Orgasm-inducing Armitage?

Well, what I really wanted was to write something meaningful. I’m having a hard time concentrating enough to write for more than a few sentences, though. This may be because I wrote several letters of recommendation today for med student hopefuls.

I tried writing about what’s going on with Mom but I just have no more nerves on that topic tonight. Even though I know I’ll pay for not writing about it now. I just can’t. She didn’t have a good day today. This may or may not be related to the fact that power had still not been restored to the rehab. Home visit still on for tomorrow.

So, instead, I was flipping around the Internet, and I had a few ideas of stuff to write that would be funny or fluffy or informational. For instance, Jed Brophy tweeted another picture from the Hobbit wrap party. (No Armitage.)

But then, I learned that today was the International Day of the Female Orgasm. I can’t leave it alone.

Even though I should.

What’s your answer? I’m off to find out.


~ by Servetus on August 9, 2013.

30 Responses to “Orgasm-inducing Armitage?”

  1. They seem to have a day for everything. That is far as I go on this one.


  2. Ohhhh my goodness, the things I want to say right now. Like what that pelt does to me, not to mention the beard, hair (its called hair porn for a reason) and eyes- but I shall refrain and vote instead.


  3. Damn- it’s already the 9th here so I missed it.

    is it like Christmas and only comes once a year? 😉


  4. Hmmmmm, interesting poll. What about a non spontaneous category?


  5. Harry Kennedy too ? !


  6. Yes! Yes! Yes! We need more polls like this.


  7. I voted for Guy – no contest!!


  8. Whot?? Every day is orgasm-enducing Armitage day!! Oh,you mean everyone doesn’t….LOL! The man himself, forget about his characters!! Srsly.


  9. So many choices, but have to go with Por-tah on this. Lucas was gorgeous but too thin for my taste at times and Guy is psychotic and looks better in eyeliner than I do. Thorin is sexy, but a bit short for me. Army man all the way for me! (Pun absolutely intended!)


  10. I voted for Guy too – again no contest


  11. Thanks for the much needed giggle! 🙂


  12. Decisions, decisions…this is better than the gelato counter 🙂


  13. Yesssssssss – Guy of Gisborne is one sexy beast. Of course. Don’t need no poll for that *hahahaha*.
    (Sorry, totally lowering the already low tone. Must be withdrawal symptoms after my absence. I’ll be quiet again.)


  14. Those are interesting results. I’m honestly so intimidated by Porter that I never consider him as an . . . er . . . erotic aid. Of all RA’s characters, Porter’s the one I can’t imagine even liking me. Which is odd, now that I think of it, as I’m a military historian and we’d definitely have things to talk about. And perhaps also odd because I can’t imagine getting it on with a fictional character without conversing first =P Will need to consider this more deeply, now.


    • yeah, I think Porter and I would pretty much have nothing in common as well 🙂 it’s all about the look …


  15. I call mine a Guy of Gisborgasm.


  16. I see I fell in with the top percentage.


  17. Interesting that Guy and Porter ran neck and neck for most of this. Guess Thornton isn’t spontaneously orgasm-inducing …


  18. […] Original post was here. […]


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