Servetus recommends

[JOKE! This book does not actually exist; Michaela Servetus is not a real person; I am not advocating any illegal behaviors.]

~ by Servetus on August 25, 2017.

25 Responses to “Servetus recommends”

  1. Roflmao! Perfect!


  2. ROFLMAO!!!


  3. This was part of an April Fool’s plan to monetize the site years ago — but it looks like I may be able to count on additional sales. Honestly I probably would not have taught myself to pirate at all except for the fandom.


  4. 😂😂😂😂😂


  5. LOL. We need that!
    PS: I am worried though – you are making jokes… I know what that means 😉.


  6. Loudly Snorts


  7. Yo ho,yo ho, a pirates life for me! Shiver me timbers, is that a jolly Roger I spy fly’n on yer mast?


  8. Fabulous!


  9. I have ordered advance copies. Please advise if there is any discount on bulk orders….:)


    • So, the trick is that you don’t actually BUY this book, you just rent it. You think you bought it, but you didn’t.


      • Of course…just like my copy of The Crucible that I purchased on Digital Theatre and now cannot watch. I am a sucker every time!


  10. LOL! Where can we download this for free?


  11. Notify me when it’s published! Would there be a French Collector’s Edition available?


  12. Great! Where is the advance order list?😎


  13. Ah, perfect! 😀


  14. LOL..Oh, I can just imagine the buying frenzy going on 🙂 Hey if they can do it for the Crucible…what next???? Sooooo smart.


  15. We need this. It’s ridiculous for them to be holding movies like Urban and Sleepwalker hostage. If they can’t get theatrical releases then they need to just release the damn things on DVDs and move on. Waiting years is ridiculous.


    • I’ll have to figure out how to include a chapter on pirating films that haven’t even been released. That’s hacking at the level of the people who have been harassing at HBO. I am not worthy.


  16. […] 9. EPIX’s weird inability to distribute Berlin Station in the UK and only in patches in the rest of the world. Although fans keep tweeting to notify him that they can’t see it — and have been from the beginning — he has no control over the distributors. Once again, let me make my recommendation on this topic. […]


  17. […] don’t think of myself as a tech Luddite (other than hating my cell phone), and the Armitage fandom has definitely taught me a few things. I am emphatically not a victim of the digital divide and I’ve been incredibly privileged to […]


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