~ by Servetus on December 20, 2013.

24 Responses to “NEW MESSAGE!”

  1. Bless you, Richard. You deserve all the success and happiness that comes your way. I hope the New year is good for you–Merry Christmas!!!!


  2. So happy to have this confirmation of his continued loveliness. I was hoping he wouldn’t stop communicating once a year. Since he doesn’t use other social media to connect with his well-wishers, this is really a wonderful thing he does to reach out and say thanks to us.


  3. Reblogged this on Armitage Agonistes and commented:
    New Message!


  4. Wow, what a kind message from a real gentle man.


  5. What a wonderful, lovely message. Just … heart-warming. I’m so glad he took the time to share his thoughts with us.


  6. Another example of why he is so special to us. His inside matches his outside, beautiful thoughts from a beautiful person.


  7. […] Serv for alerting us to this beautiful message from […]


  8. Hmmm, nice of him to write again this year. I wondered if he would…lovely man…


  9. *sigh* I hope one of my dear RAfriends sees it.


  10. Awww man…now I gotta read Chekov 😉 Just kiddin’. What a lovely message …thoughtful & meaningful. And with homework at the end! lol


  11. I read the message very late last night when I should have been asleep. I was very overtired and for the first time ever something about RA that was unrelated to his characters made me cry. I love the sentiment of his message and to be honest I’m not sure I was expecting to read a message from him this year. He mentions “unlikely friendships forged” or something like that, and reading that I feel wholly included because that, more than anything, describes my involvement in the fandom.

    A truly lovely and heartfelt message that I shall enjoy rereading many times!


  12. Made me cry, too. I really wasn’t too sure we’d get a message this year, either, and I in particular was in the need for it. It’s the first time we won’t be spending any time around the holidays with family since our Air Force years. I’ve had a hard time dealing with that notion. I am thankful for Richard’s sweet spirit and for all the unlikely friendships I have forged as a result of this fandom. God bless us everyone~


    • I also shed a few tears the Chekov is so beautiful. I am coming to believe that this man is someone very special and somewhat spiritual.


  13. What a start into the day! :’) I have to confess, I’m almost moved to tears. A blessed Christmas and a happy New Year to Richard and all his well-wishers! x


  14. Consideration towards his “well-wishers” is what keeps me hooked to him.


  15. A special gift from a special man. I particularly was touched that he remembered those of us who have no family to share these holidays with and indeed “well-wishers” is a much better word than “fans”. It was also touching that he acknowledged Annette’s hard work. Thank you Richard and may your holidays be joyful and wonderful with your family and friends.


    • I was okay with fans, and I intend to keep calling myself a fan. I assume the objection was to the derivation of the word from “fanatic.” I’m sorry he’s troubled by it, but I’m not. 🙂


    • I have MUCH bigger problems with calling myself part of an “army” than I do with calling myself a fan. But I guess I’m getting used to that, too.


  16. […] Then there’s a new message. I’m overjoyed that he’s thanking Annette, but the rest? Yes, life is basically lengthy […]


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