Funny Richard Armitage interview in Bravo

Here, with translation. The headline is that he’d wish for an “everyone has to be naked” day and he explains that in the interview.


I’m not sure. I think the high here today was 4 F. I having an “I wish I’d worn another sweater” day.

~ by Servetus on December 30, 2013.

62 Responses to “Funny Richard Armitage interview in Bravo”

  1. Yikes! There are some places/times of year…well, let’s just say that my cousin who’s working in Russia right now is enjoying warmer temps than anyone in my family in the U.S. (except the ones in So. California: they sent pix of selves wearing shorts @ beach on Xmas morning, ‘but too cold to swim. Showoffs.)


  2. It’s all very well for Armitage- we’ve already seen him naked and he doesn’t have anything to be ashamed of. I, on the other hand, would need a judiciously folded sarong at the very least!

    I find it odd that he said Jed Brophy taught him horseback riding – he could ride before. He had a very nice seat as GoG! 😉


    • keep in mind that he spoke in English, the interview was translated into German, and then translated back into English (I didn’t check the translation). So a lot gets lost. It was interesting to me that the sources of his statement in 2012 (which he refuted in this interview round) that he’d read for the part of Beorn were two interviews in foreign language publications — so obviously a misunderstanding was going on there, too.


    • Nice seat, period. 😉 Although he may have meant another style of riding (which, oh, better NOT go off on THAT tangent, or I’ll never get anything from Santa next year ….


      • true — did the dwarves ride with English saddles? Or the Hoodies? I’ve totally forgotten.

        (putting us back on the nice list for at least one day)


      • Oh my goodness- with all the translation issues he might have said anything about riding. I will not tell you where my mind went but I’m blaming Verbosa because I’m sure she went there first, 😉

        (And if Teutcher was here she’d be in the naughty corner with us too, I have no doubts)


        • there’s no real naughty step here in this sense, I think 🙂


        • Sorry…brain misfiring (more than slightly. Again.) Is naughty corner a voluntary society or where they put you after you’ve been judged naughty (either way, I have reserved seating, founding member: I used to be better @ not being caught…) I THOUGHT you had said ‘the naughty table’ (actual difference [unless meant to be a punishment] highly debatable), besides naughty people rarely do what they’re supposed to. I vote we START a ‘naughty table’; since I find myself here pretty often as it is, it will save me having to find a new spot every time…


    • For my part, I’m req’ing s sarong & a bubble, judiciously tinted so I don’t burn. I make Casper the Ghost look like he had a healthy tan… And a figure.


      • LMAO 🙂 Hugs.


      • ROFL!

        I’m sure Mr A wouldn’t object to you applying a bit of SF30 -in the interests of safety and comfort.


        • Last “vintage” I used was over 100 (and I’m not admitting how far …); however, perfectly willing to be …tempted (?) out of nasty plastic bubble if RA willing to help in any way (always SO polite to fans…) with SPF. Who am I kidding, I need no tempting when it comes to RA or getting as far from plastic quarantine as possible! What a heavenly idea, someone WORKING at tempting me … Must confess, have always loathed sunblock, etc. ’til now, but your suggestion positively inspired! LOL


          • Yes- I’m the same with chocolate body paint.


            • Much, much better. Perfectly willing to participate in experiment (for the benefit of humanity, of course) to determine effectiveness of chocolate (of any type) as sun screen or block. Do you think we might still get RA to participate? Assist? Think positive thoughts? (Sorry; I’ve been awake WAY too long… Still…)


  3. This interview made me chuckle…I’m not sure he’s thought this through fully. I wouldn’t mind if he fancied just doing it himself! 😉


    • If he thinks Brits are uptight, wait till he sees how Americans deal with nudity, lol 🙂

      A “Richard Armitage Must Be Naked” Day. Hmmm. Has possibilities.


      • Problem would be the crowds…impaired field of view, so to speak. Possibility of televising, pay-per-view, profits to go to charity? Visions of end of world hunger ( also, millions bankrupt selves, now on govt assistance… Have to worm out how reversal of income inequality from first to third world women would affect life as we know it. Depressingly, probably not at all….


        • wow, and I thought I was one of those people who couldn’t avoid chasing every thought to its possible endings … you’ve totally got me beat. 🙂


          • I come from a long line of worriers & insomniacs; grad school and my life after it hasn’t helped. You & I have a fair amount in common. It helps me somehow to know that (sorry that’s so, however). On the + side, I haven’t laughed so much in years as I have since I found you people! (If that’s crazy, I’m ok w/it).


      • Haha…yes, I’m not convinced we’re quite that uptight. Having said that, there’s no way I’d spend a day naked, not even for him…well not in public anyway 😉


  4. Oh my oh my, Richard. Winding up those dry Germans with a few well-placed references to nudity (Englischer Garten, anyone?) and ignoring authority?? Just joking – I am not trying to read anything into this interview. The source is not exactly a reputable one – but widely read. And I am very pleased to see Bravo covering RA (who’s about 3 decades too old for the average age of the Bravo readership ;-))


    • and the shock of the English when the German soccer team goes naked to the sauna, remember that … 🙂

      He was interviewed in Bravo last year, too, I think I was the one who translated it. It was a strange interview, iirc. This is a funnier one.


      • Well, in the course of the year the Germans have lightened up a bit – and so has RA, it seems. I love it when he has fun in interviews – at least it is something new and not the usual “I hurt myself with the shield/the last day of filming was emotional/I miss all my friends”. Go RA, show us more of your funny side. Running down naked Wilshire Blvd, a naked day for all – what else have you got in store? Strip poker in the AA HQ? I bet we can find some volunteers for that!


        • Wow, guylty. I can tell getting that shrine has really set YOU on fire 🙂


        • Do not enqurage him, Guylty !!
          The whole idea leaves me cold ;)…I prefer grow a beard!


        • Rather wondered if he had some stray thought about the AA (or at least some part of it) sharing some identifying mark or something (does he imagine some sort of tattoo?)? Do you suppose the man [or anyone else who lives with such heightened scrutiny of any part of themselves/their lives that becomes public] has some ‘wouldn’t-it-be-great-if-they-wore-signs-around-their-necks’ thoughts? Personally have wished that more than a few people came with warning labels: worried (however) about what MINE would say!


          • *teehee* – well, he said something about a uniform, didn’t he? And then the beards. But I bet he’d rather not know – it would be disconcerting, wouldn’t it, if we had to wear a big scarlett letter (or two) on our forehead, identifying our allegiances.


            • Branded!


            • Drunk, bearded, naked women…there’s your sign !


              • who could resist that? 🙂


                • [gasp] Is he describing … the woman of HIS dreams? (or just one particularly frightening dream?) ROFL…no, since this IS an achievable look for me (with serious training, testosterone supplements, beard plugs (?) and so forth (after I win major lottery/become crime lord (to fund the whole deal…)), let’s say, this has to be what would get THORIN all hot and bothered, er, distracted (if he has time to insult elves, he has time to get locked up with the bearded lady…..Yep. I’m in.


              • OMG.


                • All right, ‘fess up: who has my last vacation photos? And who has been listening in on my New Year’s Eve plans? LOL ..Happy 2014 to all!


                  • LOL… I want to see those pics now…


                    • Nasty, tricksy things, Precious. Tears them up and feeds them to little orc[garbage disposal]. But thieving little ****** must have stolen NEGATIVES!!! Only way they can know about them, Precious. Must find them, MUST get them back….(sniffle, sniffle). Then, THIS TIME, we BURNS them, yes?


  5. I feel with you, Servetus, and support ‘another sweater day’. I have acquired a heavy cold right now and must stay in quarantine from family over the NY celebrations, not to spread my infection, especially to my birthday boy nephew tomorrow. So no celebrations for me and so a ‘naked day’ can’t really tempt me right now 😉
    I would not like to see all my acquaintances without cloths. What a gruesome idea. Some things better stay a mystery to me.
    But in following up with RA’s idea (especially witty in a winter edition of the magazine), I would suggest the 20th of January for the northern hemisphere and the 20th of July for the southern. Would be cozily cold then 😉


  6. Hahaha, “Bravo” the institutional German teen magazine for more than 50 years. My parents never allowed me to read it in the late 70´s/early 80´s (but we all did it secretly under the desk in the classroom at school). Maybe guylty remembers the Dr. Sommer-team for sex-education, what a miracle, they´re still alive 🙂

    So, don´t trust them at all, but the interview is funny, I´ve to admit. And I´ll allow mysel to buy a copy of it tomorrow 🙂


  7. He has said elsewhere though something about wishing to do a movie where he doesn’t have to be nude or there is no water scene, etc. He does have a lovely sense of humor. I can believe the authority thing to a degree because he is a Leo afterall and the King of the Jungle doesn’t like to be told what to do but I’m sure he behaved very well on the set. That might have been more because Peter Jackson welcomes input though. He was having fun with that interview for sure. Yes, Americans are definitely prudes with sex. No problem with guns it seems but we can’t seem to get past sex for some reason. Here is the Richard we all enjoy, who isn’t taking anything really serious. Watching him on the Cinemax Final Cut I felt the same way, that he was actually relaxed and enjoying himself, no playing with his hands as we see in so many interviews. I thnk the Richard Armitage Nude Day is a great idea but I’m betting he would come back with “I will if you will” LOL


  8. Fun to read. If we all looked liked Richard does naked (at lest judging by what we can see of him in the archives) why wouldn’t we all want to be naked? We would be surrounded by beautiful works of living art, I personally would find it difficult to tear myself away from a full-length mirror.


  9. It’s to cold here to go naked, one would get frostbite in places they rather not have. -4 F today or so the Weather Channel said, I think it was colder. Tonight might be warmer, things are not popping outside like last night. I think they are saying -20 F. It will be Wednesday before we are above zero, a heatwave for the new year.


  10. I just must.. Sorry 😀


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