excerpt! Cheers! ;->


  2. Thanks for the shout outs. They are always appreciated. 🙂


  3. Thanks for the mention Servetus!
    I second what you wrote about Judiang! She’s my absolute favorite blog writer. And that’s saying a lot, seeing that there are so many great writers in our community.
    I’d just like to add that starting from the 15th Seba aka Gisborn’s Boy and I have prepared a Countdown to Richard’s Birthday Competition, where RA admirers can get there hands on an Armitage goodie every day for 7 days straight, so please stop by my blog on the 14th (Tue) to read more about it 🙂


  4. Thanks again!!


  5. It’s my last night camping under the stars. Back to my reality soon, which includes my cherished morning writing time. I look forward to wrapping this story up, but bear with me for several more chapters.


  6. […] offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn't usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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