Emergency *ooof*: Check Mate

Right here, right now, Guylty is very happy. Armitage week continues: First a meeting with my Sista-in-RA Playazindaback/AwkwardCelebrityEncounters in London of all places, then hosting a RL friend who is also a RA-sista (with plenty of Richarding since her arrival on Friday) and now the surfacing of new pics. “Feels like heaven” deedeedeedum. If there is any measure of my fangirling, then this is a new benchmark. Because you see, at the time of writing I only got up half an hour before, at 7 am on a Sunday morning, because my cats wanted feeding. My intention had been to slip back between the covers immediately after, but I stupidly could not resist a peek at my phone – where notifications were overflowing from tumblr and wordpress. And what shall I say – I have been hit so unexpectedly, I am having trouble deciding whether this is real or whether I am still dreaming. Ok, Guylty, pull yourself together and get some coherent analysis together.


Swooning over Armitage at the BAFTA Tea Party LA event
Image by Kevin Winter/Getty
Via armitage-online.ru

Why the hell is Guylty picking this image to *ooof*? A shot from the side, not full length, not that close-up, *and* another person in it? Well, I am trying to maintain a soupcon of rationality here, and while I am simply floored by all of the images, most of all the close up/half-length ones, I still have to pick out a pic that I can find *something* to say about that is not just an expostulation of our favourite subjects damning good looks *lickslips*.

The Armitage strikes again. At an industry event Mr A has turned on the smoulder again. How does he do it? A spontaneous ovary-bursting stint, Armitage can pull it off without much effort. He just pops himself in front of the nasty advertising backdrop, angles his head, stares at the camera – and lets the hair length, the sneaky chest-hair peek and the hot gaze work for him. He just has to stand there…

Some people, and I can say that with authority, simply have got it, when it comes to being loved by the camera. There is no rhyme or reason to it, and even though I’ve seen it in action many times, I can not explain the phenomenon rationally. There are sitters in front of my (and any other photographers’) camera, who will look good in every single shot. Now, I obviously have not seen all 2000 shots that Ascroft took of RA, or Rayner, or Nearmy, or anyone who’s ever had the fortune of getting RA in front of their lens, and yet I venture to guess that he comes out well in almost all of them. Some of this elusive quality has got to do with confidence. And as a professional performer, Armitage of course has that self-confidence that allows him to put himself in front of a lens and patiently wait to be photographed. (That is where most of us mere mortals fall down – we are unnerved by the big black eye, embarrassed because posing goes against the modesty with which many of us have been brought up – “don’t fuss and don’t draw any attention to yourself – that’s unseemly”.) He let’s go of that because for him, posing for pictures is part of the business. For the time it takes to be photographed, that is what you need to do. You *need* to convince yourself, in your brain, that you are the hottest thing on earth, and that mankind is waiting to see your latest photographs. You have to let go of the notion that it is silly to pose. You have to act a little bit. And you have to remember that the photographer will be grateful to you for doing that. They will not judge you, but they will work with what you give them.

And Armitage gives. He is posing nicely erect in front of that unsightly backdrop (advertising *ugh*). With his head slightly angled down – probably the usual effect from having to look down onto a photographer who is a few inches shorter than himself – he is offering a look at himself in an open pose, arms simply at his side, signalling friendly openness. His gaze in the image is the characteristic non-smile smile, the contradiction of which still gets me: the eyes smile while the mouth does not curl up. (I have tried doing this in front of the mirror – yeah, I *do* self-experiment for these *ooof*s – but I cannot do it. When I make my eyes smile, my mouth curls.) Armitage is a wonder of anatomy, it seems. Well, duh, of course he is *haha*.

I have chosen this image in particular because it is a rare profile shot of the man. We know that Mr A has certain reservations about the size of his assets. Well, *some* assets *coughs*. The one that peaks out at the front. His nose, ladies, his nose!!!! We can sympathise: Everyone has certain physical attributes which we don’t like about ourselves. Mr A has expressed his opinion before that his nose is too big. Fans all over the world disagree – the imperfection of the slightly too big nose is the detail that sets off the perfection. And it is nice to actually see it in its full glory. Especially when the same shot also reveals something that the fandom has been getting their collective knickers in a twist over – the length of Armitage’s hair. We can see the hair covering Armitage’s nape. And the luscious little curls, reminiscent of Sir Guy, making a reappearance. Yes, Richard, the Army approves very much – the hair suits you. In a day and age where the mullet is derided by *everyone*, you rock it. I don’t even register it for what it is – it just really suits him, softens the profile that is very much characterised by the sharp line and tip of the nose by contrasting it with the slightly unruly curliness of the hair. Add to that the contradiction of the pale skin and the dark hair, and we have the classic characteristics that photographers look out for when they are framing a shot. Beauty alone won’t do – perfection is boring. It is contradiction and unexpected surprises that are worthy of being shown.

An hour into finding these shots, at the time of writing, I have regained enough sanity to also delve into my customary little photography lecture. (Yep, sorry ladies, even an emergency *ooof* can’t go without the theory… ) Hand on heart, girls, have you noticed anything unusual in the shot? Probably not, because you are focussing on the important bits, i.e. the subject. But I have to comment on the angle used in the shot. If you tear away your eyes from Richard’s nose and nape curls to take in the bigger view, for a moment, you should notice that the shot is not horizontal. The background makes that very clear, as we can see the lines on the (writing on the) backdrop leaning towards the right. Had only Richard been in the shot on his own, we might not have noticed so much, but the presence of a second subject in the frame makes the tilted angle very clear. This is not caused by the photographer swooning at the onslaught of Armitagean hotness, but a deliberate decision by Winter. By angling the camera this way, he introduces dynamicism into an otherwise very boring, very static scene – there is no action contained in the depicted scene as the two subjects are statically posing for the assembled press. In order to add a bit of visual interest, Winter challenges us with the angle. Another effect of the angled shot is also that more focus is given to the actual subject of the shot than the background. This works particularly well here as Armitage on his own does not look unnaturally tilted to the right, whereas the background does. Our gaze therefore connects with the subject in focus, allowing the background to literally fall back…

This angle, interestingly, is also called “German angle” *yeehah* in cinematography, as it was first introduced by German filmmakers in the early 1900s. In films, they are often used to convey a sense of madness, of weirdness, of out-of-the-ordinaryness. Even though an angle does not really *distort* reality in the true sense of the word, it will nonetheless convey that *feeling* of distortion. Our eyes are so accustomed to seeing things the right way up and straight and ordinary, that a slightly angled perspective will already communicate to us that “something is wrong”… While “madness” is not the message that Winter wants to get across here, a German angle however also communicates a feeling of creativity, and artsy, edgy coolness. It tells us that the photographer is willing to break the rules and to do something that is generally a no-no. If (press) photography is documentary in nature, then angle and perspective should be realistic. By breaking that rule, Winter has shown himself to be creative and inventive – and that feel and message can be extended to the subject he is picturing.

Can I even come up with an emergency ficlet for this emergency *ooof*? Oh dear, it’s too early for creativity, and I am one of those whose creativity really flows at night, but let’s give it a shot.

It was beginning again. He had had a fantastic summer. Starting off with the reunion with his friends from his biggest film project so far, and only a small number of photo engagements and a few meetings with the press, he’d really enjoyed his summer. His new pad in New York was delightful, right in the heart of the city, in a place where he could venture out unseen and generally unaccosted by the blasé New Yorkers who were far too busy to recognise celebrities. And he was hardly the biggest fish in the pond. Luckily Jackman was keeping the fans happy – thanks, mate. But with autumn also approached the renewed promotion cycle for the Hobbit. Time to ease myself back into that, he sighed. His publicist had arranged for him to attend a press event on the occasion of BAFTA week. “An opportunity to bring out the Oscar-stance and the carefully measured camera smile, Richard!” she had said to him.

He was standing in front of his suitcase. A press event. What to wear? There were going to be photographers. What kind of message did he want to convey? Hot rising star? Sophisticated serious actor? Casual boy-next-door? Fuck it. He just wanted to feel comfortable. To hell with fashion – I’d pad out there in my comfy crocs and a pair of jogging pants, if I could. He sighed. No, it would not do. He had an image to maintain, his publicist had reminded him. She had also let on that his fans had been quite enamored with some of the incidental images that had been shot of him over the summer. The non-professional twitter kind of stuff, and the fan shots from signings and events. He growled. I wish there was a checklist. He paused. Hold on. He was not an actor with a colourful imagination for nothing. If I were my own fan, a youngish, 40-something, straight woman with a penchant for tall dark British actors, what would appeal to me? He stood for a second, chewing on his index finger, lost in thought. Then he started rummaging in his suitcase again.

Long slim legs… tight denims. He pulled on his trousers. Check.

Accentuated narrow hips… chunky leather belt. Around the hips it went. Check.

Narrow waist and wide shoulders… tight little jacket. Best not too casual. So not the leather number. Grey jacket then. Check.

Broad chest… under a suit jacket, so has to be a collared shirt. Stripy number. He tucked the shirt tails into his waistband and straightened up. Check.

He looked at himself in the mirror. Yeah. Sufficient. But sufficient is not stunning. He ran a hand through his hair which he had grown out a bit in preparation for an upcoming project. And then it hit him. The checklist was not quite complete. His audience needed a bit more.

Romantic hero look… Sir Guy nape curls. They had always liked that. He fluffed his fingers through the hair at the back. Yup. A few of the unruly curls standing out cheekily. Check.

A slight grin appeared on his face. He remembered the reaction to an impromptu shot taken in a designer shop earlier in the summer where he had tried to gauge the reaction of his fans to his showing a little bit more. His hands went up to his collar. This would be the broadside.

A man in his prime… chest hair. He opened up the top two bottoms. Check.

And check mate, girls. He grinned impishly. Off we go.

(Edit: Exchanged image and corrected a few typos.)

All text © Guylty at me + richard armitage, 2013. Please credit when using excerpts and links. Images and video copyrights accrue to their owners.

~ by Guylty on September 22, 2013.

129 Responses to “Emergency *ooof*: Check Mate”

  1. This is my favorite shot of all of them! Now off to read your ooooof!


    • Profile love, MM? I am with you. It’s nice to see the nose in action. And the nape curls. Full-frontal is a bit much to take on an empty stomach. At least when you are faced with this at 7 am…


      • I was up at 6 and saw a full frontal one. Believe me, I seriously risked to fall on the floor… 😛


        • *hahaha* – The pictures should come with a health warning on them. Or some kind of automatic time delay. “Not to be viewed between the hours of 1 and 7 am! Could cause serious palpitations and sleepless nights”. UNF


  2. That is beautiful plus the hairstyle… something we haven’t seen before. It looks like a proper Brazilian blow-out and Me Likey!!!
    PS. Your ficlets are amazing Miss!


    • Oh, me very much likey. As a Guy Girl I very *very* much likey. I am just simply stunned that he can rock this style so well. Really, anyone else would be ridiculed for a mullet. But Armitage? Wins every time. Or maybe I am just infatuated…
      PS: *mwah* thanks, Agzy 🙂 It wasn’t easy this time, but how can anyone *not* be inspired???? 😉


      • That’s not a mullet, it’s a manllet 🙂 I think it looks particularly dashing from the side, but probably even better placed on a pillow in my bed… I digress… These new pics are a wonderful source of further RA obsession/inspiration and you’ve done a beautiful job 🙂


        • Manllet – *lol*. Actually, Agzy, I think you are right. The “mullet” with its nasty associations of ugly 1980s footballers is just not an adequate term for the hairdo. We should come up with a new one. This is a Manllet. Or a Guyllet? Or a RAllet? Cos noone rocks it like RA.
          RL images are always particularly inspiring, I find… The reality is not stranger than fiction, but more enticing than fiction.


          • The hair looks like what you’d find on a cool professor with a swarm of smitten students. Could we call it an academic mullet? The thinking man’s mullet? Or could he be invoking the spirit of Elvis? Oh mercy me. He’s a hunka hunka smouldering hunk.


            • *rofl* the thinking man’s mullet. Wonderful. And I love your “hunka hunka smouldering hunk”. That would’ve been a wonderful headline for my post *ggg*. I hunk you hunk he hunks. Oh and yeah, he hunks very hunkily, that hunk 😉


  3. Oh wow, Guylty, you have my utmost admiration! I’m still trying to find a coherent thought in my head at the sight of these new photos, and you’ve put together this fabulous *oooof* in quick time. 🙂


    • Thanks Mezz – your praise is very much appreciated :-). At first, when I saw it this morning, I was just stunned and wowed and *ooof*ed out. Then I read all the various posts that the Armitage bloggers put out in response. Finally it was Perry (Armitage Agonistes) who got me with the request for an *ooof*. I had to labour really hard to get over my hurting ovaries. And I knew I had to be quick – I knew I had about two hours before the rest of the household, aka jealous Mr Guylty, stirred from sleep, so I had to get the *ooof* out in record beating time. Ouch. Thank God it’s the weekend 😉


  4. Goodness me Guylty, that’s a lot of coherent words for a Sunday morning. Reading your ficlet, and presuming it mirrors real life to some degree in this instance, I was amused to see that he’d enjoyed his ‘summer’, when in fact his 10 weeks in NZ were in the depths of winter!

    I of course concur with all those words about smoulder, profile and curls. Was this extra to your normal schedule, or an advance on Tuesday?


    • Oh Katharine, you are of course right. My eurocentric world-view completely ignored the facts of life in the Southern hemisphere… Of course it would have been winter in Wellington… What strange wandering between two worlds that must be…
      As for the Tuesday *ooof* – I had already been working on that yesterday and am half-way there. And God, how I laboured, trying to find an image and something to say. And then the Armitage strikes again with this. The words rushed out of me. Weird… So, hopefully, Tuesday will see another *ooof*… and you all won’t be oversaturated with my photographic musings…


      • Thanks, I always enjoy your weekly *ooof* very much. This one was an emergency, we needed it to recollect ourselves 😉


        • *ggg* – glad to deliver, Micra :-D. I guess I had to work it out of my system, too. I am very lucky to have such brilliant readers, though. xx


          • It’s really a very nice habit, the Tuesday *ooof*. It’s not a Tuesday if Guylty doesn’t *ooof* some RA. Glad to always learn something, i.e., the German angle. I totally ignored such a thing existed. Thanks for your explanation 🙂


            • Tuesday is *ooof*day, too right. It’s totally part of my schedule – so much so that nowadays I avoid packing too many things into my Tuesdays because I know that I’ll be busy reading, commenting, replying… It’s good to have a routine 😀


  5. I’m in minority I hope he is growing it for a role because I love his hair short like Lucas or JP. I have to say he looks very trim in these shots


  6. Well, this is by far the best way to start a lazy Sunday. Long, leisurely breakfast, checking twitter and mails, and finding a couple of new photos from life to philosophize over. It’s a gift. Live can be so beautiful. I do hope he is fine and enjoys himself. Although I would so much love to see (even the faintest) smile. I cannot make one out in these pics, not even in the eyes. To me it rather looks like he didn’t feel too comfortable, just doing a job he is not too fond of – despite there are no tightened fists. But – my dear – he looks fantastic with the longer hair. Let’s hope this is really for some upcoming project. A GoG prequel/spinoff? Poldark? Yes, please.

    Never heard of the German angle – that’s really very interesting. Creativity, artsy and edgy coolness – perfect description for Mr. A.


    • If all Sundays could start like this… New RA images, sunshine outside, and love inside 😀 . I didn’t find him overly uncomfortable in the pics, but I do not think for one minute that celebrities actually *enjoy* the photo circus they are put through. Goes with the job. The more often you do it, the easier it is to get through. He’s learnt fast.
      Love love love the longer hair. And this is so out of character and out of preference for me, I can only surmise that I have lost my mind entirely. I was literally staring at the pictures, swearing and cursing RA. In a playful way *ahem*.


      • When I googled the BAFTA tea party event (it appears to be huge btw) there was a video on YT showing the arrivals of celebrities in front of that same background we see in his photos. RA was not among them, thank goodness, because the yelling and demanding of the photographers was appalling, not to mention the constant flashing from cameras. He has certainly learnt how to play the game. I’m surprised he looks as relaxed as he does.


        • It’s a part of the business that I really find hard to reconcile myself with. There is an element of the hunter and the hunted in it, however willing the participants are. Personally, I lack the elbows that you need to have for that part of photography. And I have to say my sympathy in such cases is more with the photographed than the photographer…


      • You are so right. He has indeed learnt fast. So fast and so noticeable that I sometimes feel a little bit of nostalgia when watching older clips or interviews from a few year ago when he appeared more shy and boyish and not half so eloquent and confident – that was when I first fell completely for him (and no motherly thoughts on my side, by the way). Compared to the newer stuff he has significantly moved on. He is surprising me every time he appears on the scene.


        • Yes, that shyness is certainly receding. In a way that is good. Wishing him to hold on to it would be unfair, although I agree with you that I liked the awkwardness as it belied the “ordinary” person in extraordinary circumstances. And still, as you say, he has the capacity to surprise. He keeps the mystery alive. I am quite glad for that.


  7. I can’t believe you pulled together an ooof and a ficlet while I’m still a dribbling mess!

    You’re a credit to the army, Guylty.


    • Oh Bolly, come here and let me give you a big hug. How nice of you to say that. It’s fun fun fun, and I *love* doing this for *you*. The army deserves only the best *smirks*. So many clever, creative women here. What a privilege to be counted as one of them.


  8. Guylty, you must have heard me “calling you” in the wee hours of the a.m. here -last words in my rushed post with the pics and article “whatever it is, Guylty get to work.” I love it -emergency *Ooof* I will touch base back when I’ve had some time to re read. Thanks


    • Perry, I meant to credit you in-text. Your post on the new pics was the second that I saw this morning, and of course I also read your call to *ooof*. How could I resist that? I have to say, it made me feel very warm and happy to read your prompt – a compliment is when anyone asks me for my opinion. (Yeah – flatter me and you get anything you want from me – I am pretty easy *haha*) So thank you for suggesting – I jumped at it. xx


  9. […] More to come? I’m not sure about red carpet pics, but maybe some will surface from during or after the event- maybe even as I write. I think tomorrow is going to busy day. And oh yes, I am thinking this look could very well be for a new role, or maybe just so he looks really great for his press junket. Whatever it is, Guylty- get busy. ETA she did, right here]. […]


  10. That ficlet at end just left me smiling to myself in the dark~ now I will have a hard time going to sleep and I must be up in less than 3 hours to go out with my family to a friend’s house for breakfast~ (damn my curiosity~ *laughs*) as I was reading I could really picture him doing what you wrote, dear~
    As for the picture, I really like it~ I think it’s one of the best from the few I’ve seen so far~


    • Oh, Richard causes a great many sleepless nights. And I know the feeling – I frequently overstay my waking hours because I just can’t *not* peek. I hope you got a bit of sleep and rest overnight, Michelle, and are ready to face the gorgeousness again *ggg*.
      I am really surprised to hear that so many of you like this particular image. I kind of thought that most would prefer a full-frontal close-up where you can see more of the handsome features. Plus, this shot also has a *gasps* WOMAN in the background. I usually get rather jealous when I see another female in a pic with RA… (I am a silly cow.) But I just reacted to the nape curls and the nose, and I immediately had some photo-nerdy stuff in the back of my mind, so it had to be this one… Glad you like the image so much. Can’t wait for the un-watermarked versions to come out…


      • My sleepless nights are caused mainly by other thoughts such as what to write next in a story, but this posts will surely keep me thinking for hours~ *sigh* oh well~ it won’t be he first time I don’t sleep 🙂
        From the other photos that I saw earlier, it might sound odd, but he looks different to me. Not in a bad way, but he is just different. When I saw that picture you posted, I saw the Richard I’ve grown to like.


        • You’re still up, Michelle? Off to bed with you, missy ;-).
          Which other photos do you mean? The other ones from BAFTA Tea Party or the recently surfaced Rayner shots? Press photos are great in the sense that they are “real”. Photographically never as masterful as deliberate (studio) shots, but somehow evocative on another level.


  11. oh dear dear, I just noticed how well we can see the little chicken pox scar in the HQ image posted on armitage-online.ru . asdfghjkl… lost my breath, please send help. I need Dr. Alec 😛


    • Oh for fucks sake. This is getting worse and worse. Now we have the hi-res images. God, I am glad I did not have that at the ready this morning when I wrote the *ooof*. I would have never gotten beyond the pock mark. Or the slightly open mouth. Or the lightness of the blue eyes. Not to mention the nape curls.
      As they say on tumblr “STAWWWWWP, Richard, stawwwwp!” 😉


    • And that’s why I love the candids…no photoshopping that perfect little scar out of existence. I love seeing that scar. It’s a part of him.


      • Another imperfection to emphasise the perfection. I am glad that it usually gets simply drowned out with the lighting in studio shoots. No need to hide that little scar that marks him as a human – in divine shape no less *coughs*.


      • indeed, love candids too. Also love very good studio sessions but candids always have some added value 😉


    • *Ouch*! Micra! 😀 those russian sisters wants to kill us!


  12. I know what Michelle means about him looking different. In the frontal shots it looks like he has a tan! It changes the way his face looks a bit. In the *ooof* he looks his usual pale self. Anyway, THANK YOU, guylty for an amazing emergency *ooof*! Last night the early pics showed up on Tumblr and I was paralyzed with delight. Got them out to twitter and my blog as quick as possible. Newer ones are soooo swoonable. Oh my.


    • Had to switch back to tumblr quickly and survey what is there. I see what you mean. Different photographer, different cameras, different WB settings. Some images he comes out pale to overexposed, others are tonally much warmer, and he looks almost tanned. Really looking forward for the fan websites to collect the images in a definitive manner.
      And you are welcome, Marie 🙂 – I do my very best. I knew I had to grace my fellow sistas-in-RA with something while also relieving my own itch…


  13. The moment I saw new pics I knew you’d ooof this one, guylty! Congratulations on pulling yourself together so quickly – my predominant reaction is still sweaty palms and shaking hands. The ficlet is hilarious – I can totally picture him doing just that and smirking to himself. 😀

    The hair gives me a lot of ideas, none of them suitable for public consumption. I wonder what he’s growing it for.


  14. Am loving the hair – so suitable for a period drama. But whatever it’s been grown long for, he is as swoonworthy as usual!

    (It’s Lara Pulver in the yellow dress on the left on the photo.)


    • The Sir Guy parallels are getting unmissable. He’s even got his sister with him. Ha! Thanks for that, jh!
      Hehe, and what sort of period drama might that be? 1980s vintage *smirks*


  15. Oh ,thank you Guylty! 🙂 To tell the truth I was hoping for this emergency *ooof*. I spent a large part of my morning in the state of stupor O_O..just staring at him O_O . Holy sh.t! Richard looks so good…it’s criminal!


    • Holy shit is apt. It is now almost ten hours since I discovered the pics, and I have spent the last seven hours doing nothing but drooling and keeping up with the hype. I meant to catch up on work today – well, that has all gone down the drain. FFS, Richard!


  16. I found the pictures last night. And yes, I had dreams of BAFTA. Thanks so much for your informative and most entertaining *ooof*.


    • Thanks for your comment, Lea (?). And I am glad if I have been able to prolong your enjoyment of the images a little bit with my *ooof* 🙂


      • I am Kara Lea on twitter. Lea is my middle name. I have been lurking for a long time and just recently vowed to start commenting. I was very excited to come across the new pictures last night. And yes, you did exactly that – prolonged my enjoyment! Thanks again.


  17. Is it unpardonable to enjoy the oof and comment thread more than the picture? Mr.A, good to see you again!


  18. Having been out all day, its 7.10 in the evening here, these have been a fantastic surprise. I think they are fantastic photos and i love the hair, just imagine getting your fingers into it! I also think that they are so great because they are unexpected, so we have all gone aquiver! Great post, love the ficlet, your lucidity is impressive xx


    • Lucidity? I am glad I came across as that, Rosie :-D. It felt more like madness, or dreamlike sleep-walking. In fact I am still on a high right now. A good thing, no doubt! Thanks for your lovely comment! Keep enjoying the new photos as they keep appearing!


  19. Emergency is the right word, only that I was in an emergency when I first saw the pictures and especially this one. No, scratch that, I still am. Holy sh*t.
    Loved your ficlet, by the way! Check mate, so true!


  20. I am still thinking about the fact that Richard is actually here within 16 miles of where I am so those pictures hit me doubly hard but take a deep breath and calm down. I like his hair both ways actually. I think the longer length makes him look younger actually, certainly more like Guy but I wouldn’t go any longer with it. I like it shorter as well as it gives him the maturity and he looks very sexy that way as well, and closer to my age. Another woman in the picture? Oh, I just erase her from memory. LOL He just looks stunning to me. I don’t think he is losing the shyness he has talked about. When he stands in front of cameras like that he is “on” just as he would be if he were working so the shyness he has still exists but when he is acting or working all of that has to be put away. I’m sure to him it is totally different and going out there to have photos done and answer questions is just part of his job really. He seems to enjoy it certainly and maybe it has gotten easier. The camera loves him and I wonder if he looks on these photos later and what he feels about them. We already knows that he isn’t fond of his nose so I’m sure he has his own liking for certain ways of posing but does what he is told.

    Whatever he feels, he has no idea how those pictures hit his fans. These are up to date photos after so long going without and such great ones that well we will live on these for some time to come that’s for sure. I don’t know if I can go with the idea that he dressed himself but generally I’d say if he did then he did a fairly nice job of it. We’d probably all agree he’d look good in rags. How many out there think that they could actually stand there and take pictures of him really? That is stop drooling long enough to get decent photos? LOL


    • Lucky you, Peggy. You need to get out there, closer to the action 😉
      As for shyness and participating in photo shoots – you’re preaching to the choir here. That’s exactly what I mean. He’s a pro, and press calls have become a staple of his regular business. However, I do think he is not quite as good at studio shoots as at press calls. (I must examine that in a future *ooof*)
      And yes, I’d love to know his perspective on shooting and the individual shots. Sadly, we’re not going to get that.
      As for your (rhetorical) question at the end – I keep joking like that myself, but realistically, if I had the opportunity to shoot him, the fact that I find him attractive would actually and easily be overridden by my own professionalism and interest in photography. Plus, I have a really big camera – it’s dead easy to hide behind that *ggg*. I think his gorgeousness would only blow me away in post-production…


  21. Loved your photo explication and your ficlet!

    And RA does have a nice little thatch of chest hair–just right for twining in your fingers, not too much to cause flossing. Ha! May he never be forced to wax again. Sighhh! *thud*


    • Thanks, Gratiana ;-). Haha, flossing in chest hair… Poor man. I really wonder what actors think about the whole “shaved body hair” thing. Maybe they think nothing. It’s just another part of their body that they appropriate to the roles they play…


  22. Good for you guylty. That is exactly as it should be. You’d be behind that camera shooting away with no problem at all. We just need to have someone at an interview don’t we and then we could ask all the questions we want. LOL. I think one could get an honest answer about how it feels being photographed so much. It is just private things that he wouldn’t want to talk about but they don’t ask those questions naturally because they’re not interested in whether he feels uncomfortable standing out there with the bulbs flashing away. He chose the profession after all didn’t he and he is a Leo. Studio is definitely different from live stage stuff and screaming fans. Maybe it is easier to use the imagination thing, you know imagine you are somewhere else because it is a matter of minutes only with those photos and then you move on.

    I had no idea this BAFTA thing was going on or if any public was allowed near it. If I had and if one could have viewed arrivals or something like it then I’d have been there!


    • The Army shall infiltrate all areas of the show biz. We already have a massage therapist to the stars, a photographer, various journalists. Where are the make-up artists, hairstylists, stylists, directors, cinematographers, technical advisors, script writers, producers and and and… We shall conquer it all *muhahaha*


  23. Guylty has outdone herself on this post! It is also good to read that your professional approach would supercede the fan thing. (Not that I had any doubt.)


    • Aw, thanks Fitzg, that’s a wonderful compliment on both counts. Would love to put my theory to the practical test, of course. And you know what, knowing all you wonderful people behind me, I would seriously try to give my best – not just for myself, but for those who are so kind in their support and feedback.


  24. Oh my, Guylty! What a lovely reward for having all my lessons planned for the week and having finished my own Gaeilge homework. If that nosegasm and your ficlet had exploded on my screen earlier today, I don’t think I would have gotten any thing done. And the explanation of the angled shot is very interesting and thought-provoking, as your posts always are. Now I want to go back and review some of the crazy-angled shots in the films that I remember as having caused a somewhat anxious physical reaction…


    • As Gaeilge???? Do I read as Gaeilge??? Chaifreak, are you an Irish RA-fan? Should the two of us possibly constitute An Arm Armitage na hEireann?
      Hehe, I hope I distracted you… Thanks for your kind comment! X


      • Learning my ancestors’ language has been on my to do list for a long time, and I finally found the time and opportunity. I’m just about as Celtic (Irish and Welsh) as they make ’em. But I’m still trying to assimilate the consonants – they make Russian seem EASY. I’m on the far side of the pond, though I’d dearly love to relocate and set up an Armitage branch na hEireann with you, Guylty!


        • Good on ya, as they say over here. It’s one fantastically difficult language… I am following along, vaguely, as my children learn it in school. “An cupla focal” is all I have got (and I don’t even know if I spelled that right…). Oh, and across the pond or not – since I am not a native Irish myself, I would welcome *anyone*, from *anywhere* into the Irish branch of the AA *ggg*


          • Third day in, and I’m seeing so many links to English…sometimes obviously via Latin, sometimes via an obviously different route. This obsession with Gaeilge might even, dare I say it, eclipse my RA obsession! But RA fantasies will always have their place…And Ireland IS closer to Leicester than yucky old Texas.


            • How cool – the Irish should take you as an example, Chai. They are so dismissive of their language. There’s a minority of maybe 20,000 people in this island who speak Irish natively.., everyone else hates it!


              • I have always thought I would love to learn Gaelic–and they hate it? Wow.


                • They *all* must learn it in school, usually starting at 4 years of age. They tend to like it in primary school but as soon as they continue in secondary, they lose interest. It’s nonetheless an obligatory subject for the final, school leaving exam. And a requirement if you want to be a civil servant.


                  • I think it is now being taught a lot more in Scotland and when you travel in the Highlands, many, if not all of the street signs are in Gaelic too. I truly wish I had learned it when we lived there. It would have been so much easier when I had real Gaelic speakers to converse with! Now I’m older and living on the West Coast of Canada I think it’s too late now. I still love to listen to it when I get the chance even though I may have little or no idea what is being said or sung – apart from the odd word or two! 🙂


              • That’s so sad. Huge empires are very effective in marginalizing, suppressing and demeaning native languages (and before anyone takes offense, it’s NOT just the British Empire at which I am taking pot-shots. It’s a curious effect of empire in general, not just the US, UK, Soviet, etc.empires). Ah, well. Maybe that means I’ll be more likely to get a place in a PhD program in Ireland.


  25. All new Richard pictures and an emergency ooof to boot! What a fabulous present for the spring equinox (and autumn equinox for all you northeners)…the sap is rising here in the southern hemisphere. Thanks Guylty!


  26. Of all the days for me to be away from home–


  27. […] said in her emergency ficlet at me + richard armitage, Richard Armitage is TRULY a man in his […]


  28. I saw this early this AM and then rolled over and completely spaced it until now (10:30pm). This was just what the Dr ordered at e end of a shite day. Loved it all around – thanks girlfriend!!


    • Sorry to hear you had a shite day. And on a Sunday no less. There is always some Richarding when the world is mean, though. Glad if I brightened up your day a bit. xxx


  29. Hot damn, Guylty, you have really excelled yourself this time. Alacrity! Celerity! A stream of fascinating and fact-filled eloquence! All before the crack of dawn! You are an ornament to the media profession.
    Just thinking … Every film and major TV production needs an excellent stills photographer. Once we find out what RA is doing next, you should put your hand up for that gig. Then we can *ooof* your pictures. Well, as best we can without your knowledge and brilliance.
    Meanwhile, can we be sure RA is growing his hair for a role? Perhaps he’s growing it because he has a lover who likes to caress those elfin ears and grab a handful of those luxuriant raven locks. I hope that is one of the reasons, anyway.


    • Or lick them like the Russian “asset” did in the Bedouin Bar in Spooks!! 😉


    • Hehe, I had to look up “celerity”, Groovie. To tell you the truth, I am not sure how I was able to pull that off yesterday. I think I was probably so inspired by the muse that I just let it flow… I wish the muse inspired me to write articles about the latest develpments in online-advertising, too…
      Hehe, as regards the stills job – yup, at your service, Army, and also at *his* service *coughs – does that come out wrong?*. While I had been declining the suggestion for a long time, I am slowly coming round to the idea. But probably only, because it would never happen *haha*.
      As for the “hair grown for a project” – pure fantasy on my part. Everybody is throwing Poldark out there, as a reason for a “thinking man’s mullet”. Why does noone think a little reprisal of Sir Guy could be on the cards? Just imagine – 6 years on. Completely opposed to what we all thought, Guy never died. The poison had merely been a strong anaesthetic. He is alive – but completely changed by the experience. In an effort to go back and change his life for the better, Guy goes back to his old haircut, digs out the season 2 leather pants and opens the first three clips of his leather jacket. *ooof* 😉


  30. OK I am here to finally comment after being sort of AWOL. I saw the pictures Saturday night when I should been in bed, but hey I was home only with son1 and he was doing his own thing. I also saw somewhere maybe at Perrys about an *ooof*. But Sunday was busy with things and blasting CD’s that I didn’t get a chance to look at my inbox till bed time ( got to listen to what I want to with the boys gone, even son1 was at work ).

    So WOW and I did think at at 0 dark thirty too. Love love the curly hair, make me want to wrap my fingers around those curls. Some how it works for him. What I just understand is why I like his curls and hate mine, mine are very close to his.

    Thank you for the emergency *ooof* and now back to work. Make supper and the homework that is. Even read the comments fast.


  31. GUYLTY! I thank you for this emergency OOOF (much needed) and I totally agree about the angle. In fact, I have an entire tag on tumblr called “bat angle lucas” dedicated to this very concept. (cough) I’d link to it but I don’t want to spam Servetus’s blog as it tends to reject comments with URLs in them.

    Meeting you: I CAN’T EVEN. You are da bomb, lady! Only a fellow comrade in the RArmy could make London even more amazing than it already is. Looking forward to seeing you again somewhat soon!

    And your ficlet: Mercy, mercy, mercy. I need some time to process my overwhelming feelings. ^_^


    • Bat angle – hahaha, didn’t know that was the name for it. But hey, I am going to surf that tumblr tag until I have spotted every last bit of those batty pictures…
      London – a wonderful half-day spent with you. It reached all my hopes and expectations. I’ll meet you again, I am sure of that. Because we have some fangirling to do, but big time *ggg*. – Judging from my experience so far with meeting my sistas-in-RA, I can only say that I’d do it again, and again, and again. xx


      • To be fair, “bat angle” is not an official term or anything. One of my old camp counselors used to use it in reference to a video we made together… he was referencing the old 1960s “Batman” tv show which was VERY campy (seriously, it made BBC Robin Hood look like Downton Abbey!!) – and in this show, the villains would frequently be shown in bat-angle.

        If I recall correctly, sometimes the camera would actually pan over to them and then visibly tilt into the angle. I’ll try to find a video clip because it was very funny and obviously that show didn’t take itself too seriously.


      • Here’s a clip where many bat-angles are used. (Not exclusively for villains though – maybe my memory is mashing-up classic Batman with modern ironic interpretations of the genre such as ‘Powerpuff Girls’ & ‘Austin Powers’ ….)


  32. Oh my goodness, it took me some time to realize that the regular Tuesday *ooof* is an emergency *ooof”, shame on me, two days not connecting to the Internet caused lagging miles behind. Assets, yes, we only have the nose in mind, hair growing curly and glimpses of chest hair, too, have to digest this one before going on to the next… Great ficlet by the way 🙂


    • Hehe, I was wondering where you were, Ute! Yup, this was an impromptu first response. And now it turns out I simply haven’t the time to *ooof* today. At least you had the Tuesday *ooof* feeling 🙂


  33. […] my wanking waxing theoretical with one fell swoop. I had to send in the First Response Unit with an emergency *ooof* in order to prevent collective fandom demise. Which in turn rendered my former plans for the […]


  34. Did not realize this was called the “German angle” — Dr. Caligari is calling — fantastic!


  35. […] German angle (for an explanation what that actually means in cinematographic terms, check this old ooof, about mid-way through) the cinematography in this scene reminded me of early German, Expressionist […]


  36. […] the time when there were “emergency ooofs”? The first one was this, I think, and it was a first-response picture analysis, made necessary by the emergence of new […]


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