México querido

The count of the victims is mounting. My friend Manuel from Ciudad de México recommends the Topos de Tlatelolco (a highly trained volunteer brigade of people in the city who dig out after earthquakes) as a good target for charity (works with PayPal). Other recommendations are welcome.

Rezo por todos Uds. que estén a salvo. Que Dios les bendiga. Estamos pensando en Uds.

~ by Servetus on September 20, 2017.

4 Responses to “México querido”

  1. Cruz Roja ( Mexican Red Cross) is highly respected here – but, under the circumstances, I think supporting volunteer brigades may be more helpful – (thinking of the needs of the volunteers digging after 9/11 in NY. and knowing there are lives to actually save in Mexico City)


  2. Reblogged this on Armitage Agonistes and commented:

    I know there will also be more donations necessary after the hurricanes, which will be hitting many poverty stricken areas – people living with tin roofs and such on the islands – Potential givers might want to wait and see where they put their dollars, pesos, Euros and pounds.


  3. The world seems to be taking a real beating this fall. Thankful prayers for the many people able and willing to make a difference, whether on the ground or in the supply chain!


  4. I saw out of the corner of my eye that an LA rapid rescue team had arrived there as well — they might be taking donations.

    And then PR — where one of my Texas friends hails from (San Juan). As of yesterday, he still hadn’t spoken to his mother, although he’d found other family members. Digging out of this is going to take a decade.


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