Some necessary Richard Armitage beauty

These pictures were all shot by David Venni in 2009. They’re all funny. I needed the smile. I doubt Guylty will approve … but OMG those disproportionate hands.

422545888 19094931 814227609 678659264 218735427 718628871

OK, off to class.

~ by Servetus on March 20, 2014.

19 Responses to “Some necessary Richard Armitage beauty”

  1. Oh hon!!! Nom nom nom! Thank you for this. I’ve been having a right crappy day with these accounts. ooooo those wicked eyes…


  2. *squeeeeal* 😀


  3. Those hands! (Reminiscent of the hand proportions of Michelangelo’s David)


  4. I like the one at the bottom, because of his eyes, the movement, and also the sparkles.


  5. *daydreams of trapping Richard down a dark alley* 😉


  6. mmmm hmmmm…..goofy deliciousness!!!


  7. There can never be enough of these hands…..


  8. Sparkly Armitage vs the styrofoam walls!


  9. Thanks for the laugh! The last one is quite good though. Richard and his giant hands. LoL.


  10. These shots remind me of the trash compactor aboard the Death Star in Star Wars. He is holding back the walls. Quite handy, isn’t he?


    • 😀 R2-D2 where are you? !


      • He is busy writing the hilarious fanfic of RA’s adventures in trash compacting during which he was stung on his hands by vicious bees which caused massive swelling to ensue. And not just on his hands. The poor afflicted man required the tender ministrations of fangirls to reduce said swelling, and thank heavens, most of his body parts returned to pre- bee attack normalcy.


        • There you go. You should get involved in scriptwriting for him. I feel you could do as least as well as or better than some of the people who’ve worked on the third seasons of tv series he’s been in 🙂


          • Yes, I agree. At least I wouldn’t kill him off and/or turn him into another person. I don’t think he’s worked with killer bees yet, maybe they will be in the tornado movie. Like Sharknado, only it would be Beenado. I can see my Emmy or Oscar now. I promise to mention you in my humble acceptance speech.


  11. You know me too well, Serv. I totally disapprove – ugh. Despite the dislike I have *ooof*ed one of those images before – number 4, in fact, but that was in my time before I started posting here. Main gist of it: “I just find this pose ludicrous: Is RA expecting the walls to crush him to death and hence he has spread his arms to protect himself? Is he saying to us “My PhD is thiiiiiiiis big?” (I hope you all know what a PhD is in fandom terms?? If not, ask me 😉 ) Or is he possibly trying to gently feel the texture of the walls? Rhetorical questions – none of this, of course. He has been told to do this – and it looks unnatural and stupid. This is constructivist portraiture, i.e. portraiture that tries to construct a reality around the sitter, tries to put him into context. A typical approach when shooting in-studio, particularly when it comes to publicity or commercial photography. What the hell the photographer is trying to construct here, I cannot tell.”
    Here’s the link, if you want to have a look.


    • I thought they were funny when I saw them — but at that point they were among the better photographs that had been taken of him.


  12. When RA has his hands on the cold shiny steel–as if bracing himself–my mind goes to Spiderman. Maybe I just want to see him in figure hugging spandex. Ha!


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