Richard Armitage tangentially related

Past projects:

Thing he’s said:

Stuff we’ve talked about:

Social media:

Industry issues:

~ by Servetus on February 20, 2018.

4 Responses to “Richard Armitage tangentially related”

  1. I loved pony books as a child and rode when my family could afford lessons. Both my daughters rode and now I have free time I volunteer with the Riding for the Disabled Association our mantra is ‘its not what you can’t do but what you can do’.
    PS thanks for your condolences


  2. 🙂 Je vois une différence entre faire la queue:
    – pour assister à un spectacle précommandé, pour récupérer une dédicace de sa vedette préférée, faire les soldes… : objet FUTILE
    – pour récupérer un éventuel visa, laissez-passer, droit de séjour ou pour se nourrir, s’abreuver lors de pénuries (dictature, pays en guerre, réfugiés en camps de transit) : objet VITAL.


  3. I always look forward to your ‘tangentially related’ posts. This is one of my favorites. A beautiful bricolage 🙂


  4. As always, some interesting things to read here.
    The article from Dialog International quotes the NYT about the men-women-ratio in eastern villages (two to three for one). I would like to know the source of that information. Because as far as I know thats´s not true. Overall in each German state the number of women is higher. In general this applies as well for the eastern states both in the cities and in the districts. So while there are villages and towns where women outnumber men there are nevertheless others where it´s the other way round. But not in the mentioned ratio, at least to my knowledge. It might be different if you split up the population statistics by age groups. Then we have in the eastern states indeed a surplus of men in the age between ca. mid-twenty to mid-forty (and a surplus of women from 60 on). So maybe the mentioned ratio is accurate for a particular age group but not in general. Sorry if I bothered you with that. I have to deal with statistics at work sometimes and that includes population statistics, as well (and only recently the one of 2016). Anyway, it´s totally true that still AfD attracts more men than women.


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