*ooof*: For a Look in Your Eyes, Armitage!

This is a mini-good-bye post from me. Hush, hush, ladies, don’t worry, I am not giving up my *ooof*ing – although I was very close to that after the flood of candids from the Wellington premiere of The World’s End. Seriously, I am not kidding! The resurgence of a beginning mullet have thrown me into turmoil. The nape curl porn, the wavy hair love, yes, I have even been caught enthusiastically welcoming the beard. Am I developing a body hair fetish? I am very worried! Especially when I think about what I am going to mention further down in the text… Signs that I have to dial back my Richarding a notch. Breathe, Guylty, breathe. Keep calm and Armitage! Even my computer needs a break, it seems, seeing that it spontaneously crashed when I was just about to delve deep into… ah well, you’ll see later. But instead I am gifting you with more than just one choice cut of RA, today – a pressie to keep me sweet in your memory 😉

And so it comes with perfect timing that I am heading off on holidays to the Fazerland today as I am posting this *ooof*. Twelve days to step back. And then back with a vengeance, I suspect, because this is what I am bringing along:

You thought I could do without my favourite eyecandy? Absolutely not! I am bringing my emergency supply of RARA, you bet.
(Click image! I uploaded it as huge as possible!)

But before the next onslaught of RARA comes your way I am turning to an old image. Oh, yes, a really old image. Well, if you can still remember the time pre-Hobbit? Yes, there was a time when RA was stubbled and butch, and the strains of a year and a half of hopping around in oversize boots and sweating in heavy padding had not yet taken their toll. And so let me take you back to an image shot in December 2010, which is slightly hidden as a single image on a page 2 in a gallery of my favourite source of RA top-shelf material, RAnet.com.

20Dec2010-Perou-05Before the madness began. Richard Armitage in December 2010, shot by Perou. Source.

After our excursion into some rather gritty b/w last week, we find ourselves faced with another *almost* monochrome image. Colour is almost absent in this shot – a white background, a white t-shirt, black hair. Only the colour of the skin, the red lips and the blue eyes pop – and boy, do they pop!!! This is a head-and-shoulders by British fashion and music photographer Perou. And pretty tame for Perou it is, who made his name with fetish photography – whips, cuffs, corset, the like. His images have a strong sharpness about them, shot with small apertures that records everything in the image with sharp detail and crystal-clear precision, and that makes for an edginess that we have not quite had with the RARAs which are characterised by a slightly softer sleekness. Or is that also a reflection on the sitter?

RA in 2010, that is the end of Spooks, and a whole mini-season of Strike Back. And thus we have Armitage reminiscent of Porter in this image, wearing a classic rebel-tee and sporting the short Porter crop. The look on his face, however, is definitely not Porter but Armitage: We are faced with a friendly lean-in and submissive head-tilt, not Porter’s assertive and provocative stare. In fact the facial expression is positively friendly: There are smiling eyes!!! The corners of the mouth curl up on both sides, characteristically slightly higher on his left with almost a dimple to cutify the cheek.

The image here has been shot with a small aperture which allows us to see all of RA in sharp focus. The lighting is harshly clear and undiffused as well, leaving hard shadows under the subject’s nose and chin, and resulting in a strong shadow on the background behind his left. This is a wonderful hi-res image of massive proportions. Click, girls, and you’ll be greeted with this:

Arrrrrgh. OMG!!!! Yes, that’s what happened to me when I unsuspectingly clicked to see the full size of the image. I was momentarily stunned. This *ooof* subsequently has taken me aaaaages to produce. But back ad rem, as tough as that may seem. *oooooooooooooooooooooooof* The chest hair is another Porter-residue, I presume, judging from the scene of Porter spread-eagled on the cross in SB 1×6. (Go on, check if I am right. You know you want to.)

Now that we’re so close, we might as well delve in deeper. Let’s part unwillingly from those chest hairs especially the three stray ones right at the lower edge of RA’s beard that he missed when he shaved that morning and have a look in at his eyes. We can see in them the reflection of the flash as tiny white specks, telling me that these were not softboxes, but simply the flash with shade, making the light as harsh as it is and bringing every little chest-hair detail of the subject to the fore. Thank you, Perou, thank you!

Let’s stay with the eyes for a moment, however, and reflect on a different issue – and the real reason why I have chosen to analyse this image today. New RA blogger Perry from Armitage Agonistes gave me the impetus to discuss this issue when she asked me at the weekend about the representation of colour in photography – specifically eye colour. What, she asked, *is* Armitage’s eye colour? His eye colour is described in various degrees of fan obsession as blue, light blue, deep blue, ocean blue, bright blue, azure blue, but also grey and green. Could it possibly be photoshopped *oh blasphemy*???

The colour question is a hard one. I personally think his eyes are lightish blue, and I base my opinion on his official actor’s head shot. (For a pre-me+richard *ooof* of that particular image click here.) But I have noticed his eyes changing colour, too. They often appear grey and in Strike Back I have found them to look green. There are a couple of possible explanations for the inconsistent eye colour. Let’s assume that Armitage does not wear colour-enhanced contact lenses. The colour of the eyes is actually determined by the part of the iris called stroma. This is the upper layer of the iris, and is of a rugged, irregular structure which seems to consist of individual, inter-connected fibres which control the diameter of the pupil. It is pigmented tissue. Due to the rugged structure of the iris, the perception of the eye colour can depend on both the angle of looking at the iris as well as the angle of the light that is catching the rugged structure of the stroma. Thus, the iris may get enhanced by the colour of the environment. Essentially, I think the predominant colours of the environment get reflected in the eyes. Or the relative brightness/darkness of the environment will make the eye colour look brighter or darker. Thus, we have Armitage’s blue peeps really popping in this shot – harshly lit, white background, light from front above catching the iris full-on. His eye colour is not dark blue, but not light-light blue, either.

It is quite possible that colours are not represented correctly in photography, however. For instance, if a yellow or red filter was put on the lens, it would actually affect the blue tones in the image and neutralise them into grey. Mind you, they are usually used to create b/w photography, so they wouldn’t really be used in the context we are discussing here – unless the photographer had fucked up with his lighting and needed to neutralise an unnatural hue by putting the image through some post-production filter. Unlikely.

For what it’s worth, the pictures that show his eyes as really, distinctly rich blue are definitely touched up. Unfortunately I haven’t looked deeply into his eyes in RL to corroborate this, but I just don’t think his eyes are deeply, distinctly blue. They adapt too easily to the surrounding colours and must be contain enough lighter fibres in order to do so. As a caveat let me hasten to add that colour perception in general is highly individual. The intensity of colour we perceive varies from person to person. What I consider a bright blue might appear watery to you, or vice versa.

There is of course that whole cultural thing about blue eyes. Blue eyes are deemed particularly attractive – blue is a calming colour, 70 percent of our planet (and our bodies) consist of water, the colour of which is perceived as blue. Do we like to be reminded of that by a look in RA’s eyes? Blue has religious overtones in many cultures (see the blue associated with the Virgin Mary). Blue eyes make their owners appear open, like a clear window you can look into the soul through. It is the colour of the sky above and reminds of heaven. And blue is associated with peace, hence the blue berets of the international NATO peace-keeping troops.

Does it really matter? Of course not. There’s more to Armitage than some pigmented tissue we are talking about here. However, in the pursuit of truth I am willing to research this in-depth. If you could all scrape a little petition together, I am your woman for some photographic exploration of “The Armitagean Iris Under Varying Lighting Conditions”. Could take a day or two – indoor, outdoor differences of light, artifical lighting vs. natural light, sunlight, cloudy, dusk and dawn. Filters (red, blue, yellow). Sidelight, straight-on, three-quarters left right and centre, up and down. Phew, might take a while. I can free up my schedule, I am pretty flexible. And ready to delve in deep. For a look in your eyes, Armitage! Let’s put this to bed.

All text © Guylty at me + richard armitage, 2013. Please credit when using excerpts and links. Images and video copyrights accrue to their owners.

~ by Guylty on July 16, 2013.

71 Responses to “*ooof*: For a Look in Your Eyes, Armitage!”

  1. Oh, and I wish you a wonderful time at home. Hope you will enjoy it immensely. But I will miss your *ooof next week…..


    • Hello there – greetings from Germany, i.f. – enjoying the hot Continental summer on my friends’ terrace. My, I had forgotten how good summer on the continent is… Thanks for your comment. I might be able to post something on next Tuesday – I actually brought my emergency supply of RARA on the plane and did all the notes for an *ooof*…


  2. *Gasssppp
    What do you do? I still have a few hours of work to go on with! How should I keep my mind on pestering real live issues when goodies like this pop up on my screen? My colleagues already look curious on behalf of the strange noises I hardly can suppress.
    Graaaahhh – those eyes! Stubbles! Hint of chest hair! *breathesinpaperbag

    I don’t know too much of Perous work – only from his nomination for the last Victor issue by Hasselblad. But the images having been chosen for that were not that appealing to me. He did fetish stuff? Have to check out….
    But Mr. Perous experience in this area obviously fits perfectly well as Mr. A. is my favorite fetish. Good man.
    I guess somewhen around the time of Captain America / start of Hobbit – shooting Mr. A. significantly changed his front hairline. He seems to have developed adorable Geheimratsecken (dont know the English word – maybe widows peak?) But in these older pics he still sports this beautiful boyish, innocent look. Not that his look evoke any innocent association in me….


    • The only English word I could find for Geheimratsecken is “receding hairline” and that is not quite the same. But he always had them, they just were carefully hidden by the way his hair was combed. When he filmed the Hobbit he got a buzz cut because that is most comfortable with the wig and when it grew back, he started to style it differently, as it is the current fashion.


    • Oh, here is your post, i.f. Sorry if I should have caused any problems at work *hehe* – my work was seriously impeded when I clicked on that picture and the chest came up in more.than-life-size *eeeeek*. Anyway, the “Geheimratsecken” – well, I never really noticed them so much and I don’t even know if they really are such. I kind of think that his very angular forehead makes it look like that. But then again, as a self-proclaimed fan of the Gisborne bangs, I obviously could not see beyond the bangs, anyway… He’s gorgeous, either way.


  3. ??somethings wrong with my comment? I have tried to post – but it seems to be rejected?


  4. sign me up!

    what do you mean when you say the [hobbit work] had not taken it’s toll? I have noticed a less pretty-boy, more “manly” look of late ( I find it delicious,) which I’m not attributing to age, because it’s only been 3 years since the featured pic.
    Do you think he could be john porterish or lucas-looking again if he had to/wanted to?

    and a special thank you.


    • He certainly changed a lot during The Hobbit filming. He aged (oh, so deliciously) and grew (in his mind and physic). That’s what I feel. 🙂


      • and his hair miraculously turned wavy. who can explain that. i”m tempted to think it always was and it was blown out for other roles.

        Guylty should attack that next. Look at his hair shaft to see whether they are the curly or straight kind.


        • Oh, that’s a nice idea, the wavy hair. I can see a proper subsection of nape curl porn coming up. Woohoo… Not sure if I can get a photographic slant on that – “light and shadow on Armitagean curls”??? Go ahead, Girls, book him in – my Studio is ready… (and conveniently located in my own house *ahem*)


        • I think his hair is naturally curly


    • Hi Perry – ah well, I just think he aged a bit during the Hobbit. Not that I really mind. He aged nicely. But I did also like the slightly younger look of pre-Hobbit times.


  5. Have a wonderful time at home! I’ll patiently waiting for your next *oooof*!


    • Hi Micra and thanks – hopefully it’ll work out with my mobile Internet. It better be – because I am planning to work with my Laptop.


  6. Yes please! I am sure we would all enjoy reading more about Richard’s eye colour. I find his eyes endlessly fascinating.


  7. Richard’s eyes are an endless source of wonder, aren’t they? – definitely more research needed. Such a precious gift for an actor, to be able to convey so much expression and emotion through the eyes.


    • Yes, I agree, interesting how much he does with his eyes. I’d love to see how the making of the Hobbit will have affected him that way – will he Need to re-adjust to acting less when he is without prosthesis etc? I think I will watch out more for his eyes in the next instalment of the Hobbit…


  8. Very interesting info about how eye color is determined/observed, Guylty. Speaking as someone with blue/grey/green eyes, I expect a lot of his eye color depends on what he’s wearing. I myself deliberately favor teals and bright blues because it makes my eyes stand out. As for the sudden appearance of curls – it could be that his hair is changing as he ages…which he is doing so beautifully!


    • Yes, I agree – the clothes are an influence, both in the reflection of light as well as making us perceive the eye colour more or less intense. In the white tee, I found his eyes very blue – not so much in darker suits.
      Didn’t know that hair structure changes as we age. Interesting. I like the waves!


      • Once I hit my 40’s, my stick straight hair turned wavy!


      • Yes it´s true, hair stucture changes during the years. As a baby and little girl I had blond curls. As a teenie and young woman I wore long hair and “Dauerwelle” (perm, remember the ugly 80´s), because it was totally waveless. After growing into the fourties, my hair got curls again, I can wear it air-dried or straight blow-dried:)


        • I was born with wavy red (as in RED) hair like my father. My mother hair was jet black and curly. After a surgery, it started to turn brown. It’s now brown and straight, however, the longer it gets the wavier it gets. I’m working on growing it Thorin length….I have about 2″ left to go and it’s getting wavy again..


  9. Loved this oof! Enjoy your holiday, guylty. And extra bonus points for the word “cutify” which my 6 yr old daughter also uses…. ^_^


    • hahahaha, and I thought I had invented it… Who said the other day that the word cute does not apply to RA? I disagree – he is quite cute sometimes. Especially with nape curls and tie Clips *haha*.
      Hope you have a nice Family Holiday, too!!


  10. Loved this *ooof* – I’m ooofing with you. Also available to help with extensive eye color exploration. {{ 😀

    He is the right age for his face to be maturing slightly — the shape to change subtly, the eye skin to sag a bit more. Not a lot, but a telling little bit. I’m drawing on personal experience, being the same age. :} It can be corrected through non-invasive cosmetic procedures and lots of good skincare, and if I were an actor, I’d be doing it. Heck, if I had the money, I’d be doing it now, myself! lol


    • Please tell me the non-invasive procedures, because I am of that age, too!!! And no, I do not mind that he ages. I am glad he does, because so do I. It makes him look more interesting (and I wish that would be said about women of a certain age, too!!!)


      • restylane injections; botox for more than forehead, chemical peel -perry gets it all and more. Knocks 5 years off. Surgey ( the naturally look, please) knocks off ten. There’s nothing he can’t change- notice I didn’t say “Fix” because he doesn’t need fixing. I agree with every one of you – he is aging superbly – but I wonder that 3 years made such a difference unless it was really the Hobbit work that did it.

        Maybe someone with photo shop magic talent can let us see what a clean shaven or stubble now Richard looks like now with Lucas era hair.


        • Oh, that all sounds horrible, somehow. I hope he does *not* get any of that… I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. (And would probably rather like to age gracefully rather than get injections into my precious head…)


          • The chemical peel is the pits- but the injections are nothing. No down time at all. You and I may be looking at this from different points on the time-line.- and his looks are part of his arsenal.But I agree- it’s not for everybody. And I also agree- I think he looks great.


            • Yeah, actually, I suppose actors have to look after their looks and use them. (I’d love to have a little peek in his bathroom – skin lotions? creams? tweezers? touche éclat eye care?) Mr A says he is vain… he probably sees the passing of years different from how we do.Anyway, talk to me again a couple of years down the road, and I might have come round to accepting non-invasive beauty treatments. There already is a jar of face cream in my bathroom…


      • Hear, hear. I wish it would be said of us, as well. For non-invasive procedures, there are some that build collagen, like Ultherapy and Thermage. I’m saving up some money to do something before the sag gets out of control!! lol


  11. Holy Crap, G–I have a backache today, so I was leaning in to read your blog when I moved the screen down and was socked between the eyes with his chest hair. I almost fell out of my chair with lusting! I couldn’t catch my breathe. I forgot my name…My world rocked…where was I? Are you trying to kill me?!!?? At least warn us before you shoot us a shot like that again! ROTF…ok ok…I’m ok…I got go to the bathroom now… cold water… I need cold water…
    oh ah, have a nice trip.


    • Arkenstone – I tell you, I squealed aloud when I clicked on that photo and the exact crop that I screencapped for you appeared on my Monitor. Luckily I was alone, otherwise Mr Guylty would have come running… and I find it hard to explain my utter speechlessness just because of some chest hair. Ridiculous – but at least in good Company. Not sure if I will warn you, though – the fun is in the surprise 😀


  12. Where can I sign a petition?
    *ooof* This is one of my favorite Richard’s pictures,Guylty 🙂 Thanks :*
    IMO,this guy has everything, the soul,the voice, skills and talents plus he is” hansome without dullness”. I feel that if he had more bravado,chutzpah etc..(I don’t know if those are the right words) he could be dangerous for many popular actors. You wouldn’t belive me for many silly things I’ve said (he he :D) but I think that those eyes are his best feature.
    PS: I thought that you want to say “Good Bye”, do not scare me,please!

    Have a safe trip! Szerokiej drogi,Guylty! 🙂


    • Yes, I really quite like this Image too, but it has been sort of under the Radar, doesn’t get passed around that much. I particularly like it because he Looks friendly in this – definitely not as full-on as in the RARA stuff. And since I am a bit of a relaxed Girl, I like the casual clothes, too. Better than a suit, actually.
      No plans for leaving yet, Joanna – just on a short Holiday for a couple of weeks, and not quite sure if I will have Internet Access all the time.
      (The capitalisation of the text is really erratic – my friends’ Laptop has decided to spell-check me… in German!!!)


  13. Greetings from Germany, everyone. I have arrived at my friends’ and am currently enjoying some erratic wifi outside… Just a quick hello here to say thanks for your comments and I am trying to get through them – but in case I get thrown out again, a quick hello to everyone…


    • Ciao and enjoy your stay! Hope you can connect easily (I’m in hell since a month and I’ll stay here until september) so I know how frustrating is being without connection. But just in case you can’t connect, remember we are thinking about you and waiting your return! Big hugs! 😀


      • You’re so sweet, Micra! (((x))) Thanks! Big smile. And I am happy to say, I seem to have managed to get the mobile broadband going *yay*.


  14. *whispers* I’ve never liked this pic all that much. he looks too washed out amidst all that shocking whiteness. I love that he’s a pale-skinned fellow, but his skin seems white here instead of pale. was that lighting or added make-up that created that effect? and then the small splashes of rosiness on the cheeks and lips, it just seems too contrived to me, like he’s a store mannequin or something. the darkened hair has a lot to do with it as well in this instance I think. because one of my fav pics of him is another white one, but his hair is more it’s natural brown ( http://i476.photobucket.com/albums/rr130/kelbel75/e1bd9c04-99e8-4b56-bdc4-b302d5aa8f59.jpg ) I do agree that it makes his stunning eyes pop though, you can never go wrong with those eyes 🙂


    • Hmmm, deliciousss one.
      I heartily agree with you – this is also a really lovely pic. Elfin ears. Lovely. And very very grey eyes.


      • Thanks for pointing that out, i.f. – it’s kind of a case in point of what I explained in this vey *ooof* – the light of the environment reflecting in his eyes, making them look lighter than usual, and possibly also lighting the iris from the sides.


    • Stunning pic indeed… love it soooooooo much!


    • Hi Kelly! Yes, he looks very white in this. The reason for that is the strong reflection off the white shirt, the white background, the full on flash – it has drained his skin of all the colour. I don’t really mind so much – because he seems to be a fair-skinned kind of type.
      Thanks for including the other pic. He has a very intense gaze in that – personally, I find that slightly too intense. Maybe I’ll do an *ooof* on that soon?


  15. This is got to be one of my favorite photos of Richard even with all the RARA. It does have have something to do with popping blue eyes, white t-shirt and the stubble.

    Once again Guylty you get some education in for us. I knew that eyes did change color or look like they changed color due to what one wears or what we are around, but not the taking of the picture. I learned the hard way, Mr 70 told me my eyes where green one night, I was wearing a green sweater, I thought he was making a come on at the time. I have a azure shirt I like to wear because it makes my eyes pop blue, sadly it is coming to its end here soon.

    I would think that he has wavy hair and has had it for at least a while (you can seen wavy in filming for Spooks) but you don’t see it while it it is short. As a curly haired girl (I hate it) my curl was there as a little girl and then was gone all but the bounce and a little wave until I turned 34. It started to come back, I thought it had something to do with my mom’s cancer as it was at the same time she found out then died 2 months later. It’s 10 years later and more curly, big curls that I don’t even try to control, wash, gel, blow dry bangs and air dry the rest and hair spray, plus a good hair cut. For work it has to be up and it in the summer I don’t like it on my neck so it’s up. But our hair keeps changing in our lifetime, but I think the curly is here to stay for me.

    Have a great holiday! Have some fun and we will “see” your next *ooof* when you can. Germany is also one of the places that I wanted to go to as a teen. My boyfriend (Mr 70) was even ready to follow me there. Well we never did, but still talk of packing it all in and going to Europe. I did get to England in 1998.


    • Thanks, Katie! The whole eye colour issue is fascinating. I was quite intrigued when I read up on it for this *ooof*.
      I am in Germany now, and at the first of my two destinations in the South of Germany. It is really hot here, wonderful, really (30°C), sunshine. I am sitting on the balcony of our holiday flat, looking out over vineyards. The sun is just setting, and the breeze is ruffling the leaves of the walnut tree just opposite the balcony… I keep forgetting how beautiful Germany really is. I am amazed myself!


      • I could see Mr 70 looking out over vineyards with a glass of wine, or at a beer garden (I hope I got that right) with a bratwurst.

        So far your holiday sounds great. In Wisconsin we are having it hot too, where I live it was 34 C (94 F) today. I am not sure if the whole state is this way, but Obscura’s post yesterday talked about the heat and I don’t know if Servetus has had the heat like this where she is at. The joys of living in Wisconsin, high heat in the summer, way below zero in the winter.


        • You got that right, Katie, wine, beer garden and Bratwurst alright :-D.
          Wisconsin sounds like it has continental European climate, then! Have to catch up with Obscura’s posts, actually. I have seen there have been updates, but with sliiiiightly erratic mobile internet access I have yet been unable to do my usual richarding 😉


          • A lot of Germans immigrated to Milwaukee, giving the state beer and Brats. I am part German and we think that Mr 70 is too, but his mom will not agree. My Polish side came to Chicago and Mr 70’s to Detroit, then to the town we live in before where we are now. At Mr 70’s family reunion one of the meals will have brats as they are something that are more of a regional food, more of the family can get them now than 10 years ago, but not everyone. Sauerkraut is another big food in our house, in the states it is seen as a condiment, not at our house it is a side dish.

            I think that there is some what of an European climate in Wisconsin, but there is a big one in our house.

            I hope you are able to get a good mobile internet access during your holiday. Not being able to do your richarding how aweful. When we go to the family reunion I am not going to be richarding as we will be on the run the whole three days, but it will be a fun three days.


  16. Oh! Please put strike>him it to bed –oh the wicked thoughts–and do more research! But remember that we will need lots of photographic scientific evidence to corroborate your findings!


  17. Have a nice holiday in Germany, guylty! And thank you for the new *ooof * – I agree with you that he seems to have aged during the Hobbit. But don’t forget the RARA-photos taken last year – he appears to be timeless, doesn’t he? I enjoy the versatility of the multiple Portraits of the last year. Adorable in many ways… Sigh. Schöne Ferien und bis bald!


    • How could I forget the RARAs – I love them, I have them on me, actually *haha*. Yes, there is evidence of aging, but in the most attractive kind of way. He is an example of a man who gets better with age. Most unfair *haha*. Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße!!!


  18. Have a lovely holiday, Guylty! Come back here soon 🙂

    I always thought Mr. A had straight, fine hair. Always a hint of a widows’ peak. Fine hair, in men, can have a more receding at the temples, forehead. And fair/auburn hair can be more inclined to this.

    I don’t know about curly/wavy. My brown hair was always dead straight/dead fine, and now it’s grey, it remains the same. And impossible to style. 🙂

    But the mature Mr. A just keeps getting better. Did someone mention “timeless”? Just classic.

    Enjoy the summer hols!


    • Totally timeless, classic, handsome specimen. Should be captured on film more and then re-printed in school books as an example of exemplary male human beauty *ahem*.
      Thanks – enjoying the best of the summer here. I had no idea how beautiful it would be. And I am only on day 1, really…


  19. Thank you for this extraordinary special *ooof* and welcome home in Germany. Yes, we´ll have real summer weather for the next two weeks… enjoy your stay, eat “Haferschleim mit Sahne und Honig”, I´ll try the porridge next week in London…

    I always wondered, what his real eye colour is, as you explained it seemed to me changing … But someone who met him in real life assured me they are blue. I´m still not sure.

    Like you I´m a naturally blonde one with blue eyes. And in every photography and every home-made video (do you know the Super 8- cameras of the 70´s) I have blue eyes, sometimes red because of the flashlight but the colour itself never changed. So I´m very interested in more research of his eye colour, I demand it 🙂

    I didn´t know, that he showed chest hair *sigh* at the end of 2010, can only remember that he said filming the Hobbit is fine because of no more waxing needed 🙂

    Btw, why do you call Germany “Fazerland”? I´m ashamed, I only know “Fazer” is a famous Finnish pralinee factory and their alcohol-filled pralinees are very appreciated…

    Again, enjoy your stay “at home” visiting family and friends, “drück dich”


    • The whole chest hair issue was something that I remember musing about riight at the beginning of my involvement in this whole RA frenzy. I mean, it must be rather uncomfortable, having to do that. And I wonder why it seems to be considered more attractive for men to wax their chests… Has anyone ever asked the audience??? From what I can gather here, at least the female half of the audience seems to be quite taken with chest hair??? Mind you, I was quite ok with *the* Guy of Gisborne/Marian scene, too…
      Re. Fazerland: That is not a reference to the supreme brand of Finnish chocolates, but a little wordplay. I was referring to the “Fatherland” and was trying to make fun of the German accent by pronouncing the “th” as a soft “s” (spelled “z” in English). Feeble attempt at a joke. As a German, I should probably not try that 😉
      Thanks for your holiday wishes – already enjoying it. Beautiful, beautiful fazerland 😉 – drück dich zurück!!!


  20. Love the *ooof* as always, guylty! Didn’t know that about the “rugged structure of the iris”. I have those kind of eyes that change color. Didn’t know why. Also didn’t know that hair could change from straight to curly! Wow! Wish mine would. I have the straightest hair ever. Re the picture, I much prefer the more “mature” Richard of late. He’s always beautiful to me, though. 😀 Have a great time in Germany!


    • I am no optometrist, of course, but I researched the eye stuff online. And I remembered recently seeing some stunning macro photography of irises which shows the rugged, irrgeluar, fibrous structure of the iris in close-up. Amazingly beautiful and fascinating, actually.
      RA always beautiful = truth 🙂
      Thanks – fully enjoying it. And I will even get to meet up with another RA fan, soon, whom I got to know at the Hobbit premiere in London last year. Soooo looking forward to seeing the lovely Linda60 again!!!


  21. His eyes are officially listed on his IMDB page as ‘blue-gray’ but I have always thought they are hazel. Anyway, I am convinced that his hair is wavy once it hits a certain length. That happens to me also, especially if I use product that “activates” said waves. I, of course, am thrilled that he is now looking like a modern AU version of my RP husband John Standring. I am also hoping he is growing his hair to play Matthew Clairmont. The lack of announcements about his next projects is driving me crazy because I am nervous for him. I know that neither he nor his agent are fools, but I want to know what he’s doing next! Why is he letting his hair grow long?! Surely he discovered the fountain of gorgeousness in NZ because he looks more handsome with each photoshoot, red carpet event and interview. He does!!! I get all swoony. Thank you for this OOOF! I hope your vacation back at home is relaxing and the change of pace like a balm for your soul. You are a high-quality human being, S! Bon Voyage. 🙂


    • Aw, B!!! Thanks for making the trip over here to read the *ooof*. I am online again, but I can”t remember my password for tumblr on my laptop, so I can’t repost my *ooof* there this week 😦
      You saw hazel eyes? Interesting. That leads me to wonder whether we possibly perceive his eyecolour to be the one that we have ourselves? A daring theory, considering that I don’t even know what your eyecolour is. I am just assuming that a “tropical woman” has hazel eyes 🙂
      The lack of info about future projects is irritating, I agree. On the other hand I almost need the periods of quiet, because all the frenzy leaves me exhausted… As demonstrated by the RA images and the Hobbit promo etc.
      Having a great time here – but missing my usual routine (which includes plenty of time with my favourite group of online friends and forums) already. xx


  22. […] microscopic examination of Armitage body parts, such as in-depth examinations of the true color of  his eyes, his thumbs, his chest, his ass, his thighs, his ears, his lips, his back,  his – CRAP- […]


  23. […] Perou puts his subjects into interesting contexts with props, location and poses. His images manage to be glossy yet gritty. ooof […]


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