Richard Armitage. Said he was hot while filming. Yes, he was.

Honestly, without a chance to look really closely, I still think is PRETTY SPECTACULAR. MR. ARMITAGE — YOU HAVE GROWN UP.

~ by Servetus on November 28, 2012.

34 Responses to “Richard Armitage. Said he was hot while filming. Yes, he was.”

  1. His hair is perfect. And the slight shadow of fine stubble is just – Wow! Looking extra sleek and refined. Phew!


  2. ::still speechless::


  3. Happy to see that Pete from Spooks was invited. LOL!! Seriously, can RA be more intelligent and beautiful? He gets huge points for the tie clip–my dad always wore one, so that struck a chord with me.


  4. In fact, tie clips are so old school, I wonder if he borrowed it from his dad for sentimental reasons.


    • That’s a sweet thought. Maybe so.


    • Is a sweet thought. I hope so!


    • He makes Peter look cheap! The BBC costume department budget wouldn’t have run to that suit. The maroon tie suits his colouring better than Petes red one too. And the tie clip… That and the hair makes me think of Hollywood glamour from a bygone era- with a bit of Mad Men thrown in. The message was that RA is Hollywood icon material – the like of which hasn’t been seen in a generation.


  5. Love these caps! Thanks so much!


  6. Devastatingly, devastatingly handsome!!!


  7. Thank you! My computer stuck, so I didn’t get to see these live. Wow — dumbstruck by the gorgeous…


  8. YEY!!!! This is FANTASTIC MOMENT!!!


  9. He looks younger than 10 years ago. How does he do that? Absolutely fascinating man in all aspects ;o)


    • I think because he’s so gepflegt here.


      • That he really is. I adore his appearance ;o)
        But also his crincles around the eyes and the forehead are lessend. How did he do that ? Can’t be just the best possible use of the light, though he is very cleverly positioning himself in the two interviews 😉


        • Don’t say that, because the way to lessen crinkles is botox, not magic. I think his hair has definetely been dyed again, and that wasn’t necessary.


          • BTW I saw some hig res pics from the airport posted on C19, and the crinkles seem to be intact. In fact I didn’t think he looked particularly young in that.


          • I don’t think it is Botox, just utter happyness and being at ease and enjoying his time in NZ.
            And compared to the in between interview with RA, done at the beginning of the first break in filming the Hobbit, he just looks much more rested and as a result younger.
            So, I still believe in Magic, especially where RA is concernde ;o) 😉


            • I’ve never seen him look happier. I love the crinkles and my favourite shot from yesterday has them resplendent. And at the risk of aggravating Servetus, we got used to the beard which aged him.


              • I am not sure it is just the beard. I just re-watched Spooks 7 lately and even compared to that, RA now just exudes utter happiness and well being.
                I don’t think he could make me any happier than he does with that.
                In that regard I must admit, that I even don’t care if I find that the film turned out well (for opinions of critiques I don’t care anyway), as long as he loves to do it and all that it encloses and he is happy ;o)


                • I think he looks younger in real life than he does in character. I couldn’t get over how young he looks in the photo’s taken by fans in Detroit. He looks about 30. How does he do that? Most of us look worse in snaps than professional pictures.


                  • That could be it. I think you solved the mystery, bollynickers ;o) Thank you ! That makes me want to see him in real life, though I know me, I would stand last in the row and would be too shy to get a closer look, so what would be the sense in it 😉


  10. 😀 F..K!!! 😀


  11. stunning…>^_^<


  12. I sent his stylist a Tweet to thank her for the magnificent job she has been doing streamlining Richard’s look. I even thanked her for the jeans he wore with that leather jacket and the boots!

    His Red Carpet look for the Premiere made my heart burst with pride and joy. In spite of his shy demeanor and modest nature, Richard is a man with a plan. Since he is highly intelligent and focused on his career, he has taken the necessary steps to shoot himself straight into the stratosphere of Hollywood’s A-List. The detail that went into his outfit is impressive. Not only was his suit perfectly tailored, but the cut made him look regal and showcased his height and body type. The choice of color was a stroke of genius, since a dark blue suit would bring out the beauty of his eyes. He was even wearing cufflinks. Cufflinks!!! I almost passed out when I saw him.

    What a classy gentleman! The goodness of his soul shined through and his beauty almost blinding. That smile…he was LUMINOUS! Oh, how I wish his entire Army could have been there to cheer him on – the roar would have been deafening! I feel honored to be his long-time fan. He is truly a person to be admired and cherished. God bless him for being so good.


    • I feel the need to point out that he’s worn cufflinks before. However, I agree with you about the spectacular qualities of this suit.


  13. […] Richard Armitage in Wellington on November 28th! […]


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