Legenda 52: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]



The famous poster in the snow, Manhattan, November 8, 2012. From a reader.

Hurricane “Sandy” aftermath continues:

I don’t have much to say about this except that I fear it went under in the election crush. Please don’t forget this. People on the U.S. East Coast still need our help. That includes first and foremost our thoughts and prayers. If you are led or can afford to give by donating money, here are some charities I have given money to in the past and can endorse: U.S. Red Cross; Presbyterian Disaster Assistance; World Vision. Here’s an article about donation to victims via amazon wish lists of local entities from political representatives to churches to Occupy. Here are links to Jewish organizations helping out. And for those who are there, volunteering and help their neighbors — I am thinking of you and praying for the success of your intentions.


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey overdrive:

Something worth noting comes almost every day, and it’s not all here. So if you want the complete picture as it emerged, you need to look at one of the fansites.

Plans firmed up this week. Fabo is going to be attending the NYC premiere and party with two friends; Judit, Linda60 and Agzy are going to London; a private FB group started this week of people who will be going to Wellington, and they’ve put a Thorin photo on their car door to identify themselves. For those of us who aren’t going to a premiere, I saw several reports of buying tickets, like Zan’s. Then there were the Wellington fans who stood in line only to be disappointed, but were saved by Peter Jackson. Though I don’t think of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey as connected to “my entire life,” I am starting to understand that sentiment, and I was surprised, myself, how much I ended up caring about this question. If your plans are not firm, and you’re still looking for an HFR (48 fps) showing, here is the list of theaters that TORn is aware of. If you know of others, get in touch with them. And finally, a post I really admired on enjoying what you have, even when you can’t attend a premiere party and rub shoulders with the great man. GB is not planning to attend a premiere, but drew a wonderful cartoon depicting what would happen if he did. And if you are hoping against hope, Frenz explains how to win a trip.

In other news: A third TV spot, and a fourth with a little more Thorin, and Jas made GIFsets here. There are more posters, like the one in Polish. There are one minute previews for all the numbers on the Hobbit soundtrack. Some of the books have delivered; Fedoralady discusses an Armitage interview in one of them, and on this boyishly gross comment about eyebrows from Armitage. Ania writes eloquently about her reaction to one of the behind the scenes photos here (English at end). Zan got her stamps. Even Judi found some Thorin merchandise to make her happy.

Protecting rights for this film must be a never-ending job. Saul Zaentz sues again.

And finally (as I always say), let’s divert a cut for charity. You already know about the amazon possibilities at RichardArmitageNet.com and the ones at Richard Armitage Online, but here, CDoart explains how the stuff available on zazzle can be purchased to generate a charity donation.


Yes, some of us are still writing about something other than the Hobbit blitz.


  • Welcome LuciJane at wattpad, with “Love in the Safehouse” (Lucas North / OC / Spooks / R-rating). A hot one!
  • Grati’s “Sir Guy’s Dilemma” (Guy of Gisborne / Robin Hood / OC / sometimes explicit) goes to ch. 3 and 4 (see disclaimers there).
  • GB’s “One Last Try” goes to ch. 13. (Guy + Marian / Robin Hood / some chapters explicit). Suspenseful ending!
  • At RAucous: “Not What They Expected” goes to ch. 2. Armitage and Sarina in the Alps! (RPF / to be explicit eventually). This is just sweet. Armitage wakes Sarina up and eats soup with her.
  • Also at RAucous: “Two Pirates in the Night.” Armitage goes to a Halloween party (RPF / explicit). HOT!


OT, collateral attractions, and stuff I think about:

Also, I liked this, don’t know why:

Results of polls about reader attitudes toward the stuff:



~ by Servetus on November 10, 2012.

29 Responses to “Legenda 52: Stuff worth reading”

  1. YAY a legenda! Just what I needed right now, thank you Servetus!! 😀


  2. Interesting poll results. I haven’t decided if I’m getting anything, but probably not. Expensive clutter, really. Thanks for the links! The restaurant one is particularly interesting.


    • I found that really disturbing. I assume the chefs involved just weren’t thinking, but wow. If that’s the kind of disdain they have for customers who are spending so much money on their product?


      • Yeah, it’s ridiculous. Sad to see Sat Bains got involved in the blogger-bashing, as he’s our local Michelin starred chef here in Nottingham. We went there back in April and had a great time trying really posh, over-priced food, and were thinking of going back at some point – but reading him saying those comments has put us both off. :/


  3. Thanks for the link.


  4. Thanks, Serv! 🙂


  5. Thanks for the update note on Saul Zaentz’s latest lawsuit.

    His ownership rights (and previous actions) to the merchandising of ‘the Hobbit’ is the single greatest deterrent to my consideration of any of these goods. Just my own personal line, I suppose.

    I’ve owned my share of movie knick-knacks in the past (I had a shoe-box of ‘Return of the Jedi’ baseball cards growing up) but I think the current dual country reality of my working life also enforces fewer purchases in the near term. 😉


    • I realize that the entertainment for the premeire party is already set but the rabblerouser in me thinks it would be HILARIOUS if John Fogerty came out, performed “Run Through the Jungle” and then left.


      • hmmm.


      • Jazz, just the mention of John Fogerty and Saul Zaentz in the same sentence is already HILARIOUS, much less the thought of them in the same room!!

        Just did a quick google – so Saul Zaentz sued John Fogerty for $140Million for plagiarizing himself?? Even though Fogerty eventually won the case, battling the lawsuits completely killed his creativity during those years.

        Thanks for highlighting this Saul Zaentz action in the music world – I’d only been considering his distasteful actions in the film-rights world, but the John Fogerty case is an excellent reminder of his reach beyond that arena…


    • No, I can understand that. Not wanting to put money in the hands of a jerk has motivated me before to stop consuming particular things.


  6. Thank you very much for the link.:)


  7. Thanks for the link to the thing you still are not getting. Jagermeister might help (umlaut optional).


    • I think I have to face the possibility that fundamental moments of my cultural education in the twentieth century were simply omitted.


  8. I am still grossed out by the “eyebrow milking” comment – I see the necessity of the process, but that particular turn of phrase turns my stomach every time I read it. If the goal was to make the process vivid, well done Mr. Armitage – yuck factor of 8 🙂


    • What article or comment you are referring to???


      • It was posted over on The Armitage Effect…I think it was an interview from the movie guide for the film..conversation about sweat, prosthetic glue and “milking” to remove it. Again, yuck 🙂


      • yes, it’s the link that says “boyishly gross” or something like that, above.


        • It’s nice to see the preservation of the puerile compulsion to grossify isn’t it 🙂 Just another humanizing layer.


          • Boyish is cute (within limits) 🙂


            • Yeah, this is right on the edge for me at least. It is cute though – one of those glimpses that he is not all seriousness all the time. I also love the image where it looks like his tank top (vest? singlet?) is ripped along the edge – “it still works, why throw it out?” Frugal is cute too 🙂


          • Thanks ladies for the help! Meanwhile it is increasingly difficult to cope with all the news and to read all the stuff that emerges from all sides!
            He indeed had quite a practical explanation for a very unique problem! 😉


            • I’m not usually very squeamish, but for some reason, the visual the “we refer to it as being ‘milked” quote evokes just grosses me out completely 🙂


  9. […] offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn't usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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