That’s a fairly strong hint #richardarmitage

~ by Servetus on May 20, 2017.

7 Responses to “That’s a fairly strong hint #richardarmitage”

  1. Cool! Has there been any news on when or where this will be, or is this the beginning of an announcement?


  2. She irritates the heck out of me, but I’m sure it will be very interesting.


    • The reviews of Salomé have been pretty annihilating — makes me wonder what would have happened had she been allowed to rewrite The Crucible — but. Armitage.


      • Seriously? It wasn’t a bad play, just not the traditional Salome story.
        The only thing I found a bit boring is her repetitive style in terms of colours, incense etc.. otherwise I thought it was actually a strong story well told.

        Oedipus to Antigone in January? Interesting.


        • It’s interesting b/c the play just won an award in DC. Also scheiden sich die Geister … in any case, I think the worst one was The Guardian.


      • I am seeing it on June 9th so i shall not read reviews beforehand.


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