So, then there’s this

It puzzles me that Richard Armitage respects the views of someone who posts dead animal porn to enrage and provoke, while ignoring the real situation in the vast majority of the dairy industry and rejoicing over the destruction of the livelihood of honest people. But whatever; I have to work today, which is more important! I’m posting it here in case anyone wants to discuss it.

Servetus is agnostic as to diet although she strongly believes that the demonization of any food beyond things that are clearly poisons is a poor strategy for maintaining health. Eat what you like and need for your energy needs — I certainly do — because life is short and food should be a source of energy, enjoyment, and sociability — not a hammer to beat people over the head with, as Michelle Forbes clearly intends from her posts on the topic.

Again, a reminder that everyone should see their own registered nutritionist / medical professional, who have studied these things extensively and will help their patients come up with a plan that works for them and their needs. Following the advice of actors on nutrition is sort of like following the advice of former historians on nutrition, which is to say: a poor life decision.


~ by Servetus on March 2, 2016.

24 Responses to “So, then there’s this”

  1. let’s hope the respect is about the view itself and not how she chooses to promote it. publicly proclaiming his respect for any kind of zealot troubles me though. it seems to go against the whole “live and let live” impression I have of him.


    • I can imagine that he felt pushed into a corner and I understand the problem of loyalty all too well. I also respect the views of some people i disagree with (although not hers). I’m trying to figure out how I would have felt if he’d said he shared her views. But it’s all tangled up in my other issues about him at the moment. Aaargh.


  2. Well, I didn’t dig deep, but I think I might like Dr. Mike.

    As a diabetic, I need protein and a human being can eat just so many beans. DEATH TO THE CHICKEN!!!!


    • Meat is just a really efficient way to get proteins, no way around that little fact.

      re: liking someone or not liking them — sure. I read about diets all the time that I might like or not like. Still not going to follow them without talking to an expert first.

      Liked by 1 person

      • My doctor has left me much to my own devices. I might be in trouble when I see her in a few weeks. Then again. hopefully, she’ll take into account the stress my body has been under the last 7 months.


      • like a doctor who has no commercial interest ie ‘consultant to food and pharmaceutical industry’, thanks very much and say on their front page ‘what is you necessary list of supplements’ Unless you have health issues and then your doctor will tell you what you need to do and what to take, otherwise eat healthy and exercise if you so choose, don’t substitute food with tables and powders/chemicals that people try to sell you. Agr.
        Sorry, apologies for rant, i am just in a state of rage 😦
        Goes well for a while but then i get bashed with some minority violent view over the head or told to consult some internet page and not my own doctor who hasn’t a commercial interest and it just grates. Can all celebrities just keep their lifestyle choices to themselves please and don’t tell me what is best for myself or give me any health advice whatsoever. I prefer to defer to my qualified, NHS paid and not commercially interested doctor for his area of expertise. I’ll go away now to cool off…


        • I pretty much feel the same way (plus election rage from last night) so I’ll just say I agree, stfu celebs about your diets and give you an Internet hug.

          Liked by 1 person

          • i know 😦 i was watching the news today hand over my face looking scared between fingers… 😦 fingers and toes crossed at this point, hugs back


  3. And the last sentence was my poor attempt at humor. I’m off to fix a tire…


  4. Ok, forgive me for veering off the topic here, but rather than getting irritated by someone who is evidently feeling the need to stand by Ms Forbes (funny, I would’ve thought that someone who is as strong as Ms Forbes in dishing it out, should also be able to deal with a bit of push-back…), I am more concerned that his tweet indicates he has noticed the “controversy”, i.e. must have followed the discussions on Twitter/elsewhere. Really not sure whether I like that. Mind you, he is tagged in, so it was meant to come to his notice. However, if he is now at the point where he reacts on Twitter, I wish he’d properly engage with the discussion, or say clearly what he thinks. To “have immense respect for her views” – what does that mean???


    • I wondered that,too, since it seems he is following the Twitter discussion, fans and all. But it’s also possible he’s hearing or being shown some of these things by MF. What strikes me is that he took the step of defending, protecting, MF and her position, maybe to stop the noise – but he did not do the same in the past when fans criticized his interactions with, for example, Marlise Boland, with whom, one has to say, he also worked, in a sense.


    • I don’t know if he’s noticing for himself or for others but I agree, it’s disquieting. However, if he’s noticing for himself it’s partially my fault because I was so angry that I actually tagged him. Broke my own rule (see under: five reasons that I regret my involvement in this).

      I’m starting to find the joking around everything wearing. It’s fine to joke, but some things are actually serious.


  5. Ich stimme Dir zu (wenn ich Dich richtig verstanden habe) Essen gehört zur Lebensqualität dazu. Ich möchte das Leben auch genießen und esse ganz gerne ein Stück Fleisch. Ich lehne allerdings unsere modernen Massenproduktionsmethoden total ab und wenn ich dann Fleisch esse, soll es wenigstens von Tieren sein, die zuvor ein Leben hatten das die Bezeichung Leben verdient. Ich kann sehr gut verstehen, dass viele Jugendliche, v.a. Mädchen heute Vegetarier oder Veganer werden, das Sichten eines Videos von zerschredderten Küken dürfte Schockzustände hinterlassen. Ich bin aber der Meinung jeder muss seinen Weg da alleine finden und entscheiden wie sehr er/sie sich zurückhält.


  6. Wow, he’s really on a roll after a long, dry spell of nothing but work tweets. I checked out Dr. Mike and everything he says is pretty common sense and fairly well-known dietary info. sounds to me like this tweet is RA’s way of denying this person’s assertion that he’s leaning toward a vegan diet. My brother recently went vegan and he can get pretty preachy about it too….although no animal porn yet 🙂


  7. C’est, sans doute, le moyen d’oublier le précédent régime diététique, qu’il s’est imposé pour rentrer complètement dans le rôle et la peau du personnage de Francis Dolarhyde. Ce régime est indéniablement trop riche en protéines animales et en fer pour être équilibré!
    A part les saignées avec l’aide de sangsues, le régime vegan pourrait sembler une alternative plus douce… JOKE


  8. Having long been a vegetarian and even tried being a vegan due to my love of animals & there is nothing I detest more than someone trying to shove their views down my throat. That is something I promised I would never do. Everyone to their own choice, if confronted then I will make my stand.


  9. I have linked your post to mine about my journey in trying to go Vegan for a day–well, two days now. Ha!

    I have diabetes and regularly work with a registered dietician nutritionist who has given me certain advice about lessening some of my protein consumption-like cutting out beef, which I don’t digest well anyway. And she urges me to increase my legumes and canola oil intake, while being conscious of sugars (that seem to be in everything, ha!)–which are triggers for me. Before my dietary changes, my blood sugar had been on a high and worrying trend. But with an adjusted diet and revised medications, my various health test scores (like the A1C) have vastly improved–and I have lost nearly 40 pounds, that is staying off. And I continue to seek out ways to enhance and tweak what I am already doing–such as with my diet and expanding my physical therapy with some weight training for strength under the guidance of my physical therapist.

    That’s what has worked for me. Everyone has to find their own path in a way that is sensible and helpful to them.


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