ICYMI: Richard Armitage via weibo

Are those Louboutin sneakers? Question answered in comments: Valentino!

~ by Servetus on September 22, 2017.

31 Responses to “ICYMI: Richard Armitage via weibo”

  1. Apart from smiley one like the one where he tips one foot up 😊 and if they are i wouldn’t be able to tell look like any others round town i see lol but I’m glad BS pays so well 😁😁😁


    • The spikes are a kind of Louboutin thing, no? I just hope he doesn’t pay retail.


      • Yes they look it i am sure somebody will track them down I actually really likem 😊 just bought new ones this month but i don’t think about paying £100+ 😊 different worlds. Glad he’s still into shoes though makes me gi awww every time i see a new pair on him. It’s the familiarity of it 😊 recognising this little hobby if his… Or not so little 😉


        • I’ve been paying around $100-$125 for shoes for the last twenty years or so, and a shoe that costs me that much lasts me for years. But I don’t think most of these designer brands sell women’s shoes in my size OR in the kind of styles I prefer to wear on a day to day basis (me not appearing on red carpets and so on).

          But I have spent thousands now on other things that might be considered frivolous, so …


          • Same here on shoes and a good decent every day pair will cost similar translated to £ here but last well I’m pretty much stuck on a Danish i think brand which fits and suits 😊 lucky job doesn’t push me to heels and i couldn’t fit into narrow tiny designer brand ones either. I often like the sleek ones in men’s designs better anyway… Good shoes are worth investing in a bit 😊


  2. I like his shoe fetish, but these are not my favourites.


  3. The spikes are a Valentino thing.. 745 a pair. Whats he got to spend his money on? Might as well be cool shoes



    • Thanks! I’ve always loved his shoe choices. I even liked Thorin Oakenshield’s boots.

      If you consider the t-shirt probably cost $10 …

      Liked by 2 people

      • And he gets so many years out of them… 😂

        Liked by 1 person

        • well, he sure did out of that one. I get “casual lunch” and it’s California and all, but even I, who consistently hang at the bottom margin of what’s considered permissible in any given setting, would have suggested a t-shirt that wasn’t quite that “ausgeleiert.”


          • As always – and totally without APM – I find that kind of little tic of his particularly “sympathisch”. Just a semblance of normality in a life otherwise hidden under top designer gear snaffled from sets or 745 $ Louboutin sneakers. It’s almost as if that is his last little show of resistance. Well done, RA, well done.

            Liked by 1 person

            • I so agree!

              Liked by 1 person

            • Ich kann dir nur zustimmen. 🙂
              (Die Schuhe… na ja.)


              • Jo, die sind auch nicht so ganz mein Fall. Außerdem schlackere ich mit den Ohren, wenn ich mir vorstelle, ich würde 800 Euro mit Füßen treten…


                • Vielleicht verschieben sich die Relationen, wenn man viel Geld zur Verfügung hat (Hat er sooo viel Geld??), aber es würden mir viele Dinge einfallen, dich mit 800 Euro tun könnte. Ein einzelnes Paar Schuhe… nicht im Traum. Was wohl Mama-Armitage zu solchen Anschaffungen sagt/sagen würde?


                  • Ganz sicher. Das merkt man ja auch an sich selbst. Wer mehr Geld zur Verfügung hat, gibt auch mehr Geld aus.


                  • I also think it’s really individual. Like — I would never spend $800 on an iPhone, but I have spent a lot on travel to see Richard Armitage. He spends not much on his t-shirts and an amazing amount on shoes.

                    As far as how much money he has — I think he can afford those shoes. He is supposed to have gotten 2M GBP for the Hobbit films, and I assume much of that was invested for him. Plus all the merchandising deals, which are supposed to be better than the salary deals.


          • But it’s so well hidden under that expensive leather jacket 😉


    • $825 Canadian! I really like them though. I’ve always loved shoes even though I can no longer wear 4 in. heels – in fact no heels at all 😦


  4. nice shoes 😊


  5. I do prefer these shoes to shoes with dog pics. His “private style” is so likeable. Maybe he is practical, the tShirt does not need to be ironed, takes little space in the suitcase…..
    Btw what a smile!


  6. Perhaps they were Claude Becker’s and he did a deal!
    He did this with Spooks in the days when he told us more, I miss that communication.


  7. I don’t like the shoes in particular, they are much too decorated for my taste. And the white sole, black upper, I saw this too often on my teenage kids.
    But I do really like his leather jacket and the shirt, which is definitely not a cheap, plain white on – look at the collar. And the shades…! Did someone mention the shades? This style suits him very well and he knows it.


    • He has said you only need a pair of aviator sunglasses and jeans to look good, it’s so much easier for men.


    • Maybe we’re talking about different things, but that shirt is available for between $6 and $15 at every low-end US retailer. It’s on sale today at Old Navy for $6 (just looked at it). I’m sure there’s a $150 version of it somewhere but I hope for his sake he’s not paying that much for his t-shirts.

      Agree, the sunglasses are great. Another part of his budget that he definitely doesn’t skimp on!


  8. […] [Did you wonder what Richard Armitage and William Choi were talking about in September? A few bits from the most recent drone eavesdropping transcripts from Richard Armitage’s luncheon with his LA agent.] […]


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