Great manes do from little whiskers grow, or: Richard Armitage beard dreams


Have you seen this picture before? It shows up every now and then on a list of mistranslated signs where someone’s translating from Chinese into English. I saw it most recently here. And laughed again, because the translation of idiomatic expressions on international signs is one of the funniest things ever. This picture — which could have said “Keep Off the Grass,” the usual formulation in the U.S. — is just plain sweet. (It turns out that its provenance from the Chinese is uncertain, as this fascinating post from the Language Log reveals, because the Chinese text doesn’t make a lot of sense. Some kind of back translation may be involved.)

But its sweetness made me think of this cap:

ep5_028Richard Armitage as Lucas North in Spooks 8.5. Source:

And this:

epten_030Richard Armitage as Guy of Gisborne in Robin Hood 3.10. Source:

And this:

coldfeet_061Richard Armitage as Lee Preston in Cold Feet. Source:

And who could forget this one:

ep3_112Richard Armitage as John Porter in Strike Back 1.3. Source:




~ by Servetus on September 13, 2013.

53 Responses to “Great manes do from little whiskers grow, or: Richard Armitage beard dreams”

  1. What is it about stubble that is so damn sexy? At least I find it so. I didn’t care much for beards when I was younger but now I like them more and I do like Richard’s but I find the 5 o’clock shadow or the stubble so appealing and you have to wonder what it is exactly that does that. Maybe it is that “dreaming” you speak of. Sleeping or awake it is something that makes you just want to touch doesn’t it? I often see Chinese translation signs such as you posted in various ways and they’re always funny. I guess it is just that the language can’t always be put into Chinese, our English that is, and when you bring it back out it just doesn’t sound right of course and we find it very amusing.


    • it screams “excess testosterone”?


      • After reading an article in my local newspaper today I wonder if he eats oysters? Apparently they contain rare amino acids that trigger increased levels of testosterone in men and progesterone in women! More testosterone = more little whiskers growing – and dreaming? 😉


        • Put it on your list of ideal interview questions 🙂 although the aphrodisiac qualities of oysters are renowned as well …


  2. Ah, lovely post. Nothing like a nice shot of RA sleeping to bring out all my instincts, honourable and otherwise… Wonder if the tiny stubble would enjoy being stroked 😉 Having a sleepless night but I might just try putting the light out again and thinking about that!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A sleeping RA how sweet. The stubble now where talking, that is just sexy.
    I think I need sleep, I think I could be rambling.


  4. Seriously doubt about my, but his is definetly the beauty sleep. 😉


  5. My favorite. Peaceful, sleeping Armitage.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. How cute! 🙂 The thought of “sleeping, dreaming stubble” is quite captivating I must say! He did say his beard grows very fast so I imagine that he could go to bed clean-shaven and wake up looking like Lucas! Mmmmm! Yummy thought! I loved reading somewhere that he “wet shaves”! 😉 *sigh*


    • yeah, in the interview publicity for the first round of RH. I wonder if he still does. That 3-day beard look is easier to maintain with an electric razor.


  7. Ode to Stubble (inspired by Don Ho’s song “Tiny Bubbles”

    Tiny stubble, so divine,
    Makes us feel happy,
    Makes us feel fine.
    Tiny stubble, makes us warm all over,
    With the feeling we will love his whiskers till the end of time.


  8. Aw. And ahhhh. Dark stubble is just damn sexy. That’s all. (What a lovely post to wake up to…)

    Liked by 1 person

  9. sweetness overload (both chinese and rarmitage), I had such a laugh! it would be fun if all other official signs would sound as sweet too, would make many people smirk…XD


    • I wonder if it would be more effective in keeping people off the grass … the signs that seem to have a lot of effect are the German ones, in my experience, but that may just be German culture.


  10. LOL! Taking pics of strange Chinese translations was one of the highlights of my trip to China.
    My favourite: A sign above the hotel reception area stating the different facilities available, one read: “Oral massages”.
    Just as I was wondering what type of hotel this was I realised that they meant oral messages, as in you can leave one…
    One tiny letter, such a difference in meaning…

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Nice to see the stubble all tucked up and sleeping peacefully after a hard day of emoting on screen.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Being such an adorable cute stubble all day long must be a tough job. Constantly posing, gathering attention, being sexy and driving women insane should not be underestimated. So beauty sleep is probably desperatly needed by the stubble. And deserves some tender caressing as a reward for being so gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!


  14. The Language Log, to which Serv linked now has a ping back to this post. I feel some new Armitage fans arriving. How can they not?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. So true, the tiny stubble works so hard and then it gets shaved off and has to work hard again to grow out to emote again. Love the poem Kathy.


    • It’s a mystery. How does Richard grow fabulously touchable and sexy tiny stubble, and other, mere mortal men, sport five o’clock shadow. It just doesn’t seem fair, somehow.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I like Richard’s stubble, because he dresses to kill…(as I stumble over my tongue) even in jeans, but some guys just look like they are too lazy to shave because they dress like they slept in their clothes…for days in fact…. those not so much.


    • I think we’ve all kind of forgotten what people said about the Don Johnson look when it appeared … it’s become so standard now. But yeah, it’s not for everyone.


  17. O God… Amazing!!! incredible sleeping man…

    Liked by 1 person

  18. The funny is definite present in reverse, just think of the countless of so-called kanji tattoos, or chinese text on t-shirts. Often it looks beautiful, but people have absolutely no idea what it means. It’s quite common for the Chinese being utterly amused by the complete nonsense when they come across a foreigner, who proudly displays their tattoo or clothes.


    • Oh, sure. I just don’t read Chinese, so I can’t write about that with any conviction. I did run across a post recently about an English sign translated into German somewhere in Ireland … and OMG it just slayed me.


  19. Never ever would I disturb his beauty sleep and his dreams. Just sitting there, staring at him, and being in awe would be the only thing I’d be capable of doing. Well, constantly being tempted to touch his cheeks that would be another story….
    BTW the first pic is hilarious. Saved it for I’m sure there will be occasions where it can be suitably used. 😉


  20. These are charming sleeping RA character images!

    My question is, does stubble grow faster to beard maturity when well rested? If so, then those of us who like the RA stubble/beard–I’m in both camps–must want to keep the “beard” in bed. *wink*

    P.S. And I’m a firm believer that being kissed by a stubbly man works as a great skin exfoliant–thereby, improving our skin care regimen, along with all of those wonderful endorphins. Ha!

    Liked by 1 person

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