Richard Armitage Legenda 106: Stuff worth reading

Last week’s edition.

Editorial note: This post (probably) marks the last installment of my customary weekly Legenda feature, which began over two years ago and involved a comprehensive web scour of materials I noticed and read regarding Richard Armitage and that I thought were worth your time. Instead, I’m going to experiment in the next few weeks with a new format called Legenda “Boutique.” (This edition is already a bit of a hybrid.) It may not appear every week. The new format, except on rare occasions, will not attempt to track the news cycle or responses to the news cycle comprehensively. Instead, the “boutique” edition will focus primarily on material in Armitageworld that I found civil, introspective, analytical, deep, self-critical, honest, vulnerable, creative, thought-provoking, amusing, fun, artistic, supportive, uplifting, moving, and/or inspiring.

The Philippines

I don’t have anything more to say or links to give you except that the reports are still terrifying. Please consider helping out. Here’s a link to the World Food Programme.


BZbL5StCYAAe8l4Hilarious — tweeted by Lady 0akenshield.


Richard Armitage archive


Fun stuff that’s happening

richard-armitag-silent-auction-bigCheck out Agzy’s blog for more information!


Not fun stuff that’s been happening

I admit I haven’t been thrilled with everything, but as several people have said to me, maybe we really need to clear the air. For years, I did my bit to try to foster something like peace, but what if there is no peace? If we’re really this separated on all these issues, maybe it will help to be honest about that instead of pretending. My own position on this in life as in art is that silence always works to the detriment of the already marginalized, and I think that’s what we’re seeing play out at the moment, the result of too much silence for too long. I don’t want to be appear to be condoning something I don’t condone merely by having been silent about it, and it disturbs me to discover things I absolutely don’t condone in people I thought were friends. I’m sure a lot of people have felt that way this week. I’ll do a lot for the sake of Richard Armitage, but there are lines.

In that light, Jazz is back! She’s had a lot to say this week, on responses to Armitage’s NY Moves interview, on the controversy over ship manips and the problem in this fandom with sockpuppets.


Busdrivers have come a long way since my schooldays

BZihKHyCYAEeM_g.jpg_largeGlimpse of Richard Armitage in the forthcoming film Into the Storm, as music is recorded. Source: Todd Garner on Twitter


Richard Armitage-related fanfic

  • At A03: St_Germaine’s “Dirty Pool” (RPF / slash / Armitage + McTavish / guns). Another take on the best way to fieldstrip and reassemble your rifle.
  • Siriusly’s “Waiting for a Blue Sky” goes to ch. 7 and 8 and 9. (Armitage-inspired English teacher … need I say more?)
  • At wattpad: MorrighansMuse’s “A Willing Heart” announces it’s over (Hobbit AU / Thorin / OFC / romance).


Early signs of Christmas

tumblr_mwf8z3VA3b1r36poyo1_500Source: the-imaginary-owls


tumblr_mwa7su7Vdk1sxjog8o1_500Source: JAWN STAPH IT


tumblr_mwn1j4QF0t1qi7hj4o1_500Source: Born in the Wrong Decade


Richard Armitage tumblr


1424277_10151790388818601_885779146_nBeverly Blvd. in Los Angeles. Source: Ian McKellen’s FB.


Armitageworld allies write OT


OT, contexts, collateral attractions, and things I think about

~ by Servetus on November 23, 2013.

31 Responses to “Richard Armitage Legenda 106: Stuff worth reading”

  1. LOL! I laughed out loud at the “spooning” tumblr graphic, and my doggie Heidi jumped on me. Ha! Very clever! Thanks also for linking to my Dating Dwarves bit of whimsy. Cheers! ;->
    P.S. The holiday graphics are a gold mine!


  2. I like boutique Legenda! Thanks Serv.


  3. Thanks for including my Gisborne’s leather trousers. 😀


  4. How does one apply for a password for access to the newest post?


  5. Thank you for including my post on Armitage Agonistes in Legenda.


  6. thanks again for the mentions 🙂


  7. I love your Legenda posts and the support I have been lucky enough to garner from them but I always wonder how you manage to keep them going without fail every week. I very much look forward to reading Legenda “Boutique”. Thank you for providing us with so many opportunities to read things we might otherwise have missed. I’m sure I speak for everyone in saying that it has been very much appreciated and the boutique version will continue to be appreciated in the same way.


    • Thanks. I always did it because it was, on the whole, fun to share what I’d been reading with others, but I’d always been ambivalent about it, not just on the time account but for other reasons as well. The energies behind the various reasons that had always argued against doing it kind of converged this week. Perhaps it will make space for someone else to attempt a comprehensive review, which would be great!

      As Legenda boutique emerges as a format there will be some disruption while I figure out how to do what I want to do, no doubt, but I’m very much looking forward to the change.


  8. Serv, I ‘m sending a huge thank you for all the hours and hours you must have spent compiling Legendas. The posting of a new legenda was always a highlight of my week I look forward to the legends boutiques as well. Thanks again for all your efforts!


    • Thanks — if the old Legenda was helpful, I was always gratified — and I hope you’ll enjoy the new format, too.


  9. Thank you for mentioning my post on this Legenda. :*


  10. I had to share this:
    A new Italian TV promo for North&South:

    I do not understand what the guy is talking about, but one can get some totally different ideas about the story and the Beatles are quite an icing on the cake…. Absolutely LOL.!!!! I mean, is this real???


  11. THank you so much for doing/having done this. 😀


  12. Thank you, Sev 🙂
    I’m snorting with laughter at “forking” and Guy’s text from last night.. (those people from Tumbrl are fantastic!)


  13. Looking forward to the Legenda Boutique. And thanks for the links again! 🙂


  14. […] "Boutique" focuses intermittently on material in Armitageworld since the previous edition that I found civil, introspective, analytical, deep, self-critical, honest, vulnerable, creative, […]


  15. […] for me: As I said a few weeks ago, “Legenda” in its previous form had become too unwieldy. It’s now history. While […]


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