Richard Armitage’s new project: My Zoe

This sounds fantastic!

~ by Servetus on February 7, 2017.

21 Responses to “Richard Armitage’s new project: My Zoe”

  1. Julie Delphy… Daniel Brühl…. Where can I buy tickets?!


  2. the shareholders are certainly quite chuffed 🙂


  3. Good news! Like the cast too 🙂 Sounds promising


  4. This was probably the reason for dumping Miles. So much for him.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wie aufregend!! Das klingt alles überaus vielversprechend. Hoffentlich klappt das tatsächlich…
    Ich erinnere mich, dass er im letzten Jahr mal vergeblich Gitarre geübt hatte. (Auf diesen Film hatte ich mich sehr gefreut.)


    • yeah, good point; maybe we shouldn’t get too excited. I was just thinking that with Julie Delpy’s record this will certainly get sold and we will see it.


      • Du meinst, wir könnten tatsächlich einfach ins Kino gehen, einfach so in das örtliche Kino und den neuen Film mit RA dort ANSCHAUEN ?!
        Ein Wunder würde wahr 😉
        Und so ein Wunder könnte ich in diesen Zeiten sehr gut gebrauchen. Aber noch erlaube ich mir keine allzu großen Hoffnungen…


  6. Does this mean he will not be in Beelin Station 2 ?


  7. […] officially confirmed for that one yet, though? Time will tell!) and now there’s the scoop (thanks Servetus!) that he will next be filming a movie with Julie Delpy called My Zoe! According to this the movie […]


  8. You must admit this man can juggle more irons in the fire than anyone I know. Goes from one to the other. Guys the circus training came in handy. Good for him!


  9. I really like Julie Delpy. This is great news!


  10. Fantastic and exciting news!! I seem to be wishing my life away as I wait for all the things he is in that we have yet to see! 😦 And I’m much too old to be doing such a thing! 😉


  11. Oh! 😀 Julie Delphy! I adore her! so talented! great sense of humor! Great news! ( sorry for all those exlamation points :))


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