Think of it this way, Guy — at least you don’t have to compete with Batman

ep10-1Richard Armitage as Guy of Gisborne in a promotional still for series 1 of Robin Hood. Source:


Happy Guyday Friday to our jealous hero!


The King Richard Armitage Week 2013 quiz goes into its third day here — answer a quiz to enter to win some Richard III books!



And don’t forget I Want to be a Pinup’s ongoing event, with swag, here.

And if you haven’t commented here to generate a donation to Childline from me, you can do that here. That option remains open until I make it home and close the comment stream.

Thanks to all who have already donated.

Have a great Guyday!

~ by Servetus on August 23, 2013.

16 Responses to “Think of it this way, Guy — at least you don’t have to compete with Batman”

  1. I think I’m glad he didn’t get batman. But I feel sort of disappointed – like not being invited to a party. You may not have wanted to go to the party but you still wish you’d been asked


    • I had a very similar feeling Cindy. However, I’m somewhat placated by the fact that his name did come up a number of times in connection with the role. Who knows, maybe he *was* approached and turned it down. I guess we’ll never know and I’m fine with that. 🙂 I can’t say that I think Ben Affleck is a good choice but as I won’t be going to see it anyway that’s not something for me to worry about. Nothing personal against the man himself of course.


      • yes, think of all of the Armitage fans who will now *not* be going to this film, lol. Bad financial decisionmaking on their part … 🙂


    • That well said. I felt just a teence let down, too.


  2. I am super bummed, which I know is silly because we don’t even know if he wanted the part. The longer Black Sky sits on the shelf the more nervous I get about his career. Thank heavens we have DOS coming up. I love Thorin but I want Richard to have the opportunity to strut his stuff as the handsome man he is, although he does make a devastatingly attractive dwarf.


    • If we believe what he said in NY, he’d have loved to but couldn’t figure out where the rumors were coming from.


  3. I’m glad – but for entirely subjective reasons. Just don’t care for comic/superheroes. If he was seriously considered for the part, offered, accepted, I would have bought the ticket. With ambivalence. But we all have our individual interests. If he had been Batman (and wanted it), he would have brought his own talent to it. And goodness knows – he’s physically fit!


    • I’d have felt about it like I felt about Captain America …

      I think he’s in better physical shape than Ben Affleck.


  4. At first I was relieved to hear he didn’t get the part, because I didn’t want to sit through a batman movie and I was hoping for something different. In my opinion, Batman’s not much different from Thorin in the sense they’re both fantasy characters. Then I heard Kevin Costner was cast, so I guess I’ll be watching anyway. So now I’m wishing RA got the part. He would’ve been a great Batman.


  5. I thought Ben Affleck has been cast.


  6. For me it’s utterly ok that we are NOT seeing RA dressed as a bat!!!! 😉


  7. John Thornton in bat ears?


  8. I bet Christian Bale is thrilled 😉


  9. yeah, all in all, still not sorry here. And I bet Guy isn’t either 🙂


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