Ilaria Urbinati labels Richard Armitage’s #LLLPlay afterparty clothes


~ by Servetus on October 21, 2016.

11 Responses to “Ilaria Urbinati labels Richard Armitage’s #LLLPlay afterparty clothes”

  1. Love the suit until I reach the buttons, from there down not so much. Kind of weird. Shoes are nice.


  2. I guess you have ‘arrived’ in the biz when someone besides your mother dresses you. Overall a very nice look, except for the weird suit jacket. Fortunately he probably gets to return it.


    • Yes, although I assume his mother did it for free.

      I think this should be a return, too — or at least, from this angle the jacket is too short. However, I liked how it looked from the side. Have seen no rear pictures thus far.


      • The view from the rear would be the saving grace for this jacket. The fit of it on him is excellent, it’s just a strange length for a grown ups suit jacket — never invest in trends, they, hopefully in this case, never last.


        • I wonder if he plans to stay this thin, too. This particular version of this suit is really — well. If he went back to his Proctor size it wouldn’t fit.


          • I have to admit I like the hunky Proctor physique the most. He is a little on the too thin side at the moment in my opinion – he seems naturally thin and probably has to work at eating and maintaining a larger size. I just hope he didn’t go a little overboard with watching his diet because he thought himself “flabby” in the BS scene. On the other hand, it seems that lately he never takes a day off so maybe he just isn’t getting enough food into that very tall frame of his.


            • And I’m dying to know what his next project will be. Regardless of the controversy of playing Lawyer Royall in Summer I was really really hoping to see him take that part on — he would have been great in that role.


          • But the jeans and jacket he wore at the R&J unveiling at Audible would. 😄


          • They say camera adds 5 kilos 😉 Gosh! he must be really slim this time. Spooks7 thin?


  3. Are floods in fashion? Loved the total look until I saw this photo. The jacket is just too short for his body style. The fabric is fabulous, very rich quality. Color was just right for his coloring. Sparkhouse1 I agree, the Proctor physique is his best and healthiest appearing. I vaguely remember reading that he said he has a fast metabolism, if so he may have to work at keeping weight on his nice body. He seems to have super human energy. My hopes he will not crash and burn. It will be interesting to see what is on his schedule for Winter, after the LLL play. I am hoping some of his films will get off the shelf soon.


  4. Yes, the length and cut of those trousers is very much on trend right now. Which doesn’t always work on everyone, but overall I think he looks good. I agree that this is not a suit that he should keep, the jacket is all wrong. (I dislike the tie, personally, but it’s just my overall feeling about that colour. Ick.) As always, I like his shoes. He really does excel in the footwear department!


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