And it’s sold for $4350 USD

Bids worth $1200 in the last minute of bidding.

The winning bid

The winning bid

~ by Servetus on May 17, 2015.

40 Responses to “And it’s sold for $4350 USD”

  1. Das sind die Profis, die in den letzten 60sek. zuschlagen.
    3, 2, 1, meins 🙂


    • Yup. 53 seconds before it closed. The other bidder didn’t know what hit her. She kept upping, and upping, and upping it. People who know what they are doing decide on an absolute top price but they don’t enter it much ahead of time.


      • Mal sehen, wie heiss es noch bei Guylty wird. Der Custom-Made-Shrine ist schwer begehrt. 🙂


      • As an experienced eBayer, I subscribe to a service that automatically places bids for me within the last few seconds. I decide ahead of time what I’ll pay, but the rest of the process is automated. I believe the term is “sniping.” Some feel it’s unfair, but it works well. I would guess that the winning bidder used a sniping program.

        That’s how I managed to snag my Guy of Gisborne action figure, new in package!

        Liked by 1 person

        • I used to ebay a lot and at some point I considered using one of those services. It really protects the bidder against emotional bidding. But I remember the first time I was outbid by a “sniper” and how offended I was.


          • Yes, it’s happened to me also, and I felt the same way (offended). But then, it became a “if you can’t beat them, join them” situation for me.


            • Totally makes sense. I think it’s normal that we wouldn’t all react the same way. I think if there were ever anything that I felt like I would just die if I didn’t have, or be angry for more than an hour or two, I might reconsider, just to save myself the stress.


        • Wait, what!?! There was a Guy of Gisborne action figure!? 😶


  2. Just incredible! Well done !


  3. Wow! I’m sure the charity is beyond thrilled.


    • Indeed — the next biggest bids for items are around $700. None of the other Hannibal folks besides Gillian Anderson are in that range.

      Liked by 1 person

      • One of the drawings by Margaret Keane (Big Eyes artist) is next highest at $935 and there’s still a day of bidding left. As an international artist, that could actually be worth something, especially since that Amy Adams movie brought her back into the spotlight.


        • well, all of them will escalate drastically in the last hour before bidding — that is how the smart ebayer bids, I think. That said, I don’t think it’s going to get $3k+ in the last hour. But maybe I am wrong. The question is never, who’d be willing to pay that, but rather, does the person who’d be willing to pay that know that it’s being auctioned?

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Reblogged this on FunkyBlueDandelion and commented:

    Holy cow, dude.


  5. Reblogged this on richardtreehouse and commented:

    Wow! Richard Armitage fans rock.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I was laughing as I watched the figure cycle up rapidly before closing. Hope Richard has his checkbook ready. Bet he didn’t think it would go this high when he said he’d match it. LOL. And I bet Gillian Anderson is sorry she didn’t get 2-3 more doodles from him.


    • That WAS exciting to watch. And yeah, she should have spread it out a little. I don’t know if every one would have gone for that much but I bet they might have gotten $2000 apiece if there had been three.


    • And yeah, I’m guessing he didn’t think it would be that much. I wonder if anyone is around who remembers what the previous Doodle went for (back in 2007)?


  7. That auction was simply amazing. What a great price, and on top of that RA’s generous gesture. Even if he (probably) did not expect that… But wow – what a fandom! I’m sure it helped that people spread the word, too, and that it was clear so many people were watching the auction unfold.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. LOL … that’s about 300 bottles of relatively good Pinot Noir worth 😛


  9. And someone should’ve cuffed my hands behind my back … just snagged the Tardis and the Star Wars doodle in the last 3 seconds … but they will look just fab on my wall, while I sit there sipping tap water for the next weeks …


  10. just wow…. i know there are always more bids at last minute but i didn’t expect that 🙂 very pleased! I hope the winner is very pleased too :-))) Maybe RA has to fly economy for a while to amortise ;-)))))


    • I was wondering that, too 🙂 I assume he has the money, but I wonder if he has that much in checking or whether he’ll have to sell a certificate of deposit 🙂


      • or maybe refrain from buying a few of this season’s collection of leather jackets? ;-)))) just kidding 😉 He must have been watching and preparing, i think he made his offer when the sum was around 2k already, wasn’t it? I bet he is smiling at the end sum though 🙂 It is all worth tightening the belt a bit for a good cause 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    • Or just do some more drawings and offer them on ebay. ;-)))

      Liked by 1 person

      • He used to occasionally sign DVDs and give them to charities as auction items, I assume at the charities’ request. Probably they should ask for some original art 🙂


  11. It was so mind-blowing. I was surprised enough when the price touched a thousand milestone early on but last night when I went to bed, I could never have guessed that it would end at 4,350! The charity sure raises a lot of money to help saving lives 🙂


  12. […] as I am in a wonderful mood after Richard Armitage’s doodle and his matching donation raised $8700 USD for NFNetwork, a thing to which it is hard for me to see a downside, and feeling doubly delighted about all the […]


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