I interrupt our normally scheduled programming for a little jubilation

I just got a really great performance review. Like, exemplary in everything. That has never, ever happened in my adult life. I don’t even know how to deal with it! I’m not even going to try to concentrate tonight.

Richard Armitage Thorin Oakenshield Desolation of Smaug

“Let those who doubted us rue this day!” Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage) gloats in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Screencap.

Here is Saraleee’s sPrEad the love post, on two books she and her son loved, which have now been donated to their local library.

I will return with favorite cinematic shots and the next spReAd the love post, from Runa on A Monster Calls, tomorrow.

~ by Servetus on March 3, 2015.

28 Responses to “I interrupt our normally scheduled programming for a little jubilation”

  1. Congratulations! I am not surprised 😉


  2. What wonderful news! So proud for you.


  3. That is fantastic news!!! Way to go Serv!!!! 👏🎉👍👌


  4. Wow! That’s fabulous! Congratulations!


  5. Jubilation, indeed! Calls for a special trip to the favorite bar for your celebratory beer🍺 Quite honestly, I am not surprised at your review. …you are exceptionally thorough and diligent in all aspects of this blog, a hobby. How could you be anything but remarkable in your profession?


  6. Congratulations! And well deserved I am sure. Good for you!


  7. Congratulations!!


  8. Congratulations!


  9. Fantastic! Congratulations. 🙂


  10. Congratulations!


  11. So happy for you, Serv. Although I must say I am not the least bit surprised. Way to go!


  12. Yay! 🙂 Congratulations!


  13. That’s so awesome, congratulations! 😀 ❤


  14. Jawoll ja! Geht doch! Schick die Stimme erstmal in Wüste, lass es krachen und genieße das Hochgefühl 🙂


  15. I’m not surprised. Reports (or accusations) of your being a failure are greatly exaggerated and certainly premature. All you needed was a shift in course. Many people who have made signifigant contributions to society or who have become famous for exceptional work initially started out training for or working at something else for which they were ill-suited. Charlie Rose comes to mind. He’s a lawyer by training. RA was a song and dance man and a cellist. Einstein was clerking somewhere while he was developing his theory of relativity. Jane Austen felt compelled to hide her scribblings; her gravestone neglects to mention that she was an author. Thomas Bodley, diplomat, at age sixty returned home in disgrace, then to begin by happenstance the work of organizing the great library that bears his name. Michel de Montaigne shut himself up in a tower for decades and analized himself in minute detail. Seems nutty, but he invented a new form of literature, the essay. Laura Ingalls Wilder and James Herriott were both sixty before they even started writing. Sandra Day was third in her law school class at Stanford, but the only job she was offered was as a typist. She still managed to become the most powerful woman in the US.

    Life takes strange turns. Success and failure are both impostors. Best wishes anyway. You are truly exceptional.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Congratulations! I am sure this was well deserved!!!


  17. Brilliant! So happy for you! 😃


  18. Congratulations! 🙂 hope that confirms the feeling you have been having of getting more out of doing what you are doing now 🙂


  19. Wonderful!! Congratulations and well done to you for being so awesome in your work!!


  20. That’s wonderful news. Make this a keep-sake for future reference.


  21. Congratulations! 🙂


  22. I think jubilation is the absolute appropriate way to deal with a “really great performance review”! And I like the thought that you kicked ALL CAPS voice in the a** again : Servetus 2 – ALL CAPS voice 0… Congratulations!


  23. Congratulations😎🎉


  24. A thousand thanks to everyone — on top of coming in to work today feeling good was getting to see all of these supportive comments. I’ve been so grateful that you guys come to all the dark places I can write about that it’s also humbling to see you come along to the light places.


  25. Congrats and blessings!


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