Richard Armitage objectification #7

What can I objectify in this photo? Let me count the body parts. Several people informed me today that they believe that John Porter offers the best objectification opportunities of any Armitage character.

Richard Armitage as John Porter, Strike Back 1.6.

~ by Servetus on June 19, 2017.

16 Responses to “Richard Armitage objectification #7”

  1. I do believe those people are correct.


  2. I could stare for a long time at that photo, it hasn’t lost its appeal. John Porter forever!


  3. […] right now. She has posted a few images already whose subject stimulates the objectifier. Her latest one – a sweeping blow in the shape of that scene in SB – has something for everyone. […]


  4. stares


  5. Thank you for these lovely diversions. Am I weird for being mesmerized by the bulging veins in his arms? As for the rest of him …it goes without saying


  6. Nothing weird about admiring the arm veins….you are in good company. Slightly off topic: I always wondered about those two large bracelets JP wore all the time. Didn’t they seem a little bit — impractical? Potentially dangerous? Like they could get in the way of all that fighting and scary stuff he was doing all the time?


    • I think one of them was supposed to be an identity bracelet. The other was a watch. At some point bccmee looked at the episode frame by frame and discovered the watch was a mere prop — it had no guts. I guess the face flew off of it in one scene.


  7. Phwoarrr!! I can’t help staring at his glistening chest and his bushy armpits….very manly….pheromones galore!! And quite a difference in colour to his hair as JP. I guess “collar” and “cuffs” don’t match!😆


  8. JP definitely had it in the body dept. for me. talk about “it”! The man physically trained as the special forces did but he said he did not have enough time to really get the kind of bodies they had…ahhhh, I will definitely take what is there… questions asked.


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