Richard Armitage Legenda 92: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff about Richard Armitage that I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]

Wellington folks, we hope you’re safe

Note that another earthquake shook Wellington a day ago.

Jed Brophy‘s tweet:

Screen shot 2013-08-16 at 9.53.22 PM

Want to provide relief to those who have suffered from earthquakes? You can still donate to the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal here, or to New Zealand Red Cross here.


1175350_641369862541951_1949425659_nFrom the latest visual guide. Source.

Armitage Day is next Thursday!

I think the forums have closed their greetings threads, but the links are included just in case. RichardArmitage Net may still post your greeting if you hurry (Ali is going to be away this week): At; at Armitage Army, here; at C19, here; at Richard Armitage Central, here.

I wanted to do something different this year, but life has conspired against me. It looks like I will spend all of Armitage Day driving. So I will publish my customary birthday post, and do my customary charity stunt:


For each comment from a unique IP address left on that post, I will donate £1 [GBP] to Childline at Richard Armitage’s JustGiving pages. Delurkers, this is your chance to delurk for charity!

Meanwhile, don’t wait for me. Keeping the following things in mind, click over there and leave a birthday donation in honor of Armitage’s 42nd birthday at your favorite of those charities.



Richard Armitage archive

Richard III news

1002770_477093869041208_1145353015_nSign the petition to support Richard Armitage’s Richard III ambitions!

  • King Richard Armitage Week 2013 starts on August 21st! Learn about it here! Includes events for Richard Armitage’s and Richard Plantagenet’s birthdays.
  • Breaking Richard III news, including links on the suit by Richard III’s relatives, at the fan initiative page.
  • Michelle’s progress on her Richard Armitage / Richard III painting: part 2 and part 3.


Richard Armitage-related fanfic: Mature themes (includes RPF, sex, slash)

  • At wattpad: hosmond’s “Love is a Wound” goes from ch. 39 to 45. My favorite chapters of this one were in the 50s — can’t wait to get there again! (Robin Hood / Guy of Gisborne + OFC / violence, sex, angst, love).
  • At wattpad: Now that Camp NaNoWriMo is over, MorrighansMuse’s “A Willing Heart” updates to ch. 4 and ch. 5. (Thorin, AU).
  • At wattpad: Two more chapters by TheArkenstone have appeared of “Stone Door,” ch. 3 and 4. (Thorin and Lady 0akenshield; humorous, sexy).
  • Tumblr: Richard has stage fright (a “Richard and Layla” drabble; RPF).
  • Tumblr: Haven’t read this yet but it looks solid from a quick glance: “My New Life,” described as Richard Armitage Regency AU.

Search strings: Or, it was bound to happen sometime

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Richard Armitage tumblr

Please remember that tumblr may be NSFW.


BRoO2z0CAAEItbW.jpg_largeJed Brophy, Stephen Hunter, Aidan Turner, Wellington 2012. Tweeted by Stephen Hunter.

OT, collateral attractions and stuff I think about

~ by Servetus on August 17, 2013.

15 Responses to “Richard Armitage Legenda 92: Stuff worth reading”

  1. Great stuff as always, Serv. I thought Dean and Aidan acquitted themselves extremely well in handling that thorny fan question with good humour- well played, gentlemen.
    The dwarves on leashes drawing reminded me of this one with Gandalf counting out the company as Miss Clavel:


    • I have the impression at the moment that they’ve decided to find it funny and play with it — which is a great strategy. It lets the shippers think what they like without feeling dissed, and makes the non-shippers happy, too. It’s getting to the point that I’m almost becoming a shipper. They’re so cute together.

      Drawing is v. cute!


      • There was a bit of an online kerfuffle over the fact that the question was asked in the first place. Young shippers, especially those who write fan fics, are in general very wary of anything that breaks the fourth wall and brings the guys closer to Internet content about them.
        From what I can gather, there always seems to be a certain amount of angst before cons over whether fans will be respectful in their questioning- both from a general embarrassment feeling for all present, and the fear that the actors will shut down and either cease to be their open, charming selves, or decide not to attend cons at all in future. At the con I attended in Sydney, a fan asked what they thought about fan fiction and the audience groaned- Jed, who’s an old hand at cons, swept the question aside very quickly and moved on.

        Dean seems to have been a tumblr innocent until someone showed him a bit of content at a convention last year, but I think he’s wised up now to what’s out there. Part of the issue is the fact that Dean and Aidan DO look good together, and are clearly close friends, so the shippers have a fair bit to work with! Luckily both the actors are still in the honeymoon phase of dealing with the limelight, and seem to genuinely enjoy interacting with fans.


        • maybe it’s because I teach for a living, but you know, everyone’s naive sometime. It’s a legit question, even if other fans don’t like it (just as their dislike of the question is legit).

          I just don’t get this whole thing about fear of *others’* respect for someone. I find it frustrating and annoying. But that’s me.


          • Well the fans can get quite excitable at these Q&A sessions, and I personally wouldn’t want to be in the audience if someone asked an inappropriate personal question- the onus is on the actor to deal with it in a way that causes least drama all round. They’ve been paid to appear on a panel, not take on any and all comers. I’m not sure where the line is in these situations, but I wouldn’t be certain a young fan, high on the proximity to their ‘crush’, would know where it lies.

            By the way, I presume you’ve seen this?


  2. Just wanted to add a link to the new fan made ‘Desolation Of Smaug’ Modern Trailer- in the same vein as the excellent AUJ one:

    Well worth a look!


  3. Love and hugs! Arkie


  4. For a man who doesn’t care for the water he sure winds up in the drink a lot.


  5. Thanks for the Jed Brophy, Stephen Hunter, Aidan Turner pic – made me laugh for the first time this morning 🙂


  6. […] a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff about Richard Armitage that I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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