Drowning in Thorin’s eyes

If he doesn’t look crazed and obsessive here, I don’t know when he ever has.
***Screen shot 2013-06-11 at 8.05.24 PM

Source: Heirs of Durin

~ by Servetus on June 12, 2013.

52 Responses to “Drowning in Thorin’s eyes”

  1. Still gorgeous, whether he looks crazed or not 😉


  2. Reminds me of Guy a little–on the brink of madness, perhaps, but still infinitely fanciable. Oh, those eyes . . .


  3. Poor Thorin. Not an easy road, in any way. You are right. And Mr. A. is awesome. So many colors/shades of feeling he can express in his eyes.


  4. Whoa! I love this extreme close-up.


  5. He has THE most expressive eyes. They can sometimes say it best when he says “nothing at all”!! 😉 *sighs deeply and melts at the same time*


  6. I agree with all of the soup-feeding/hair stroking/bosom cuddling comments above, and also, yes. His eyes are most expressive. sigh.


  7. That is nice! I see something that concerns me though, which looks to be an injury. Obviously healed now, but still. Dangerous job this sure has been.


    • adds to the characterization …


      • True, it does seem to add realism. At that point in the photograph, from what the trailer tells us, Thorin (and gang) has gone through a lot – spiders, white-water barrel rides, nasty-pushy backwoods elves. – expecting the unexpected in their journey. 😉 But…still…*sniff*…he got owies. *sniff*.


  8. Gazing down into these deep blue eyes, I feel the swoonful spiral of vertigo … and don’t mind if I fall.


  9. I HATE it when he does this thing with his eyes that shows so much white between the iris and eyelid. Always have. Serious eye-overacting.


    • 🙂 You must be joking,Jane!


      • No, it has driven me mad since I first saw it in RH (when he proposes to Marian during the siege). He does it as LN as well. It is not just that I don’t like how it looks, it is so unsubtle.


    • I love it. I love it so well I made it the new blog banner. Look for it to stay there for quite some time. Possibly six months. Possibly longer.

      He doesn’t have his forehead, he doesn’t have his jaw, he doesn’t have his hands, or most of the things he uses to indicate emotion — all he has in this film is his eyes, and he does a *remarkable* job with them, here and elsewhere.


      • Can I say a hearty “AMEN” here? Preach it, sister, I say, preach it.


        • This is actually probably something that helped him out in theater and musical theater. That his eyes are so visible. And, I might add, Thorin’s supposed to look crazy and overwrought here.


          • Yep, easier to communicate with the audience. And yes, I have said, he’s a guy on the edge—pushed to his limit—shouldn’t he look a bit wild-eyed and mad??! I mean, what exactly is the problem in the context of the character’s state of mind .. .


            • Noting here that Armitage also said that the actors in TH were chosen inter alia for their very strong features, like those of theater actors.


      • I never considered eye-rolling that shows a lot of white as a part of the subtle acting repertoire. More using the area around the eyes, the eyelids and little wrinkles, to give the eyes a particular expression. Eye-rolling that is meant to be eye-rolling, like the thing Thornton did when Fanny played the piano, is something different.


        • Jane, I’m not sure what to say about this comment, except that the way you say things tends to make me think that you want to rile me up, and that rereading this strand, that’s clear from the start. You don’t have to love Armitage’s eyes or in fact anything else about him (and often you don’t seem to). You’ve expressed your opinion about this specific issue multiple times on this blog (which I knew before anyway, because I interviewed you at length to give you the chance to express it).

          In other words — if you have something new to say about this particular picture — Thorin encountering his adversaries or in the process of making enemies or whatever the context is in TDOS — please feel free to say it, but if you’re simply going to repeat your mantra that you think Armitage overacts and especially with his eyes, then please be kind to me and just don’t do it here today.

          I’m not ever eager to be annoyed, but I’m especially not up for it today. I’m paid to let students do that, but you’re not one of my students. You’re supposed to be my fellow fan. I am not going to let you steal my happiness — but I’m asking you — this time politely — not to make such an aggressive effort at it. You mentioned the other day that the TORn and German LOTR boards are having a wonderful time nitpicking over everything they hate about the trailer. May I suggest that your comments might be more happily received in such an atmosphere, as opposed to this one?


          • Thank you for this Servetus. I have tried so hard to come up with a suitably polite but firm answer to Jane’s comments but found it hard not to go on a rant so I refrained. I never have been much good at being confrontational so tend to keep my thoughts to myself, however much things bother me. Anyway, you said it so much better than I could have.

            As I have said so many times, Richard’s “eye acting” skills are what first drew me to this remarkable man and superb actor. With the addition of prosthetics it must have been really hard to convey emotions in the way he normally does, so he had to “overwork” all of his facial muscles and his eyes to get the desired result. He has mentioned what it felt like when he took off the prosthetics at the end of the day after such a “work out”!

            I have watched pretty well everything Richard has been in and in some cases many, many times over. Never once could I say that he “chewed the scenery”. On the contrary, his “stillness” as Peter J has described it, is what continually drew me to him.


  10. RA has the nonverbal skills down. The eyes say so much, the rest of his face does too.


  11. I guess that would be called chewing the scenery with his eyes. Quite a feat. It’s not one of my favorite looks, but I am giving him a break, because as a dwarf, he would have to look up a lot. I am shallow enough to prefer a less tortured, less haunted expression from him, to one that is more faint educing,for me, But I do appreciate his emoting with his eyes when much of his face is encumbered by layers of makeup. I think if he didn’t overdo it, he would be expressionless much of the time ( in this role).


    • If you compare his eyes here to some of the caps of Guy of Gisborne (esp when Guy is pleading w/ Marian), they’re comparatively not open that far.


  12. I wonder if this is near the breakdown that RA said Thorin was on the verge of . . .

    Also, I wonder how he can look slightly crazed and still be so pretty 🙂


  13. Based on my experience with someone who’s suffered a psychotic break and still suffers from mental health issues, I would say RA got the look exactly right — if that’s what he’s portraying. I would also assume he’s done some research.


  14. I think there’s also a touch of contempt in those eyes and his facial expression for the elves and what he’s having to listen to, what he’s being lectured on or threatened with


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