@DigitalTheatre now seems to be responding to customers #richardarmitage

I saw two reports yesterday that customer service at Digital Theatre is has begun making arrangements for Crucible purchasers to regain access to their media. Here’s one. On the other hand, many are still waiting. I have no way of knowing if our complaints — or a fellow fan’s excavation of the company’s struggling financials — made any difference in ending their three week response time delay. I hope they work speedily to resolve everyone’s issues and I will keep asking about this periodically.

~ by Servetus on September 13, 2017.

23 Responses to “@DigitalTheatre now seems to be responding to customers #richardarmitage”

  1. I have received a reply, quote ‘we can manually apply the previous purchases to your account’
    To be honest I am still a little confused as I didn’t think buying something gave me an account!


    • I suspect that they have to give you an account, otherwise they have no way of giving you access. Their system is set up to assign viewing privileges to different people on that basis. Or maybe they’re using “account” in a broader sense. I have an account at the public library but I don’t buy anything from them. It just keeps track of what I have borrowed, what I’ve requested to borrow, and when things are due.


  2. Yep, I’m with ya! Keeping at it as well! Glad there finally does seem to be some action…


  3. I have checked, and I have both The Crucible and the Conversation I didn’t reply to the email so I don’t know if the items were restored or if they had always been there, I have been on holiday and RL got in the way!


  4. my crucible download has always worked. Am i special or are the service problems situational?


    • Mine has always worked too for which I am very thankful, but I still emailed them some weeks ago and have not had a response. Time will tell I guess.


      • Mine too. I don’t know if that has anything to do with being able to log in to their updated web site and resetting my password (just used my old one), even though access to my library was still available. I’ve emailed them asking for clarification just in case, to ensure I don’t have any problems in the future. Certainly I’ve not had the hassle like so many others.


        • My very muddled impression from reading things different people said:

          The old system continued to work if you had somehow downloaded both the player AND the file to your local computer, i.e., if you technically weren’t streaming; and/or

          They had successfully transferred your account to their “new system,” i.e., several people have been told that there’s no record of them in their new system at all.


        • If I don’t hear from them soon I might do the same.


  5. They responded to me today, after 15 days of waiting. But they insisted there was no record of me in their “new system” – even though I had already reset my password & received confirmation from them. (That process is harder than it should be, really. This is something we do pretty much all the time.)
    One thing I’ve noticed is when I have tried to do the resets, I get kicked back to DT Plus instead of plain Digital Theatre. The first time I tried to reset today (oddly enough, I had to, even though I had made a note of my new password when I reset a couple of weeks ago & received confirmation) – the website stated “You do not have access.” Then I noticed I was on Digital Theatre Plus. That’s where the reset link had taken me! It’s really screwed up. I’m glad some people are getting squared away, but I’m aggravated that I’m having to keep pressing this when they should have done it automatically. I hope I can actually make progress with this soon 😦


    • So you had an account but you didn’t exist? This is nonsense with resetting pw to a different platform. I agree: it’s just not this hard.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes (sigh) it’s almost surreal having to explain to them, “I’ve already done that,& you confirmed it on x date….but I’ll do it all over again if that will get you to listen.” I’m very tempted to just forward all the purchase confirmation emails I have from them if I keep getting clueless responses.


  6. I just tried to check for my previous purchases and still nothing. I just emailed them again. This is getting so frustrating.


  7. Fun fact – their address shows that they are housed directly next door to the building my daughter lived in when she studied abroad in London. I remember checking out their building when i was there and thinking that it looked like a pretty low tech operation – it was just an apartment building.


  8. Early on in this tortuous tale, not being able to find a phone number for Digital Theatre, I rang Digital Theatre Plus but strangely they didn’t know (rather than refused to give me) Digital Theatre’s number. It was only later I discovered they’re in the same building as Digital Theatre, which is operating under the name Big Clever Learning Ltd. There’s been nothing either ‘big’ or ‘clever’ about their recent performance so maybe a name change would be a good idea.

    I’m still waiting to hear back from Digital Theatre to my various emails about getting access to my purchases…


  9. Even though I still haven’t had any trouble accessing my library via my laptop and DT player, given that I have read of people checking their purchase history, I thought I’d better do the same, and not wait for a reply to my email of a couple of days ago. I was dismayed to find that I had to reset my password yet again, but thankfully it was a simple enough process to do so. All my purchases are available until 2027 for zero cost. The interview is still not listed though.


  10. I’ve now got both the play AND the interview, the latter being added to my DT account today, both available until September 2027. Not as good as a proper download or, even better, a dvd, but definitely an improvement on being told we going to be allowed to take out a subscription to see the items we’d purchased!


    • yeah. Given that they had a customer base already, it wouldn’t have hurt them to have put their supposed “real plans” on the screen people saw. Would have saved everyone a lot of grief, but especially them!


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