New Sleepwalker clip #richardarmitage

~ by Servetus on October 9, 2017.

12 Responses to “New Sleepwalker clip #richardarmitage”

  1. Doch mal nicht der Bösewicht? ganzganzmucksmäuschenstilleHoffnung

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sollen wir das zu hoffen wagen?? hoffnungsvollseufz
      Normalerweise ist er bösartig oder er überlebt die Sache nicht… oder beides. Ein Drama.


  2. Good accent in this clip.


  3. Creepy! Thank goodness RA (at this stage anyway) appears to be a goodie…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m looking forward to new “walling”. 😈 Yes, realize I’m a horny old broad. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This movie keeps getting more and more intriguing. I’m definitely gonna need to see it!


  6. Mmmmm, those beautiful, strong, safe arms and hands……I do hope he’s a good guy, although doctor/patient “walling” (it is a good word!) would indicate he’s ethically compromised at least. Whatever the case, this movie has me intrigued, I’m looking forward to seeing it. Unlike Plgrimage and Hannibal!


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