Better screencaps – Into the Storm Trailer #2

Yeah, when he says “what the hell is that?” I really do believe he’s an American. Maybe not an Oklahoman.
















~ by Servetus on June 26, 2014.

38 Responses to “Better screencaps – Into the Storm Trailer #2”

  1. You know, looking at him and listening to him here, I think most people would NEVER connect wet teacher guy with Thorin Oakenshield. And I really like Wet Teacher Guy. Especially when he says, “I’ve got to find my son . . .”


    • yeah, this is a seriously contrasting role, lol. Although Thorin Oakenshield was often wet as well …


      • True, and of course, there’s the trademark Armitage bellowing. Seriously, I am really proud of him re the Yank accent. Oh, I will be having my own editing fun with the screencaps.


        • I loved that line too. And can’t wait for your edits 🙂


          • I have a few up at my latest blog post, SH, but I am sure I will be doing some more. Now I need to go wash my hair so when I go to get my facial wax tomorrow, I won’t be ashamed. It’s like cleaning up before the housekeeper shows up LOL (oh I wish I HAD a housekeeper!! And a yard boy . . . )


            • Oooh great, taking me a while to catch up tonight… I wish I had one to clean up for too! ( I’m sure I would do better cleaning up myself 🙂 The paradoxes of life….


              • Between my FMS and the dodgy wrist issue, I struggle to even get a shower and get my hair shampooed and conditioned without getting tired out (I feel so embarrassed saying that, but it’s true). So housework definitely falls on the back burner. Especially when Mr. Armitage keeps popping up in new promo stills and trailers and screencaps . . . the cutie.


                • Oh sweetie…. don’t EVER be embarrassed – FMS has got to be one of the toughest things in the world to live with. You should be proud of all that you DO get done, rather than the little that you DON’T! Or I’ll just have to be proud FOR you! So there 🙂

                  (Other than work, I have no excuse other than my native “artistic temperament” (that’s what I call it & I’m sticking to it), and perhaps a dash of “midlife ADHD”! Oh, and I guess that other thing you mentioned 😉


  2. Thank you so much!!


    • Look on tumblr — these I just lifted off the screen but there are some nice edited ones there with better contrast.


  3. I can only guess it’s easier to try an american accent when screaming.


  4. What a week to be a Armitage blogger!! Right??? Armitage with an American accent, I need to unpack that a bit.

    But gwad, is this film going to test my love for Armitage???? So NOT AT ALL in my wheelhouse. I HATE disaster films.

    But it looks Like a fun summer popcorn tent pool mindless film. I dunno.

    Ladies, I yield the comments to you…


  5. he’d prob go see it, not sure it would be on the top of the this tho…


  6. LOL, no – he does not sound like an Oklahoman. He could be a transplant, though. I’d be happy if we got more like him 🙂


    • there we go.


    • having listened to it a few more times now, I realize what’s bugging me — it’s the tempo. He speaks too rapidly for an Oklahoman.


      • Well, we’ve only heard him in action sequences so far, so that’s forgivable. The vowels are a problem, though. He kind of sounds like he’s from California 😛


        • I always said I would be happy with a reasonable “American standard,” so it’s okay with me for now based on what I’ve heard …


          • Oh yeah, he does a fine US. Now I’m just daydreaming that we’ll get a new hire who looks that good.


  7. Let’s hope most teenagers don’t have the same reaction as my son….”it looks terrible .”


  8. (File this one under “how my mind works”.) Trailer reminded me so much of this song- yeah, I know there’s a new cover, but this one’s a better fit for “Wet Teacher” and his vibe, for multiple reasons:

    Besides, it’s Bonnie freaking Tyler 🙂


  9. Oh it all looks good and I like disaster films generally but of course we usually know what is realistic and what is just hyping it up. A tornado can be a truly horrendous thing but they aren’t satisfied with that when making a disaster film. It has to be even more. Enjoyable for a summer escape movie.


  10. I haven’t seen a trailer yet but as soon as I saw the screencaps with him under the umbrella all I could invisage was him belting out “I’m singing in the rain……just singing in the rain…. ”
    I’ve been lurking here for a while. I’m Joanne in Australia by the way and this blog is one of my favorite places to be.


  11. That’s great ,Servetus 🙂


    • I was just thinking — I am looking forward to leaving a Richard Armitage production (I assume) smiling — having been entertained and scared and moved but not having this heavy burden of a death or something really dire left on my soul.


      • Wahrscheinlich kannst du damit garnicht umgehen, oder ? Always the heavy stuff …… ( except Harry Kennedy ) 😀


      • Yes, I think..I feel what you mean.


        • I understand, too. If I am perfectly honest, I am not entirely looking forward to the final Hobbit film, although I am sure Richard will be magnificent once more as Thorin . . . because I know how it all ends. :-/ Richard does do angst and pathos so very well, but it will be nice to see him in something like ITS that (hopefully) won’t rip my heart out and stomp all over it at the end.


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