All I ever wish for you, Richard Armitage, is the thing I wish for myself

653573514Lara Pulver, Richard Armitage, Los Angeles, September 21, 2013.

… not that you appear in public at red carpet events for my delectation, although it’s delightful when you do … especially when your hair is so beautiful … please keep appearing in public! …

tumblr_me5dz4vO2g1qc5k7uo1_500Richard Armitage, Martin Freeman, Wellington, November 2013.

… or that you wear the jeans I think are most suited to you, although I do absolutely love to negotiate with other fans about your best assets in jeans, and I love it when you wear clothes that aren’t wearing you …

London-26Richard Armitage, London, December 12, 2012.

but that you figure out how to be as happy and fulfilled as you can possibly be under the circumstances and demands and opportunities you experience in your life.


~ by Servetus on September 22, 2013.

43 Responses to “All I ever wish for you, Richard Armitage, is the thing I wish for myself”

  1. That electric blue Tokyo suit wore him. (I think that is a minority opinion?) But it is lovely to see photos of his re-uniting with former colleagues on the publicity tours. Colleagues are definitely OK. It must be a pleasure for him.


    • I was thinking what was the difference here for me, and it was that the last several times we’ve seen him essentially with friends, enjoying himself. This was something different.


  2. Thank you, Serv.


  3. Is that the same jacket? I was so busy wondering about the jeans I didn’t pay much attention to the jacket.

    I don’t think the outfit was a fail- didn’t like the jeans but agree I like to see RA in clothes he looks comfortable in. And the rest of the outfit looked just fine to me.


  4. Serv, I really love your sentiments, all. Very nicely said.


  5. he could be naked, i’d still take him home.


  6. I would add to the title,just this little note…“All I ever wish for you, Richard Armitage, is the thing I wish for myself, and for you to wear the pants you wore to the Arias Awards Ceremony. Every day.
    (brushes hands off) That should do it.
    Thanks Serv, now I COMPLETELY agree with every word.


  7. “that you figure out how to be as happy and fulfilled as you can possibly be under the circumstances and demands and opportunities you experience in your life.”

    Perfectly expressed…


  8. Well the nights might be chilly in September at times in L.A. but not very often. Sept and Oct are often our hottest months so if you’ve been here and it has been chilly I’d say you’ve been lucky. Much of this month has not been a real joy I can tell you. It has just now started to cool a bit at night especially but this event I think was earlier in the day or at least I didn’t get the impression it was at night. Even now the Emmys are doing the Red Carpet at 4:30 so it is going to start before sundown certainly but it won’t be on TV before 8 p.m. here. We don’t get anything “live” here except the Oscars for some reason.

    No, he loves those shoes I guess and for some reason he can’t tell that they don’t go with that outfit. Still he is happy so what does it matter right? that is what is important not what we think really. In the end he still looks great because the clothes don’t make him any less handsome. He has been all over the place lately so I’m sure he is just glad to be in one place and wearing shirt, pants, belt and shoes with jacket period. Who knows where they’re taking him next. Remember he has said he rather likes wearing black himself. LOL


    • yeah, I was being sarcastic about the LA weather 🙂

      I think there’s an argument for wearing clothing in situations like this that makes you feel comfortable. Or, who knows, maybe he had them along and didn’t have anything better …


  9. He is so beautiful, I don’t get what people say about it :/
    And I really, really love your wish for him! Couldn’t say it better myself, all I hope for him is to be happy, in whatever clothes or circumstances 😉

    ….and personally, I find it VERY CUTE that he dresses himself X3
    He’s a big boy! Do not mollycoddled him, let him dress himself ;))


  10. Here, here, Serv! I join my voice to yours in wishing him happiness and fulfillment in all his endeavors. I love that he looks wonderful a wonderful mess in those gorgeous long locks! It shows that he’s been truly relaxing and “letting it all hangout” a beautiful monster….yummy!


    • I’ll admit that my theory is that it’s not for a role — that he’s just having a phase of enjoying having long hair. He did when he was in his twenties, so why not now? 🙂


  11. Nice going, Serv. Lovely sentiments delivered with short and to the point clarity. May you and Richard both get all you desire and deserve in the wish fulfillment category. That said, love his hair, shoes -not so much.


  12. Lovely as he looks when dressed by his stylist, I have to say that I actually like it when he chooses his own clothes – I always have a hankering to see him in the black leather and the Belstaff jacket he wears when being himself…


    • would love to see him in Belstaff again. Although that photo of it that we saw in January did make it look like it was getting a little worn.


  13. Ai que homem lindo..


  14. … that the clothes are not wearing him… Thanks Servetus!! Exactly what I feel about this whole thing.
    BTW I do not have any problem with his brown boots, as they add a certain unruly edge to his whole appearance. Can’t praise his handsomeness anymore, as I’m at the risk of going really nuts! 😀 Love your wish for his life (and for yours (and for mine!), that you’re able to phrase so perfectly with only a couple of words). Hoping with all my heart, that he is somewhat happy and pleased with what he’s doing right now, upon completion of this enormous venture which is called “The Hobbit”.


  15. Beautifully said, Servetus.


  16. May your wish comes true, Servetus :*


  17. He is so handsome! I think he looked very confident, his hands were loose, usually he makes a tight fist.
    I´m not sure about the hair…


  18. […] working. I can even tell you why those are needs of mine, and I have. The things I want for him are the things I want for myself. There are other sticky moments, and they’ve changed and developed over the years as I become […]


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