Daniel Miller goes clubbing? #richard Armitage

pulbtiricwvktxwcuubo Source.

~ by Servetus on September 27, 2016.

19 Responses to “Daniel Miller goes clubbing? #richard Armitage”

  1. So he will dance to Techno xD I thought Daniel Miller is more of a Deathmetal, – Hardrock -Guy


  2. And more “salacious all-night excesses”. Hm. Lots of interesting info about Cold War spying in Berlin. The writer obviously researched the topic. I wonder whether he’s ever been in Berlin, though. Pity he spends more time talking about de Jean than Miller…


  3. That looks more like a shirt for Latin American than one for Berlin to me, but I guess we will see what happens.


  4. Salacious all night excesses is my band European techno funk band name. #hotdamndaniel


  5. One too many bands…


  6. Ich mag die wuscheligen Haare sehr gern. Es hat eindeutig was, wenn ihm die “Locken” in die Stirn fallen – von mir aus könnten sie noch viel länger sein. “seufz”


  7. sigh Young Werther … on the dance floor???


  8. A little bit scary- Red Dragon switch to Blue Dragon?


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